LOB: How can we distinguish the present, past and future tenses? LOUT: To have identified examples of the present, perfect and future tenses from Alexandre.


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Transcription de la présentation:

LOB: How can we distinguish the present, past and future tenses? LOUT: To have identified examples of the present, perfect and future tenses from Alexandre Jacqueaus letters SC: Present tense: avoir -ER verbs Perfect Tense: SPAPP 1 & SPAPP 2 Future tense:aller + infinitive near future (STEM + avoir endings) Do Now: ??(10 mins) Elicit feedback Activation: 10 mins Show and listen to the first letter from AJ. Elicit gist through modelling thinking aloud and eliciting responses from students. Indicate on living graph how AJ is feeling (use vocab handout). Identify examples of SPAPP and future tense Demonstration: 6 min Students read and listen to the second letter In pairs/groups of 3, they indicate how AJ is feeling and identify examples of SPAPP and future tense Plenary: Elicit feedback Demonstration: 6 min Students read and listen to the third letter In pairs/groups of 3, they indicate how AJ is feeling and identify examples of present and future tenses Plenary: Elicit feedback Plenary: What are the distinguishing features of the present, past and future tenses? (10 mins)


mardi dix-huit (18) juin 2013 Comment former le futur? En classe

1.Espérons que cette protection ne me quittera pas. 2.Cette guerre va être dure. 3.Le moment du départ va être difficile. 4.Quand est-ce jaurai de tes nouvelles? What do all these phrases have in common? What is different about them? Soulignez les verbes! 1.Lets hope that this protection will not leave me 2.This war is going to be hard. 3.The moment of leaving will be difficult. 4.When will I have news from you? What tense are the verbs in? What do Sentences 2 and 3 have in common?

1.Espérons que cette protection ne me quittera pas. 2.Cette guerre va être dure. 3.Le moment du départ va être difficile. 4.Quand est-ce jaurai de tes nouvelles? What do all these phrases have in common? What is different about them? Soulignez les verbes! 1.Lets hope that this protection will not leave me 2.This war is going to be hard. 3.The moment of leaving will be difficult. 4.When will I have news from you? What tense are the verbs in? What do Sentences 2 and 3 have in common?

combattre gagner perdre sauver (la France) libérer le peuple avoir 1.to fight 2.to win 3.to lose 4.to save 5.to liberate/free 6.to have

gagner – to win Je gagnerai Tu gagneras Il/Elle/On gagnera Nous gagnerons Vous gagnerez Ils/Elles gagneront SP + I + FESPIFE

Je J Tu On Il/Elle Nous Vous Ils Elles Je/J Tu Il / Elle / On Nous Vous Ils / Elles I You He/She/We We You They Subject Pronoun

Je J Tu On Il/Elle Nous Vous Ils Elles combattre gagner perdre sauver (la France) libérer le peuple avoir* aur sauver combattre gagner perdre libérer Infinitive to fight to win to lose to save to liberate to have

Je Tu On Il/Elle Nous Vous Ils Elles aur sauver combattre gagner perdre libérer Future Endings ont ez ons a as ai as a ons ez ont will


gagner – to win Je gagnerai Tu gagneras Il/Elle/On gagnera Nous gagnerons Vous gagnerez Ils/Elles gagneront SP + I + FESPIFE They will win You will win He/She/One will win You will win I will win We will win Faites correspondre les phrases au futur en français et en anglais

I will win! aigagner Je

We will win! onsgagnerNous

They will lose! ontperdrIls

We will fight! onscombattrNous

Lets practise! Tu vois les affiches pour combattre. Tu parles à ta femme. A: I will fight for France. We have to fight. B: But the children! A: We have to fight. We will win and We will save the children, the people. Well get em! The Germans will lose! B: Yes, alright my dear. You will win. You have faith in God.