

Présentations similaires
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Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns in French
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‘Les Verbes au Présent’
The ‘near’ Future.
Les Verbes au Présent (The Present Tense) What is the Present Tense ? In English and in French the present tense is used to talk about things which are.
Par Madame Cook. Some verbs form the passé composé with être, not avoir, as the auxillary or helping verb. Par exemple: Michelle a parlé au téléphone.
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Les verbes en -er. chanter – to singtelephoner – to call danser – to dancetravailler – to work diner – to have dinnervoyager –to travel ecouter – to listen.
Les Adverbes What are they? How are they formed? Where are they placed in a sentence?
Les pronoms compléments: le/la/les; lui/leur. You already know how to use direct object pronouns: Je mange le sandwich = Je le mange Il aime les films.
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Les liaisons. You have learnt that in French we tend not pronounce the final consonant of a word, such as s, n or t. However, there are times when you.
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Je regarde quelquefois la télévision.
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Subject Pronouns, the verb être, adjective agreement, and nationality
Et les adverbes ? Many adjectives can be turned into adverbs In English, this is often done by adding –ly rare rarely In French,
FRANÇAIS IV/AP S 2.2 – 2.3. Les adverbes: p A: If masculine singular adjective ends with a vowel = simply add –ment (i.e. absolument, poliment)
To compare school in France and in English
You were using the right tense then you stopped..
Welcome to a French lesson Bonjour classe Can you tell me using a verb what have you done yesterday, this morning or before you came to this class?
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Direct and Indirect Object Pronoun Notes
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Forming Adverbs An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. It often expresses how the subject performs an action. In French,
Most adverbs end in –ment (-ly in English)
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Unité 4 La grammaire d’Unité 4. Avoir - to have j‘ai nous avons tu as vous avez il a elles ont o Quel âge as-tu? – How old are you? o avoir… ans – to.
L E S UPERLATIF Chapitre 7, Grammaire 7.3 (pg 244)
A Note the forms of the irregular verbs vouloir, pouvoir, and devoir.
MODIFIER OU PRÉCISER DES ÉLÉMENTS DE LA PHRASE. Les adverbes sont des mots ou des groupes de mots invariables. Il en existe quatre types- a)bien (well)
Le Comparatif et le Superlatif
Les adverbes. modify a verb. They often describe how, when or where an action takes place. ex. Most adverbs in French end with –ment. (ly)
Les adverbes. modify a verb. They often describe how, when or where an action takes place. ex. Most adverbs in French end with –ment. (ly)
Les Prépositions de lieu en Français. Dans = In Le ver est dans la pomme.
Adverbs —Eh bien, elle peut descendre discrètement à la station suivante.
Je regarde quelquefois la télévision.
Les adverbes.
Adverbs and their placement
Transcription de la présentation:


Adverbs of manner Adverbs give information about verbs, adjectives, other adverbs, or entire sentences. Adverbs of manner tell how something is done. Most adverbs of manner are formed by adding –ment to the feminine form of the adjective.

Actif Amer Certain Cruel Doux Franc Lent Public Sérieux Active Amère Masculine feminine Adverb Actif Amer Certain Cruel Doux Franc Lent Public Sérieux Active Amère Certaine Cruelle Douce Franche Lente Publique Sérieuse Activement Amèrement Certainement Cruellement Doucement Franchement Lentement Publiquement Sérieusement

If the masculine singular form of an adjective ends in a vowel, you add –ment to form the adverb. Absolu Facile Poli Sincère Vrai Absolument Facilement Poliment Sincèrement Vraiment

If the masculine singular form of an adjective ends in –ant or –ent, -ant is replaced by -ament and -ent is replaced by –emment. Adjective Adverb Constant Courant Prudent Constamment Couramment Prudemment

Some adjectives form adverbs by adding -ément to the masculine form. Adjectives ending in –e drop the –e before –ément is added. Adjective Adverb Aveugle Commun Confus Enorme Intense Obscur Précis Profond Uniforme Aveuglément Communément Confusément t Enormément Intensément Obscurément Précisément Profondément Uniformément

A number of adjectives can be used as adverbs, mostly in set phrases. The masculine singular form of the adjective is used. Francais Anglais Parler (tout)bas Sentir bon/mauvais Couter cher Payer cher S’arrêter court Aller tout droit Travailler dur Parler/crier fort Lire tout haut Mettre la radio plus haut Chanter faux Voir clair Couper fin Tenir ferme Viser juste To speak (very) softly To smell good/bad To buy/sell at a high price To cost a lot, To pay a high price To stop short To go straight ahead To work hard To speak/yell, cry out loudly To read aloud To turn the radio up louder To sing off key To see clearly To slice thin To stand firm To aim correctly

Some adverbs are irregular. Adjective Adverb Gai Gentil Bref Bon Mauvais Meilleur Pire Gaiment Gentiment Brièvement Bien Mal Mieux Pis Happily Gently Briefly Well Badly Better Worse

Some other common adverbs of manner do not end in –ment. Francais Anglais Ainsi Debout Exprès Vite Volontiers Thus Up, awake, standing up On purpose Quickly Gladly

The use & position of adverbs of manner Usually they follow directly the verbs In compound tenses, short adverbs usually follow the auxiliary verb, and longer adverbs usually follow the past participle. When an adverb modifies and adjective or another adverb, it precede the verbs it modifies: Adverbs of manner ending in –ment can be replaced by avec plus the corresponding noun. Ils se disputent constamment . Apres le diner, ils se sont disputés amèrement et Julie a vite quitté le salon They argue constantly After dinner, they argued bitterly & Julie quickly left the living room . Cette lettre est très importante Les spectateurs étaient profondément émus. This letter is very important. The audience was deeply moved. Joyeusement Violemment Discrètement Amèrement Avec joie Avec violence Avec discrétion Avec amertume

Sans + noun is often the equivalent of English adverbs ending in –lessly or English adverbs formed from negative adjectives. D’une façon, d’une manière, d’un ton, or d’un air plus an adjective may be used in place of an adverb when no adverb exists. Sans espoir Sans honte Sans hésitation Sans succès Hopelessly Shamelessly Unhesitatingly Unsuccessfully D’une façon compétente D’une manière compatible D’un ton moqueur D’un air indécis Competently Compatibly Mockingly Indecisively

Adverbs of time Actuellement Alors Après Après-demain Aujourd’hui Auparavant Aussitôt Autrefois Avant Avant-hier Bientôt Déjà Demain Dernièrement Désormais Encore At present Then After, afterwards The day after tomorrow Today Previously, beforehand Immediately Formerly, in the past Before The day before, yesterday Soon Already, ever Tomorrow Lately From now on Still, yet, again

Encore une fois Enfin Ensuite Hier Jamais Longtemps maintenant N’importe quand Parfois Précédemment Quelquefois rarement Récemment Souvent Tard Tot Toujours Tout à l’heure Tout de suite Again At last, finally Next, following that Yesterday Never For a long time Now Anytime Sometimes Previously Rarely, seldom Recently often Late Early Always A short while ago, very soon Immediately

Many phrases expressing points in time function as adverbial phrases. Le week-end En semaine La semaine dernière/prochaine Le matin / l’après-midi Le soir/la nuit Tous les jours Toute la journée Tous les ans Tous les mois Toutes les semaines Le lendemain La veille Une fois, deux fois, etc. Une /deux fois par semaine/ mois Mardi Le mardi Mardi prochain Mardi dernier

Adverbs of place Ailleurs Autour D’ailleurs Dedans Dehors Derrière Dessous Dessus Devant En bas En haut Ici Là Loin N’importe ou Nulle part Nulle part ailleurs Partout partout ailleurs Près Quelque part Elsewhere, somewhere else Around Besides Inside outside Behind Below, under Above In front Down, downstairs Up, upstairs Here There Far away Anywhere Nowhere Nowhere else Everywhere, Everywhere else Near somewhere