C L’article partitif: du, de la LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE


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Le pronom en. What does it do? En is a french object pronoun that is used to replace many expressions dependent on quantity En mostly refers to things.
Le pronom en Some or any. Notice the use of en in the responses. 1. Tu fais du jogging. Oui, jen fais. 2. Vous avez fait de la gymnastique? Oui, nous.
A Les pronoms compléments me, te, nous, vous p. 388 In the sentences below, the pronouns in heavy print are called OBJECT PRONOUNS. Note the form and.
The Partitive French 1 Ch 8. What is the partitive? When discussing food, you need to be able to indicate whether you are talking about a whole item or.
Formation of the partitive: JUST LIKE THE PREPOSITION DE : Ex. Je rentre de l é cole. MASCULINE de + le =_____ Je voudrais___pain. FEMININE de + la= _____.
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A Le verbe être et les pronoms sujets p. 84 Être (to be) is the most frequently used verb in French. Note the forms of être in the chart below. être to.
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Mercredi le 28 novembre. Warm-up Ask in 3 different ways the following statements: John et Sophie sont à lécole.
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Soyez à la mode! 7 7 UNITÉ Quit Les vieilles robes de Mamie 28 LEÇON B Le pronom démonstratif celui p. 401 A Le pronom interrogatif lequel p. 400.
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ARTICLES!. First – Review what we know Indefinite Article = a (an entire___) – Un – Une – Des Definite Article = the – Le – La – les.
A Note the forms of the irregular verb boire (to drink). boire Je
What does en mean? The object pronoun en usually means some or of them.
Le paratif et l’article défini
Larticle partitif: Voilà… un poulet un melon une pizza une tarte une eau minérale du poulet du melon de la pizza de la tarte de leau minérale.
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Chapitre 8 Au marché. Le partitif (to indicate part of something) du, de la, de l, des = some du (de + le) = some of masculine item Je veux du lait. de.
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A Les verbes en -er: le singulier p. 94 The basic form of a verb is called the infinitive. Many French infinitives end in -er. Most of these verbs are.
A Note the words in heavy print:
A Le verbe aller p. 206 Aller (to go) is the only IRREGULAR verb that ends in -er. Note the forms of aller in the present tense. aller to go je vais I.
A Le verbe avoir p. 152 The verb avoir (to have, to own) is irregular. Note the forms of this verb in the present tense. avoir to have j’ai I have J’ai.
A Compare the forms of the adjectives in heavy print as they
A The words in heavy type are called OBJECT PRONOUNS.
Les Articles de la langue français.
La Grammaire: Indefinite articles and plural of nouns Page 24.
A Note the forms of the irregular verbs vouloir, pouvoir, and devoir.
Saying “some” in different ways
Leçon 11, Partie 2 Definite, indefinite, and partitive articles.
Les adjectifs possessifs
When we are expressing our likes, dislikes and preferences, we use the Definite Article.
Les Articles Définis le français I. Révision 0 What is an article? 0 a word like “a,” “an,” or “the” 0 What are the indefinite articles in French? 0 un,
_______________________ ________________________
Le verbe ‘vouloir’ to want Nous voulons Je veux Vous voulez Tu veux
LE CHOIX DES ARTICLES Français II Leçon 11. THE DEFINITE ARTICLE Definite articles = the – Le – masculinel’- before a vowel – La – feminineles – plural.
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1 Notes de Grammaire 1 Les nombres de 30 à 60 trente trente et un trente-deux trente-trois trente-quatre trente-cinq trente-six trente-sept trente-huit.
UNITÉ 9 : LEÇON 34 – PARTIE C : L’article partitif.
L’article partitif The partitive article To talk about food in French you will have to use the partitive article, which is translated as ‘some’ or ‘any’
Wednesday, March 22 and Thursday, March 23
Copiez l’objectif et conjuguez les verbes sans vos notes.
Objective: to learn when to use:
Point de départ The verbs prendre (to take, to have) and boire (to drink), like être, avoir, and aller, are irregular. © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning,
Point de départ Use partitive articles in French to express some or any. To form the partitive, use the preposition de followed by a definite article.
Partitive Articles.
MASCULINE un a un gâteau, un poulet FEMININE une a
L’article indéfini.
Article some masculine feminine plural ©NicoleRichelle.
Transcription de la présentation:

C L’article partitif: du, de la LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE The pictures on the left represent whole items: a whole chicken, a whole cake, a whole head of lettuce, a whole fish. The nouns are introduced by INDEFINITE ARTICLES: un, une. Voici … The pictures on the right represent a part or some quantity of these items: a serving of chicken, a slice of cake, some leaves of lettuce, a piece of fish. The nouns are introduced by PARTITIVE ARTICLES: du, de la. Voilà … un poulet du poulet Continued...

C Voici … Voilà … un gâteau du gâteau une salade de la salade L’article partitif: du, de la LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE Voici … Voilà … un gâteau du gâteau une salade de la salade Continued...

C Voici … Voilà … une sole de la sole LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE L’article partitif: du, de la LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE Voici … Voilà … une sole de la sole Continued...

C L’article partitif: du, de la FORMS The PARTITIVE ARTICLE is used to refer to A CERTAIN QUANTITY or A CERTAIN AMOUNT OF SOMETHING and corresponds to the English some or any. It has the following forms: MASCULINE du some du fromage, du pain FEMININE de la some de la salade, de la limonade Note that du and de la become de l’ before a vowel sound. de l’eau minérale Link to Image Continued...

D In negative sentences, the PARTITIVE ARTICLE follows the pattern: L’article partitif dans les phrases négatives In negative sentences, the PARTITIVE ARTICLE follows the pattern: du, de la (de l’) ne … pas de (d’) Marc prend du café. Éric ne prend pas de café. Sophie prend de la limonade. Alain ne prend pas de limonade. Anne prend de l’eau. Nicole ne prend pas d’eau.

L’article Partitif