Volume 18, Issue 6, Pages (June 2016)


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Transcription de la présentation:

Volume 18, Issue 6, Pages 529-539 (June 2016) Congenital bile duct cyst (BDC) is a more indolent disease in children compared to adults, except for Todani type IV-A BDC: results of the European multicenter study of the French Surgical Association  Mehdi Ouaissi, Reza Kianmanesh, Emilia Ragot, Jacques Belghiti, Barbara Wildhaber, Gennaro Nuzzo, Remi Dubois, Yann Revillon, Daniel Cherqui, Daniel Azoulay, Chritian Letoublon, François-René Pruvot, Adeline Roux, Jean-Yves Mabrut, Jean-François Gigot Jean De Ville de Goyet, Catherine Hubert, Jan Lerut, Jean-Bernard Otte, Raymond Reding, Olivier Farges, Alain Sauvanet, Oulhaci Wassila, Barbara Wildhaber, Felice Giulante, Francesco Ardito, Maria De Rose Agostino, Thomas Gelas, Pierre-Yves Mure, Jacques Baulieux, Christian Gouillat, Christian Ducerf, Sabine Irtan, Sabine Sarnacki, Alexis Laurent, Philippe Compagnon, Chady Salloum, Roger Lebeau, Olivier Risse, Stéphanie Truant, Emmanuel Boleslawski, François Corfiotti, Patrick Rat, Alexandre Doussot, Pablo Ortega-Deballon, François Paye, Pierre Balladur, Mustapha Adham, Christian Partensky, Taore Alhassane, Karim Boudjema, Catelin Tiuca Dane, Yves- Patrice Le Treut, Mathieu Rinaudo, Jean Hardwigsen, Hélène Martelli, Frédéric Gauthier, Sophie Branchereau, Simon Msika, Daniel Sommacale, Jean-Pierre Palot, Ahmet Ayav, Charles-Alexandre Laurain, Massimo Falconi, Denis Castaing, Oriana Ciacio, René Adam, Eric Vibert, Roberto Troisi, Aude Vanlander, Stéphane Geiss, Gilles De Taffin, Denis Collet, Antonio Sa Cunha, Laurent Duguet, Bouzid Chafik, Kamal Bentabak, Abdelaziz Graba, Nicolas Meurisse, Jacques Pirenne, Lorenzo Capussotti, Serena Langelle, Nermin Halkic, Nicolas Demartines, Alessandra Cristaudi, Gaëtan Molle, Baudouin Mansvelt, Massimo Saviano, Gelmini Roberta, Ousema Baraket, Samy Bouchoucha, Bernard Sastre Mehdi Ouaissi, Reza Kianmanesh, Emilia Ragot, Jacques Belghiti, Barbara Wildhaber, Gennaro Nuzzo, Remi Dubois, Yann Revillon, Daniel Cherqui, Daniel Azoulay, Chritian Letoublon, François-René Pruvot, Adeline Roux, Jean- Yves Mabrut, Jean-François Gigot Jean De Ville de Goyet, Catherine Hubert, Jan Lerut, Jean-Bernard Otte, Raymond Reding, Olivier Farges, Alain Sauvanet, Oulhaci Wassila, Barbara Wildhaber, Felice Giulante, Francesco Ardito, Maria De Rose Agostino, Thomas Gelas, Pierre-Yves Mure, Jacques Baulieux, Christian Gouillat, Christian Ducerf, Sabine Irtan, Sabine Sarnacki, Alexis Laurent, Philippe Compagnon, Chady Salloum, Roger Lebeau, Olivier Risse, Stéphanie Truant, Emmanuel Boleslawski, François Corfiotti, Patrick Rat, Alexandre Doussot, Pablo Ortega-Deballon, François Paye, Pierre Balladur, Mustapha Adham, Christian Partensky, Taore Alhassane, Karim Boudjema, Catelin Tiuca Dane, Yves-Patrice Le Treut, Mathieu Rinaudo, Jean Hardwigsen, Hélène Martelli, Frédéric Gauthier, Sophie Branchereau, Simon Msika, Daniel Sommacale, Jean-Pierre Palot, Ahmet Ayav, Charles-Alexandre Laurain, Massimo Falconi, Denis Castaing, Oriana Ciacio, René Adam, Eric Vibert, Roberto Troisi, Aude Vanlander, Stéphane Geiss, Gilles De Taffin, Denis Collet, Antonio Sa Cunha, Laurent Duguet, Bouzid Chafik, Kamal Bentabak, Abdelaziz Graba, Nicolas Meurisse, Jacques Pirenne, Lorenzo Capussotti, Serena Langelle, Nermin Halkic, Nicolas Demartines, Alessandra Cristaudi, Gaëtan Molle, Baudouin Mansvelt, Massimo Saviano, Gelmini Roberta, Ousema Baraket, Samy Bouchoucha, Bernard Sastre  HPB  Volume 18, Issue 6, Pages 529-539 (June 2016) DOI: 10.1016/j.hpb.2016.04.005 Copyright © 2016 International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association Inc. Terms and Conditions

Figure 1 Comparison between adults and children of Imaging according to BDC subtype in the Todani classification (MRCP: Magnetic resonace cholangio-pancreatography; ERCP: Endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography) HPB 2016 18, 529-539DOI: (10.1016/j.hpb.2016.04.005) Copyright © 2016 International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association Inc. Terms and Conditions

Figure 2 Flow chart of management of patients suffering from bile duct cysts with synchronous cancer HPB 2016 18, 529-539DOI: (10.1016/j.hpb.2016.04.005) Copyright © 2016 International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association Inc. Terms and Conditions