+ Do Now: What do you think the focus of our new SoL is going to be? (15 mins) Watch the film clip from Un long dimanche de fiancailles from beginning.


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+ Do Now: What do you think the focus of our new SoL is going to be? (15 mins) Watch the film clip from Un long dimanche de fiancailles from beginning.
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Transcription de la présentation:

+ Do Now: What do you think the focus of our new SoL is going to be? (15 mins) Watch the film clip from Un long dimanche de fiancailles from beginning – 2m37; 3m 24 – 5m 35 Elicit feedback: What do you think the focus is? Dump it down! Dump down everything you know about WW1 (chance for students to recall their learning from History WW1 SoL) On tables, organise knowledge into categories eg trenches/key events/places/emotional impact/weapons Elicit feedback from each table Big Picture: explain the SoL. We will be studying WW1 for the next 5 weeks from the French perspective. By the end of the 5 weeks, you will conduct a piece of creative writing, imagining you are the soldier AJ writing a letter). We will be watching clips of films, looking at real letters and conducting some thinking skills activities. You will be required to work in pairs, small groups and on your own. Your knowledge and understanding about WW1 will help you. Activation: 10 mins 1. Show Fifi Framboise: Je mappelle.../Jai.../Je suis... (should activate prior learning from Murder Mystery SoL) Model aloud how to complete gaps and thinking process for choosing the words from the box. 2. Show how to put into 3 rd person Elicit feedback What was my thinking process? How did I work it all out? Demonstration: 9 mins Show students photo of AJ. Students 1.complete cloze text using the words from the box and borrowing Ts thinking process. 2.Put text into 3 rd person Extension: What extra information could be included? Elicit feedback Plenary: What information is missing? eg adjectives? intensifiers? (7 mins) Demonstration: Improve your descriptions (3 mins) Plenary: Ticket out the door: Answer the objective question


mardi quatorze (14) mai 2013 Comment améliorer nos descriptions? En classe

Décrivez Madeleine et Jean

What have we learned?

Il sappelle Claude et il a quatorze ans. Physiquement, il a les cheveux courts, bruns et très raides qui révèlent ses grandes oreilles. Claude est assez grand pour son âge mais vraiment timide. Il a lair dêtre assuré cependant en réalité il est effrayé. Il aime jouer au foot avec sa sœur et ses copains mais il déteste la guerre parce quil adore son papa et son papa est soldat. What makes this a successful description?

Il sappelle Claude et il a quatorze ans. Physiquement, il a les cheveux courts, bruns et très raides qui révèlent ses grandes oreilles. Claude est assez grand pour son âge mais vraiment timide. Il a lair dêtre assuré cependant en réalité il est effrayé. Il aime jouer au foot avec sa sœur et ses copains mais il déteste la guerre parce quil adore son papa et son papa est soldat.

Il sappelle Claude et il a quatorze ans. He is called Claude and he is 14 years old. Physiquement, il a les cheveux courts, bruns et très Physically, he has short brown, very straight hair raides qui révèlent ses grandes oreilles. Claude est assez which reveals his big ears. Claude is quite grand pour son âge mais vraiment timide. big for his age but really shy. Il a lair dêtre assuré cependant en réalité il est effrayé. He seems to be confident however in reality he is scared. Il aime jouer au foot avec sa sœur et ses copains mais il He likes to play football with his sister and his friends but déteste la guerre parce quil adore son papa et son papa He hates the war because he loves his dad and his dad est soldat. is a soldier.

vendredi 10 mai 2013 Comment améliorer nos descriptions? En classe Next lesson: 14 th May HW overdue: DTs Do Now - Critique peer descriptions IT room to polish?

Traduisez les phrases suivantes: Life in the trenches was hard, dangerous and depressing. Often there were rats. Because of the rain, it was very muddy. Despite the weapons, the soldiers often were helpless.