SPS EYETS 2016/2017 Planning meeting (No.12) 25/01/17


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Transcription de la présentation:

SPS EYETS 2016/2017 Planning meeting (No.12) 25/01/17 David Mcfarlane EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

Extended YETS 2016-2017 Reference time : 13 Weeks from Beam off until we close the SPS (12th December until the 24th March) EDMS: 1470895 EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

Key dates Beam off at 06:00 on Monday the 12th December Access into BA7, TI2, TAG41, TAG42 & TI8: Monday the 12th December until Friday the 24th March 2017. 13 weeks of access. Access into BA3,4,5 & 6: Thursday the 15th December until Friday the 24th March 2017. 12.4 weeks of access. XMAS holidays: Thursday the 22nd December to Wednesday the 4th January inclusive Access into BA1 & BA2: Thursday the 5th January until Friday the 24th March 2017. 11.4 weeks of access. 4 weeks foreseen for EPC tests and cold-checkout by OP. SPS will take beam from the PS on Monday the 24th April 2017, followed by 1 week for beam setup. SPS ready to give beam to the LHC on Monday the 1st May 2017! EN/ACE/OSS BE/OP EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

SPS Water Availability Location De-min Circuit stop date Primary Water Off De-min Circuit start date Comments BA1 20/12/16 09-13/01/17 27/02/17 (Main Magnet & Power supplies for Kickers) Remaining circuit 13/03/17 BA2 14/12/16 (end) 06-10/02/17 20/02/17 Available for users from 06/03/17 BA3 19/12/16 27/02-03/03/17 (inc BEQ2 & BEQ3) 13/03/17 BB3 16-20/01/17 (except RF Skid) BA4 15/12/16 (end) 09-13/01/17 (Coldex) 17/02/17 (Main Magnet & Power supplies for Kickers) Remaining circuits 13/03/17 BA5 16/12/16 (end) 16-20/01/17 BA6 14/12/16(end) 16/12/16 – 16/01/17 (SF1) 27/02/17 Available for users from 13/03/17 BA7 12/12/17 EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

Test AUG/ Access Tests (Access will be blocked) Location AUG test Access tests Global test access safety system SPS Auto Transfer Test 4th & 5th February 16th December (15:00 to 17:00) 23rd March (chain 1) 24th March (Chain 2,3,4,5) BA1 13th February 27th January (PM) BA2 15th February 23rd January (PM) BA3 16th February 24th January (AM) BA4 ECX4 TAG42 TAG41 28th February 24th January (PM) 25th January (AM) 25th January (PM) 3rd February (PM) BA5 ECX5/ECA5 1st March 26th January (AM) 26th January (PM) BA6 20th January 27th January (AM) BA7 TT61 10th January 23rd January (AM) 30th January (AM) BA80 4th April 3rd February (AM) 13th March (1 day) “Test interverrouillage ventilation”

Barriers blocking access EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

ENNC2017-015 - ELECTRICITE - SPS - ZONE 13 - BA3 - BAT. 870 - du 23.01.17 8h00 au 01.02.17 16h00 Veuillez prendre connaissance de la note de coupure « ELECTRICITE - SPS - ZONE 13 – BA3 – Bâtiment 870 – Réseau Ondulé 230V - Projet de rénovation électrique SPS Zone 13 – Dépose tableau électrique EOD216/A3 et UPS EBS46/A3 » prévue du lundi 23 janvier 2017 à 8h00 au mercredi 1er février 2017 à 16h00 https://edms.cern.ch/ui/file/1748269/1/ENNC_EL_2017_015.pdf EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

Access restrictions to areas of the SPS Zone Dates of restricted access Comments TI2 (LHC side) 10th February to 13th March LHC cool down in sector 1-2 TT20 6th March onwards EPC tests in TT20 TAG41/TAG42 1st February to 17th March AWAKE area will be closed TI8/TJ8 Not possible to access due to Laser tests in the AWAKE area.* *News from the AWAKE coordination: Go on with the activity related to cabling and fibre Optics for SPS, passing through AWAKE. (TAG41, 42) When there will be laser test, the date will be communicate to you and cabling team, and on that date the cabling will be interrupted; it will be only some days, but the laser team cannot define any specific date for the moment. EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

Lift & Monte-charge Maintenance January EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

Consignations It is the responsibility of the Equipment owner to consign any equipment that they will be working on. Please ensure that The coordination team has a copy of all main consignations of the SPS. Do not assume something is consigned. Check first. EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

All people who must enter in ECA5 will access by BA5. Access into ECA5 While the shielding wall separating ECX5 and ECA5 is removed: All people who must enter in ECA5 will access by BA5. 12th December until 15th March. In order to keep the patrol and the integrity of the area safe, the lift in ECA5 should not be used during this period, only for evacuation. By accessing through BA5, we can guarantee that people are registered and they have their SPS safety courses. A security panel with a chain will be installed at the bottom of the lift : "Do not use the lift, only for evacuation" by the TSO (Franck Bais) If one of the 3 ECA5 doors at the top of the cavern is forced, the CSA will re-arm it at the end of the day. EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

MSE exchange in LSS4 L’activité en référence aura lieu le lundi 30 janvier au plus tôt (idéal dès 8h30). Cela veut dire que Vacuum aura cassé le vide, mis sous azote dès le 27 janvier. Il n’y aura pas de groupe de pompage prévu pour cette opération, le flexible passera par-dessus les équipements au niveau du TPSG4 amont. Il n’y aura pas de 2ème flux en aval (au cas où, il y a des piquages cotés extérieur anneau le long du circuit hydrauliques des MSE sur la poutre). En parallèle, le Transport récupèrera les 6 aimants MSE (provenance 955/867) les mercredi 25 et jeudi 26 janvier, sur 3 remorques. Le stockage des aimants (3 au sol et 3 sur remorques) sera au ECX4, devant les MSE sous le pont. Une remorque sera préparée au 867 avec modification de ZS en MSE pour le déplacement du tank MSE situé au 867. TE-ABT s’occupe de cette opération dès lundi 23. Le transport doit aussi ramener le Prat et le palonnier MSE du LSS6 vers le LSS4 rapidement. Le palonnier a été vérifié pour utilisation. Il sera stocké dans le TA du BA4. ABT prépare les tanks MSE pour démontage (retrait des connexions électriques, ouverture des plug-in, retrait des barrières, racks d’étuvage en sous terrain du ECX4, blocage de la poutre en position). Les demandes EDH/TREC de transport et manutention seront déjà créées. Le jour de l’intervention, le tank 1 amont MSE sera le 1er à être enlever avec le Prat avec dépose sur remorque devant le TA. Remontage du tank 1 neuf. Pas de flux d’azote nécessaire. Avant le démontage du 1er tank (mais après ouverture des colliers), vérification du tilt par Survey. Après mise en place nouveau tank (avant fermeture du collier), vérification du nouveau tilt et ajustement si nécessaire (Survey). Les tanks suivant seront démontés avec le pont. A voir pour le dernier tank (n°6) si utilisation du Prat. Les 3 tanks amont (les + radioactifs) seront déposés sur les remorques pour transfert au BA3 et 955 directement. Les 3 derniers resteront dans l’alcôve ECX4 en attendant leur prise en charge (balisage à prévoir - RP). Prévoir une zone de stockage au BA3 en cas de mauvais temps. Vacuum montera un groupe de pompage amont (côté TPSG4) pour le pompage primaire et détection de fuites (limitation du passage, le temps de pompage et étuvage des MSE ~3 semaines). EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

SPS cleaning campaign There will be a 3 week cleaning campaign in the SPS tunnel starting on the last week of February. The current schedule is as follows: Wk.1 (27th Feb to 3rd March)  BA3 and then BA4 Wk.2 (6th March to 10th March) BA2 and then BA1 Wk.3 (13th March to 17th March) BA5 and then BA6   This will leave the final week as a back-up. EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

Rubbish in the tunnel BA1: BA6: EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

IMPACT Statistics (EYETS-SPS-2016/2017) Number of IMPACTS “Waiting for Approval”: 38 Number of IMPACTS “in progress”: 145 Number of IMPACTS “approved”: 73 Number of IMPACTs “Late”: 60 Number of IMPACTs “Closed” or Finished”: 112 EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

Please fill out your IMPACTs correctly!!!!! Correct intervention period: DO NOT LEAVE IT BLANK!!!!!!! (EYETS-SPS-2016/2017) Do not leave proposed schedule Blank!!!! I am not psychic!!! If you clone an IMPACT: Check the dates are correct Check the location is correct Check the description is correct (not just the title) Basically, CHECK EVERYTHING!!!! If you have already completed your IMPACT them please check that the dates in IMPACT match that of your planning and are also correct in the master schedule planning. If they are not then please contact me so that we can rectify the problem. WHEN YOU HAVE COMPLETED YOU WORKS DO NOT FORGET TO CLOSE YOUR IMPACT!!!!!!! EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

Don’t forget to add Vacuum to your IMPACT if you need them.   Supervisor: Chiara Pasquino e-group: te-vsc-ivm-LS1 40-30: Alain Grimaud 40-30: Frederic Vial 40-30: Lindsay Morgan Fabre 40-30: Olivier Pangolin EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane


SRRs and ECRs for the SPS SPS planning and coordination meeting for EYETS 2016/2017 SRRs and ECRs for the SPS Sonia Bartolomé Jiménez EN-ACE-CL – 25th January 2017

SRRs and ECRs: reminder All changes to the machine that will impact the beam shall be documented by SRRs/ECRs: SRR: Space Reservation Request (“light ECR”) ECR: Engineering Change Request Templates available on: https://quality.web.cern.ch/templates-requests To be sent to the SPS configuration manager: Sonia.Bartolome@cern.ch or ecr-configuration@cern.ch Sonia Bartolomé Jiménez EN-ACE-CL – 25th January 2017

SPS ECRs for EYETS 2016/2017: status LIU-SPS project EDMS Number Title Doc type EDMS Status Authors SPS-BCTW-EC-0001 SRR: New Fast BCT for SPS LSS5 (EYETS 2016-2017) SRR Accepted (ECR) Lars Soby (BE/BI) SPS-V-EC-0005 Modification of the SPS sectorization in long vacuum sectors (arcs) ECR Chiara Pasquino (TE/VSC) SPS-VF-EC-0001 SPS flange impedance reduction in EYETS 2016-2017 Jaime Perez Espinos (TE/VSC) SPS-BCTW-EC-0002 BCTW for LSS5 of the SPS ring (EYETS 2016-2017) SPS-VC-EC-0001 SPS amorphous carbon coating in EYETS 2016-2017 Mattias Van Gompel (TE/VSC) SPS-JHCAA-EC-0001 Construction of concrete support structure for new LIU beam dump in SPS ECX5 Approval Accepted Richard Morton (SMB/SE) SPS-BLMD-EC-0001 Installation of a Beam Loss Diamond Detector in SPS LSS1 during EYETS 2016-2107 Lars Jensen (BE/BI) Sonia Bartolomé Jiménez EN-ACE-CL – 25th January 2017

Sonia Bartolomé Jiménez EN-ACE-CL – 25th January 2017 SPS ECRs for EYETS 2016/2017: status Non LIU-SPS project EDMS Number Title Doc type EDMS Status Authors SPS-LJ-EC-0004 Installation of a crab-cavity cryomodule and related infrastructure in LSS6 SRR Accepted (ECR) Giovanna Vandoni (BE/RF) ACC-RFB-EC-0001 New Table Format for Function Generator/Controllers (FGC) ECR Quentin King (TE/EPC) SPS-BSHV-EC-0002 Removal of the scraper BSHV.51659 from LSS5 of the SPS Edouard Grenier-Boley (EN/STI) SPS-LJ-EC-0006 HL-LHC Crab-cavity infrastructure in SPS: tunnel areas (EYETS 2016-2017) SPS-TIDVG-EC-0001 Modifications to the TIDVG during 2016 Paula Rios Rodriguez (EN/STI) SPS-HJP-EC-0002 Installation of a protective barrier for SPS sectors 430 and 431 ground supports Roberto Salemme (TE/VSC) SPS-QRWPU-EC-0001 Installation of two Helium 2K Pumping Units in LSS6 SPS (BA6) New Giovanna Vandoni (BE/RF) SPS-Y-EC-0001 Radiation monitor interlocks at the SPS Approval Accepted Markus Widorski (HSE/RP) SPS-BLM-EC-0001 Pilot installation of Beam Loss Monitors along the COLDEX experiment SPS-B-EC-0004 Removal of obsolete BI equipment in LSS4 of the SPS Enrico Bravin (BE/BI) Sonia Bartolomé Jiménez EN-ACE-CL – 25th January 2017

External Visitors If you have any external personnel needing to access the SPS for visits before starting works then you need to read the following document: "Etapes à suivre pour organiser des visites professionnelles dans les installations faisceaux" by CHRISTELLE GAIGNANT Link: https://edms.cern.ch/document/1281098/2.5/TAB3 EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

Access rights and safety equipment EVERYONE who enters the SPS MUST have the following: Completed the correct courses. (sir.cern.ch) CERN Safety Introduction. Electrical Safety Awareness. (19 choices) Self Rescue Mask Training. (4 choices) CERN – Beam Facilities. SPS – Machine. The correct access authorisation (via EDH). CHECK YOUR ACCESS RIGHTS HAVE NOT EXPIRED!!!! Zone Code “SPS” for access into the SPS Zone Code “NA_TARG” for access into BA80 Zone Code “TAG41 - AWAKE (ex-CNGS) (TAG41)” for access into the old CNGS areas Zone Code “SPS-KN-000” for “Autorisation conduite RTL” Zone Code “SPS-KN-001” for “SPS Shutdown Padlock” (only used during Long Shutdowns) Safety shoes. Biocell. Electronic dosimetre. Passive dosimetre. (All contractors must have an additional company passive dosimetre!!) Helmet plus Light. A valid approved IMPACT. (with their name included on this IMPACT) They must know the number of this IMPACT. Please note that personnel are not allowed to work in the tunnel alone!! EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

Important Contacts Useful Contact Numbers SPS Coordination Team David MCFARLANE- 164247 Franck BAIS – 165467 Aurelio Berjillos BARRANCO - 167850 Control Room SPS CCC – 77500 TI CCC – 72201 CSA - 62511 RP Christophe Tromel – 163199 Angelito Herve – 163168 Nadine Conan (BA1) – 160641 Kurt Weiss (BA7) -160759 EROS Engineering Referent for Operational Safety Emmanuel Paulat – 163870 John Etheridge - 164647 EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

Round Table (1) Group Contact Persons Comments EN/EL EN/CV EN/STI Guillaume Gros Denis Ribiollet Jeremy Blanc EN/CV Bill Bannister (Water) Vivien Koutcheroff (Ventilation) EN/STI Jerome Lendaro Simone Montesano TE/MSC Jeremie Bauche Pascal Catherine TE/EPC Karsten Kahle (High power) Gilles Le Godec (Medium power) TE/VSC Jose A. Ferreira Anthony Harrison Chiara Pasquino TE/ABT Francesco Castronuovo (Kickers) Gael Bellotto Cedric Baud (Septas) BE/RF Eric Montesinos Christophe Renaud Gino Cipolla BE/BI Raymond Veness Morad Hamani BE/CO Magnus Bjork IT/CS Maryse Da Costa EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

Round Table (2) Group Contact Persons Comments BE/ICS HSE/RP EN/ACE Didier Vaxelaire (Access) Denis Raffourt (Fire detection) HSE/RP Christophe Tromel Angelito Herve EN/ACE Patrick Bestmann (Survey) Sonia Bartolomé (Integration) Fred Galleazzi (Intergration) Emmanuel Paulat (Safety) EN/HE Patrick Vallet (Transport) Nicolas Perez (Lifts) BE/OP James Ridewood Stephane Cettour Cave SMB/SE Alejandro Martinez Selles Crab Cavity Giovanna Vandoni EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

A.O.B. EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

Useful websites Link to SPS planning meetings on INDICO https://indico.cern.ch/category/8122/ Link to the SPS planning https://pwa.cern.ch/Projects-Accelerator-Complex-Schedules/Projects.aspx https://edms.cern.ch/document/1736834/1 Roadmap: Schedule beyond LS1 http://ls1ls2.web.cern.ch/ Next meeting 01/02/2017 30-7-010 EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane