Finger Rhyme 2 Autumn Term Module 2
Finger Rhyme 2 Provide regular opportunities for children to learn and practise a finger rhyme You model each segment of language and its matching action You pause to invite the children to speak in chorus, echoing your words and copying your action Children gradually learn to perform it by heart
Voici ma main hold up hand, fingers closed Voici mes doigts spread out and wiggle fingers Le petit – rentre chez toi ! fold down little finger Le moyen – rentre chez toi ! fold down 4th finger Le grand – rentre chez toi ! fold down middle finger put thumb against middle finger (still folded down) Et toi ! Mets ton nez là ! fold down index finger to trap thumb, whose nose now sticks out
Voici ma main Here is my hand Voici mes doigts Here are my fingers Le petit – rentre chez toi ! Little finger – go home! Le moyen – rentre chez toi ! Medium-sized finger – go home! Le grand – rentre chez toi ! Big finger – go home! And you! Et toi ! Mets ton nez là ! Put your nose there!
Finger Rhyme 2 Voici ma main Voici mes doigts Le petit – rentre chez toi ! Le moyen – rentre chez toi ! Le grand – rentre chez toi ! Et toi… mets ton nez là !