CERN Open Days th, 28th & 29th of September


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Transcription de la présentation:

CERN Open Days 2013 27th, 28th & 29th of September Vacuum Surfaces & Coating

Friday 27th of September: visit for the VIPs Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th of September: visit for the general public SMA18: Le vide, un monde rempli d’idées. Les visiteurs découvriront les étonnantes propriétés du vide au travers d’un parcours ludique. Il vous sera montré que sous vide, les objets se déforment, que le son devient inaudible, que les plumes tombent aussi vite que le plomb, et bien d’autres choses. Les plasmas de gaz raréfiés seront aussi dévoilés, ainsi que leurs applications dans la production de revêtements bien plus fins qu’un cheveu.  La caisse à outils des experts sera ouverte : matériaux, pompes et instruments de mesure vous seront accessibles.    113: Le vide et le LHC. Dix mille milliards de fois moins dense : c'est l’atmosphère dans laquelle les particules des faisceaux circulent dans le LHC. Pour y parvenir, matériaux, traitements thermiques et de surfaces internes des chambres à vide, étanchéité  sont choisis avec des critères très rigoureux. Il vous sera proposé de découvrir les secrets de la technologie de l’ultravide et parcourir les difficultés qu'il convient de surmonter afin de créer et préserver la faible densité de matière: une petite portion d’espace interstellaire sous vos pieds et devant vous !     

Building SMA18 “Vacuum is a world full of ideas” 14 activities 13 animators 2 flow regulators

Building 113 “Vacuum and the LHC” 5 activities 5 guides 1 flow regulator

Each guide or animator will receive the technical sheets of the activities. On them you will find: - how to operate the activity - the scientific explanation - some additional information to better answer questions from the public An A0 poster describing the activity will be installed next to each one Friday 20th of September at 9:00 am: Training of the volunteers on the experiments

Building SMA18 : 1st activity Pictures on giant screen Pictures are available here Do not hesitate to send me more pictures of you during your interventions

Building SMA18 : 2nd activity Funny experiments with vacuum: vacuum can lift heavy weights

Building SMA18 : 3rd activity Funny experiments with vacuum: water in every form Liquid Liquid, solid, vapour

Building SMA18 : 4th activity Funny experiments with vacuum: the ball and the feather

Building SMA18 : 5th activity Funny experiments with vacuum: the sound under vacuum

Building SMA18 : 6th activity Funny experiments with vacuum: under vacuum, the objects deform

Building SMA18 : 7th activity Funny experiments with vacuum: vacuum deform plastic bottles

Building SMA18 : 8th activity Funny experiments with vacuum: did we really walk on the moon? Why is the flag flying when there is no air on the moon?

Building SMA18 : 9th activity A look at some of our activities: films & pictures of dynamics simulations

Building SMA18 : 10th activity A look at some of our activities: demonstration of sputtering coating system

Building SMA18 : 11st activity A look at some of our activities: an example of plasma, the northern lights

Building SMA18 : 12nd activity A look at some of our activities: the vacuum is still populated when we look through the gas analyser

Building SMA18 : 13rd activity Funny experiments with vacuum: the cryogenic trap, vacuum can move matter!

Building SMA18 : 14th activity Material of some companies

Building 113 : 1st activity A look at some of our activities: presentation of LSS vacuum chambers

Building 113 : 2nd activity A look at some of our activities: presentation of the coil machine

Building 113 : 3rd activity A look at some of our activities: presentation of the machine for testing bellows

Building 113 : 4th activity Presentation of some material

Building 113 : 5th activity A look at some of our activities: the visitors will find the leaks on two vacuum systems

Concerning the volunteers A mandatory training for the guides will be available soon on At building 73 with your ID, you will soon be able to collect: a suit (T-shirt, cap, k-way, armband for first aiders…), and a badge for you car For the safety actors, the guides, the site managers and the crowd marshals please book one of the slots below for a mandatory safety training: Monday 16th of september 08:30-10:00 (room 222) Monday 16th of september 10:15-12:00 (room 222) Tuesday 17th of september 08:30-10:00 (864/1-D02) Tuesday 17th of september 10:15-12:00 (864/1-D02) For the first-aiders, please book one of the slots below for a mandatory safety training: Friday 20th of september 8h30-10h (500-1-001) Friday 20th of september 10h15-12h (500-1-001) Monday 23rd of september 8h30-10h (room 222) Monday 23rd of september 10h15-12h (room 222)

Concerning the volunteers The table is not definitive, do not hesitate to ask for a change There are 2 or 1 period of time per person (excepted for very specific activities) A breather room will be installed in each building You can also arrange with your co-workers of a same timetable to exchange your activities for some hours

Concerning the voluntaries Rappel: all the voluntaries should be registered on the Official Web-site of the OpenDays: Register as Surface Guide or Animator Location: Vacuum Your availabilities (Tick “Afternoon” if you will be there from 12:00 to 16:00 or 16:00 to 20:00)

Ticketing for underground visit. You can find some additional information concerning the Open Days on the official web-site: Ticketing for underground visit.

Thank you for your attention!