Integrated Coastal Area Management


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Transcription de la présentation:

Integrated Coastal Area Management Downscaling the Mediterranean ICZM Protocol to the local level The example of Var, France Yves Henocque Bernard Kalaora Xavier Lafon

Putting into context European/national/mediterranean European Integrated Maritime Policy French Maritime Strategy French Mediterranean Coastal and Marine Area Management Scheme Mediterranean ICZM Protocol

Catchment area – maritime area to build up Coherence between Catchment area – maritime area to build up Water Framework Directive SDAGE – SAGE – Natural areas management contract Marine Strategy Framework Directive Coastal and Marine Areas Management Scheme Inter-SCOTs maritime areas

Mediterranean context A deep and impulsive sea Well delimitated sub-regional seas A regional programme: MAP including its ICZM Protocol

Maritime areas and multi-scaling

Well defined local initiatives – An overall approach: Coast and Sea Departement Scheme

Looking at the other way The sea, an area without borders an area of coherence in continuity with the watershed Maritime strengthening of the Coast and Sea Departement Scheme: Inter-SCOT maritime areas Governance and implementation

Inter-SCOT maritime areas – Putting into synergy Local initiatives and their implementers

Maritime Strategic Planning Coast and Sea Departement Scheme A coherent mechanism in between Regional planning and Maritime Strategic Planning CAMP-VAR: creating the enabling conditions

Groupe de travail mer et littoral Towards a multi-scale coastal and marine governance mechanism Stratégies régionales façade et bassin maritime Comité maritime de façade Présidence: Elus Réseau mer PACA Languedoc-Roussillon ? Conseil Général (CG) du Var Commission mer et littoral Commission qualité milieux vie DE DDET DADRE DSAJ Schéma régional mer et littoral Comité pilotage PAC-VAR Unité mer & littoral varoise AUDAT (SCOT Provence Med.) OLM (SCOT Golfe de St. Tropez) APAM (CLPMEM du Var) Conseils scientifiques: PNPC, Rade de Toulon… Maîtres d’ouvrage DOCOB Natura 2000 en mer,…… Conservatoire du Littoral …….. Comité technique Groupe de travail mer et littoral Schéma départemental mer et littoral Commission Littorale Provence Côte d’Azur Présidence: Elu Comité de bassin UEGC: Unité d’Exploitation et de Gestion Concertée OLM: Observatoire du Littoral des Maures APAM: Association des acteurs varois pour une petite pêche côtière et des activités maritimes durables CLPMEM: Comité Local des Pêches Maritimes et Elevages Marins PNPC: Parc National de Port Cros SDAGE

Integrated Maritime Strategy Channel Arc Manche governance: interconnecting initiatives National Maritime Strategy MEEDDM-SG Mer European Maritime Policy DG Mare French Regions Association Comittee of maritime regions? CRPM Aquamarina Group Channel Maritime Council (5 regions) CHANNEL ARC MANCHE Regions Assembly Channel Maritime Strategic Plan Integrated Maritime Strategy For Channel Area Channel Forum Knowledge committee Resource center CAMIS – EMDI+ INTERREG - IVA CHARM 3 CRESH Vectors Changeman Comanche… 5 Region strategies e.g. Charter of Brittany Coastal Areas Departments Inter-Municipalities Action Plans Channel large-scale project GIP Seine Aval SIEGMA…