Have students correct the sentences by re-writing them correctly without their notes. They can work in pairs. Then reveal the answers one by one, discussing.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Have students correct the sentences by re-writing them correctly without their notes. They can work in pairs. Then reveal the answers one by one, discussing what was wrong and why.

Review the quiz.

Unit 2.3 Les tâches ménagères

Qu’est-ce que tu dois faire chez toi? Je dois faire les tâches ménagères!

Qu’est-ce que tu dois faire chez toi? Je dois… Je ne dois pas… faire le lit faire la vaisselle faire le lessive Qu’est-ce que tu dois faire chez toi? Je dois… Je ne dois pas… faire les poussières laver les fenêtres cuisiner As you go through the slides, repeat them several times and have students repeat them as well. Then ask individual students what they have to do. Then have them ask their partners.

Qu’est-ce que tu dois faire chez toi? Je dois… Je ne dois pas… laver le chien laver la voiture passer l’aspirateur Qu’est-ce que tu dois faire chez toi? Je dois… Je ne dois pas… tondre la pelouse désherber nettoyer As you go through the slides, repeat them several times and have students repeat them as well. Then ask individual students what they have to do. Then have them ask their partners.

A Montpellier . . . FranceBleu Short video clip about dog washers in France. Just click the link and it should open a browser to play. If not, just skip it.

Qu’est-ce que tu dois faire chez toi? Je dois… Je ne dois pas… sortir la poubelle débarrasser la table mettre la table Qu’est-ce que tu dois faire chez toi? Je dois… Je ne dois pas… balayer s’occuper de mes/ses frères et soeurs ramasser les vêtements As you go through the slides, repeat them several times and have students repeat them as well. Then ask individual students what they have to do. Then have them ask their partners.

Qu’est-ce que tu dois faire chez toi? Je dois… Je ne dois pas… donner à manger… au chien au poisson au chat As you go through the slides, repeat them several times and have students repeat them as well. Then ask individual students what they have to do. Then have them ask their partners.

Qu’est-ce que tu fais dans…? Je dois… Have them identify the room and then state what they have to do there.

Qu’est-ce que tu fais dans…? Je dois… Have them identify the room and what they have to do there.

? Qu’est-ce que tu fais dans…? Je dois… Je ne dois pas… Have them identify the room and what they have to do there. Then have them come up with 1 thing they do and don’t do there.

? Qu’est-ce que tu fais dans…? Je dois… Je ne dois pas… Have them identify the room and what they have to do there. Then have them come up with 1 thing they do and don’t do there.

? Qu’est-ce que tu fais dans…? Je dois… Je ne dois pas… Have them identify the room and what they have to do there. Then have them come up with 1 thing they do and don’t do there.

? Qu’est-ce que tu fais dans…? Je dois… Je ne dois pas… Have them identify the room and what they have to do there. Then have them come up with 1 thing they do and don’t do there.

? Qu’est-ce que tu fais dans…? Je dois… Je ne dois pas… Have them identify the room and what they have to do there. Then have them come up with 1 thing they do and don’t do there.

? Qu’est-ce que tu fais dans…? Je dois… Je ne dois pas… Have them identify the room and what they have to do there. Then have them come up with 1 thing they do and don’t do there.

Go through the cartoon with them  C’est vrai?

Qu’est-ce qu’elle doit faire chez elle? Have them discuss with their partners what Cendrillon has to do. Then pick individual students to answer the question.

Qu’est-ce qu’elle doit faire chez elle? Have them discuss with their partners what Blanche Neige has to do. Then pick individual students to answer the question.

Qu’est-ce qu’il doit faire chez lui? Have students identify the chores

Qu’est-ce qu’il/elle doit faire chez lui/elle? Have students be the first between them and their partner to identify the chore.

Qu’est-ce qu’il/elle doit faire chez lui/elle?

Qu’est-ce qu’il/elle doit faire chez lui/elle? Il/elle doit…

Qu’est-ce que ______ doit faire chez lui/elle? Il/elle doit… Ask individual students what the people have to do.