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Publié parAmadour Godet Modifié depuis plus de 9 années
Pile-Face 1. Parlez en français! (Full sentences) 2. One person should not dominate the conversation 3. Speak the entire time The goal: Practice! Get better and better! Always say as much as you possibly can. PVL!
1. Est-ce que ta famille est grande ou petite? 2. Est-ce que notre classe est petite ou grande? 3. Qu’est-ce que (what) tes amis aiment faire? 4. Qu’est-ce que notre classe aime faire? 5. Où est-ce que tes amis aiment manger? 6. Où est-ce que votre famille aime aller en vacances? 7. Est-ce que vous aimez notre livre? Pourquoi? 8. Comment est votre maison? 9. Comment est le maison de votre ami? (Sa maison est…) 10. Comment est le chien de votre ami? 11. Comment est la voiture de ton ami? Pile/Face
Le mariage Your friend _________ is getting married soon. Because s/he is so busy, s/he asked you to work with a friend of the bride to create the seating chart for the wedding dinner. It’s a good thing that you know all of his/her friends really well, because you have to describe all of them to the ______’s friend (who speaks only French), and then assign seats where they will be comfortable and make new friends during the dinner.
Le mariage Your friend _________ is getting married soon. Because s/he is so busy, s/he asked you to work with a friend of the bride/groom to create the seating chart for the wedding dinner. It’s a good thing that you know all of his/her friends really well, because you have to describe all of them to the ______’s friend (who speaks only French), and then assign seats where they will be comfortable and make new friends during the dinner.
Le mariage Here are some steps to help you out: 1. Give everyone names. 2. Determine their ages. 3. Decide what they are like (adjectives). 4. Determine what they like to do. 5. Decide who they do/don’t like among the other friends in the group. Use your imagination! You can make things up about these people!
Le mariage Working with the bride’s/groom’s friend: SPEAK ONLY FRENCH! Discuss which people would/would not get along Assign them seats. Be ready to explain why you would have them sit at the tables that you choose! Some of the groups will present to the class.
Le mariage
DEVOIRS Lundi: Contrôle! Adjectifs, être, possessive adjectifs.
AVOIR Fill in the blank.
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