L.O. To be able to talk about a film in target language.


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Transcription de la présentation:

L.O. To be able to talk about a film in target language. Date: L.O. To be able to talk about a film in target language. Aujourd’hui on va parler du film “Les Indestructibles” et vous allez donner des opinions!

Les caractères C’est qui?

monsieur Indestuctible Flèche Frozone Jack-Jack C’est qui? = Who is it? C’est = it is.. monsieur Indestuctible Elastigirl Violette Flèche Frozone Jack-Jack Syndrome Edna Mode Vocabulaire utile.....

C’est qui? monsieur Indestuctible

C’est qui? Elastigirl

C’est qui? Flèche

C’est qui? Violette

C’est qui? Frozone

C’est qui? Edna Mode

C’est qui? Syndrome

Vocabulaire utile..... Il est comment? What is he like? Je pense qu’il = I think that he is.. Je pense qu’elle est= I that that she is.. méchant = nasty/spiteful/vicious sympa = friendly mignon = sweet cruel = cruel vilain = naughty beau = handsome gentil = kind belle = beautiful vite = fast incroyable = incredible amusant = funny mad = fou (folle) Vocabulaire utile.....

Task: On va parler du film...... J’aime... parce que..... Je n’aime pas... Je préfère... Je déteste... Je pense que ... À mon avis....

En groupe.... On your tables you will find some grids giving possible opinions and some word cards...... Your task is to make some opinions using the words and phrases available and then to argue!!!! Level 1: I can say single words about the film Level 2: I can say simple phrases and give opinions about the film. Level 3:I can give 2/3 opinions and ask other people questions Level 4: I can have an exchange of about 4/5 sentences using opinions and questions. Level 5: I can do the above using past tenses.

Plenary Task: to talk about a film .... How did you do? What level are you? Can you use these phrases to start writing your film review?