

Présentations similaires
Le comparatif Le comparatif sert.... à comparer.

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Tout All you need to know. Weve learned possessive adjectives My in french is __________? Your in french is ___________? His/her/its in french is ________?
Les Adjectifs Possessifs
Soyez à la mode! 7 7 UNITÉ Quit Corinne a une idée 27 LEÇON B Le comparatif des adverbes p. 393 A Le comparatif des adjectifs p. 390 C Le superlatif des.
Comparison Unite 6: Partie 1
Year 6 French Transition Unit Personal Information Lesson 3 Salut!
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Le comparatif et le superlatif des irréguliers
Les adjectifs et leur position
Aujourd’hui Conversations individuelles Négatifs Adjectifs et adverbes.
Start with verb ? in the ? tense Start with verb ? in the ? tense Change the ? of my participe passé with ? Change the ? of my participe.
Le Comparatif et le Superlatif
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Le superlatif Comparing people and things within a group.
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Comparisons in French are formed by placing the words plus (more), moins (less), or aussi (as) before adjectives and adverbs, and the word que (than,
Le comparatif et le superlatif
I can describe myself and others
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Superlatif Le superlatif establishes absolute superiority of a person, object, idea, thing or group la plus froide  the coldest.
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Le comparatif des adjectifs
Copiez l’objectif et répondez à la question.
Le Comparatif.
Ma famille et moi Tu as des frères ou des soeurs?
Use the model letter below to help write your own
I can describe myself and others
Masc Fem Masc pl Fem pl allemand allemande allemands allemandes
La comparaison.
STEM (infinitive minus -ir)
Les Adjectifs Possessifs
Le comparatif des adjectifs
A bit about ADJECTIVES in French.
Ma famille et moi Tu as des frères ou des soeurs?
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ÊTRE To be (ou: n’être pas!).
Le Comparatif et le Superlatif
 Pronouns  To be  Present simple /  Present Continious  Adverbs of frequency  Comparatives /  Superlatives  As + adj + as  Will / be going to.
Le comparatif et le superlatif ?
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Les comparatifs.
ENGLISH COURSE Mohammed Ali Al-Mouldi Hamdi.  Pronouns  To be  Present simple /  Present Continious  Adverbs of frequency  Comparatives /  Superlatives.
in French and in English
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LA FAMILLE SIMPSON!. LA FAMILLE SIMPSON! Mon père Voici mon père. Il s’appelle Homer. Il a 38 ans.
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Comparatives and Superlatives Adjectives and Adverbs
Transcription de la présentation:


long long er est long comparative If we compare two objects we often add er to the word long est superlative If we compare more than two objects,we often add est to the word

1 or 2 syllables ending with -ow, -er, -y SHORT ADJECTIVES 1 or 2 syllables ending with -ow, -er, -y example: YOUNG I'm younger than Lisa.

example : YELLOW And I'm yellower than you.

example : FUNNY And I'm funnier than you.

All right, but I'm cleverer than you, Bart ! example : CLEVER (= INTELLIGENT)‏ All right, but I'm cleverer than you, Bart !

Ici, je compare mon intelligence avec celui d'Homer What is a comparative? On les utilise pour “comparer” justement. On utilise des adjectifs. Encore heureux ! Examples, please!!! I am more intelligent than Homer Je suis plus intelligent que Homer Ici, je compare mon intelligence avec celui d'Homer

Et on le construit comment? Il y a deux types d'adjectifs et donc deux constructions: 1. les adjectifs courts ou qui finissent en “y” Older than... Smaller than... Faster than... Shorter than... Hotter than... Old Small Fast Short Hot Happy Easy funny Happier than... Easier than... Funnier than... Attention! On double les consonnes “t”, “d” Le “y” devient “i”

Et on le construit comment? Donc, c'est... + er than ADJECTIF COURT

Et on le construit comment? (le moins... inferiorité) (De plus de 2 syllables) 2. les Adjectifs longs: (le plus... superiorité) more less pleasant modern beautiful intelligent expensive than... Plus gentil que ... Plus moderne que ... Plus beau que... Plus intelligent que Moins cher que... (le moins... inferiorité)

Donc, c'est... + MOST + LESS THE + ADJECTIF LONG … simple, non?

Les types de comparatifs JOE RON de supériorité JACK d'infériorité JOE JOE FRANK d'égalité

Les types de comparatifs JOE RON Joe is more important than Ron de supériorité JACK JOE Joe is less important than Jack d'infériorité JOE FRANK Joe is as intelligent as Frank d'égalité

Les irreguliers adjectif comparatif superlatif good bad far Better than worse than further than the best the worst the furthest

+ ‘er’ than the + ‘est’ tall taller tallest short kind small happy intellegent

1. My house is……………………….(+big) hers. 2. My brother is ………………………. (+ tall) you. 3. Is she………………………. (-young) my sister? 4. My lunch is ………………………. (=good) yours. 5. I am ………………………. (+old) you. bigger than taller than younger than bigegr than older than

6. This cake is ………………………. (+ bad) that one. 7. My house is ………………………. (+expensive) yours. 8. My book is ………………………. (=good) yours. 9. Paul is ………………………. (+intelligent) his friends. better than more expensive than as good as more intelligent than