Pierrick Micout, CEA - DAPNIA


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Transcription de la présentation:

Pierrick Micout, CEA - DAPNIA Grille de calcul au CEA Pierrick Micout, CEA - DAPNIA

Grille de calcul à la Direction des Sciences de la Matière du CEA ! Pierrick Micout, CEA - DAPNIA

Plan Le projet EGEE (transparents de Bob Jones et Erwin Laure) Le DAPNIA et les grilles de calcul La VO Fusion Conclusion

The EGEE project EGEE EGEE-II Objectives 1 April 2004 – 31 March 2006 71 partners in 27 countries, federated in regional Grids EGEE-II 1 April 2006 – 31 March 2008 91 partners in 32 countries 13 Federations Objectives Large-scale, production-quality infrastructure for e-Science Attracting new resources and users from industry as well as science Improving and maintaining “gLite” Grid middleware

EGEE Mission Infrastructure Manage and operate production Grid for European Research Area Interoperate with e-Infrastructure projects around the globe Contribute to Grid standardisation efforts Support applications from diverse communities Astrophysics Computational Chemistry Earth Sciences Finance Fusion Geophysics High Energy Physics Life Sciences Multimedia … Business Forge links with the full spectrum of interested business partners + Disseminate knowledge about the Grid through training + Prepare for sustainable European Grid Infrastructure

EGEE – What do we deliver? Infrastructure operation Currently includes >200 sites across 39 countries Continuous monitoring of grid services in a distributed global infrastructure Automated site configuration/management Middleware Production quality middleware distributed under business friendly open source licence User Support - Managed process from first contact through to production usage Training Documentation Expertise in grid-enabling applications Online helpdesk Networking events (User Forum, Conferences etc.) Future Expand on interoperability with related infrastructures

EGEE-II Activities Service Activities Joint Research Activities SA1 – Grid Operations, Support and Management (CERN) SA2 – Networking Support (CNRS) SA3 – Integration, Testing and Certification (CERN) Joint Research Activities JRA1 – Middleware Re-engineering (INFN) JRA2 – Quality Assurance (CS-SI) Networking Activities NA1 – Management (CERN) NA2 – Dissemination, Outreach and Communication (CERN) NA3 – Training and Induction (UEdin) NA4 – Application Identification and Support (CNRS) NA5 – Policy and International Cooperation (GRNET)

EGEE-II Cross-Activities Groups Security MWSG Consistent usage of security framework in m/w Coordination with related projects JSPG Operational security issues Vulnerability Gruop Security head (Ake Edlund) is part of the PEB VO Support OAG Resource allocation to VOs UIG Organization of EGEE documentation VO Managers Group – NEW! Link between the project and VOs Industry Relations Industry Forum Industry Task Force – NEW! Technical Coordination – TCG – NEW! See later

EGEE-II Program of Work Formally defined in DoW: https://edms.cern.ch/document/684101/ Defines 51 deliverables and 89 milestones Deliverables have hard deadlines – any slip needs to be communicated to EU well in advance Contain quarterly and periodic (1 year) reports (QR and PR) Will be reviewed internally to assure they are of high quality EU will evaluate us against deliverables; achievement of milestones needs to be reported to EU in quarterly reports Plan enough time to prepare these documents and allow for activity internal review Details can also be found at http://egee-jra2.web.cern.ch/EGEE-JRA2/EGEE-II/Deliverables/DeliverablesScope.htm

Organigramme simplifié du CEA

Le DAPNIA et le LHC Etudes de certains aimants, Construction de plusieurs sous-détecteurs, Participation au projet LCG pour l’analyse des données.

Le DAPNIA et le LCG Nos participons au projet LCG (MoU signé par Yves Caristan) : T1 avec le Centre de Calcul IN2P3-DAPNIA de Lyon T2 en collaboration avec 4 laboratoires parisiens de l’IN2P3 (le projet GRIF). Le projet EGEE utilise l’infrastructure du LCG : Deux sites du T2 GRIF offrent des ressources dans le cadre d’EGEE : LAL pour les VOs Biomed, EGEODE, ESR, Planck and HEP DAPNIA pour les VOs Biomed, Fusion and LHC (or LHCb). Nous sommes un des partenaires du projet EGEE (contrat signé par Yves Caristan).

Les ressources Notre centre de ressource EGEE se compose de : Une machine “Interface Utilisateur” (UI) Un “Resource Broker” (RB) Un “Computing Element” (CE) Un “Storage Element” (SE) Plusieurs “Worker nodes” (WN) 15 DELL GX 280 (Pentium 4, 2.8 GHz) 23 IBM e326m (2 Opterons 270, 2.2 GHz) Des serveurs de disques 3 serveurs (bi-opteron 250 2.4 GHz) 4 Unité de disques RAID SCSI (24 TB) Notre engagement : 80 % des ressources pour le projet LCG 20% pour EGEE (hors LCG) et pour les utilisateurs locaux

L’équipe DAPNIA EGEE SA1 : gestion des ressources et système Zoulikha Georgette Pierre-François Honoré Christine Leroy Frédéric Schaer Michel Winkler 24 homme/mois Buts : assurer la sécurité, le fonctionnement du centre de ressource et les mises à jour et installation de nouveaux services. NA4 applications Pierre-François Honoré Christine Leroy Pierrick Micout Frédéric Schaer 18 homme/mois Buts : Aider la VO fusion à utiliser l’infrastructure EGEE. “Manager” des “VO managers” (F. Schaer)

Conclusions Les ressources proposées par le DAPNIA dans le cadre des projets EGEE/LCG sont disponibles pour la communauté « fusion » et donc pour le DRFC. Les grilles de calcul à la DSM existent et pourraient prendre de l’ampleur dans le futur (grille interne DSM?) Nous sommes prêts à aider le DRFC à installer un centre de ressources EGEE à Cadarache!