Choose 5 words to use in sentences in French. J’ai besoin de… Journal – 16/11/16 Choose 5 words to use in sentences in French. J’ai besoin de…
La boulangerie Un pain Une baguette Un croissant Un pain complet Un pain au chocolat
La pâtisserie Un gâteau Une tarte La mousse Un eclaire La glace Crème caramel Crème brulee
La crémerie Les oeufs Le beurre Le fromage Un yaourt La crème Crème fraiche Le lait
La boucherie Un steak Le porc Le boeuf Un poulet Le dinde La viande L’agneau
Une charcuterie Le jambon Le saucisson
La poissonnerie Un poisson Une crevette Un crabe Un homard Les escargots
Une épicerie Le vinaigre L’huile Le sel Le poivre
Un marché Les fruits Les légumes
A Vocabulary Review Activity
La conversation Where is Mme Brun? Name two things she wants to buy How much are the green beans? How many beans does she want? How many carrots? What is her total bill?
Pg. 206-207 What time does Mme Lelong leave to run errands? Name three stores she visits and what she buys at each store. Which store is far away for her? Which store is near? When are the stores closed? What is one positive of shopping at neighborhood stores? One negative?