Personal Relationships


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Transcription de la présentation:

Personal Relationships INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES The test will last 7-9 minutes. You will have 12 minutes to prepare the role play and photo card discussion. Role play: you should attempt to provide complete responses in the role play task. Photo card discussion: you should attempt to provide extended responses to each of the questions asked. Conversation: you may start the first part of the conversation with your nominated theme from one of the broad themes and your teacher will start the second part of the conversation with a different theme. Complete the role play, the photo card discussion and the conversation. This presentation will help you to prepare your General Conversation answers for PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS. You need to prepare all 6 topics. You find out which 3 you will be answering on the day of the exam.

Personal Relationships This PowerPoint presentation gives you the basic, Foundation Tier answers to the questions about PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS. In order to score more highly (Grade C or above) you need to extend each answer. Add an opinion Say where, who with, when, why, how …. In fact, add anything that is relevant to the question

Personal Relationships 1: Décris-toi. (Describe yourself) Say your name:  Je m’appelle (NAME)

Personal Relationships 1: Décris-toi. (Describe yourself) Say your age:  J’ai quinze / seize ans

Personal Relationships Say when your birthday is:  Mon anniversaire, c’est le (NUMBER) (MONTH) Months coming up……

Months janvier juillet février août mars septembre avril octobre mai novembre juin décembre

Personal Relationships Describe your personality:  Généralement, je suis (ADJECTIVE), mais parfois je suis aussi (ADJECTIVE)  Usually I am (ADJECTIVE) but sometimes I am also (ADJECTIVE) Adjectives coming up…..

Personality adjectives Bavard(e) Egoiste chatty selfish Gourmand (e) Généreux (se) greedy generous Paresseux (se) Ennuyeux (se) lazy boring Timide Casse-pieds shy a pain in the neck Amusant (e) Amical (e) fun(ny) friendly Sérieux (se) Gentil (le) serious kind

Personal Relationships Give your physical description:  Je suis (SIZE), et j’ai les cheveux (LENGTH, COLOUR, STYLE), et j’ai les yeux (COLOUR).  I am (SIZE), and I have hair (LENGTH, COLOUR, STYLE), and I have eyes (COLOUR). Size, hair and eye words coming up…..

Physical description bleus blonds petit (e) blue blond small marron chatains grand (e) brown brown tall noisette noirs de taille moyenne hazel black medium-sized verts roux gros (se) green ginger fat gris courts/longs mince grey short/long thin raides/frisés straight/curly Assez = quite Très = very Un peu = a bit

Personal Relationships 2: Qu’est-ce que tu as fait la dernière fois que tu es sorti avec ta famille ? (What did you do last time you went out with your family ?)  La dernière fois que je suis sorti(e) avec ma famille, (ACTIVITIES)  Last time I went out with my family, (ACTIVITIES) Activities coming up……

Activities Je suis allé(e) manger / boire / jouer au foot I went out to eat / drink / play football J’ai visité mes grandparents I visited my grandparents Je suis allé(e) au cinéma / en ville / au théâtre I went to the cinema / into town / to the theatre J’ai fait du sport / du shopping I did some sport / some shopping NB Change “Je suis” to “Nous sommes” to say “we” not “I”

Personal Relationships 3: Décris ton meilleur ami (Describe your best friend)  Mon meilleur ami / ma meilleure amie s’appelle (NAME) Il est / Elle est (SIZE) Il a / Elle a (HAIR &EYES)  My best friend (male) / My best friend (female) is called…. He is / She is (SIZE) He has / She has (HAIR & EYES) Describe size/hair/eyes as before

Personal Relationships 4: Tu vas sortir avec tes copains le weekend prochain ? Où ? (Are you going to go out with your friends next weekend ? Where ?)  Le weekend prochain, mes copains et moi, nous allons (ACTIVITIES)  Next weekend my friends and I are going to (ACTIVITIES) Activities coming up…..

Activities Manger / boire / jouer au foot eat / drink / play football Aller chez un copain go to a friend’s house aller au cinéma / en ville / au MacDo go to the cinema / into town / to McDonald’s faire du sport / du shopping do some sport / some shopping

Personal Relationships 5: Que penses-tu de l’alcool et des cigarettes ? (What do you think of alcohol and cigarettes ?) Alcohol:  Personellement, j’aime / je n’aime pas boire de l’alcool. J’aime / je n’aime pas (DRINK). Je pense que c’est (OPINION)  Personally, I like / don’t like drinking alcohol. I like / don’t like (DRINK). I think it’s (OPINION) Drinks and opinions coming up…..

Drinks Opinions La bière le vin rouge beer red wine Le vin blanc le whisky white wine whisky Le vodka les spiritueux vodka spirits Le cidre cider Opinions Délicieux bon marché delicious cheap Malsain dangereux unhealthy dangerous

Personal Relationships 5: Que penses-tu de l’alcool et des cigarettes ? (What do you think of alcohol and cigarettes ?) Cigarettes:  Je fume (NUMBER) cigarettes par jour.  Je fumais avant, mais je ne fume pas maintenant.  Je ne fume pas, et je n’ai jamais fumé.  I smoke (NUMBER) cigarettes per day.  I used to smoke, but I don’t smoke now.  I don’t smoke and I have never smoked.

Personal Relationships 5: Que penses-tu de l’alcool et des cigarettes ? (What do you think of alcohol and cigarettes ?) Cigarettes:  Je pense que le tabac est (ADJECTIVE)  I think that tobacco is (ADJECTIVE)