- 20/02/ TTM key success factor 1 : Work in a project team …. So we must work in a team ! Mark & sales Technology NTW, IT & Device Implementation.


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Transcription de la présentation:

- 20/02/ TTM key success factor 1 : Work in a project team …. So we must work in a team ! Mark & sales Technology NTW, IT & Device Implementation Process & IT Services we want to sell Processes we can implement Technologies we can provide Target work in projects  one team  one leader  one objective To achieve of TTM objectives, we need to have a common vision of what should be done and what can be done

phased projects deliverable checklist quality checks at gates options adapted to complexity - 20/02/2018 XYZ Telecom - Thierry WACH – Quality & Process - Version 1 2 TTM key success factor 2 Use one simple process Detailed design DevelopmentDeployment Launch T1 T2 T3 T-1 Opportunity study T4 T0 T1 & T2 only in Full Track Business Opportunity Analysis impact Requirements Before development Development achieved Process & IT Ready for Product launch KPI, project closure

TTM key success factor 3 Decide in one committee Product Boards are integrated into Commercial Committees Aim Takes decisions at gates Commits resources, opex and capex of all contributors Structure Weekly meeting Permanent members – CEO (Chair) – CxOs : Market & Sales, Network and IT, Customer services, Sourcing, Finance, Quality & Process – TTM Process owner Requested members – TTM project manager and team members, following the agenda Inputs – TTM Roadmap & Trigger events – Commercial committee presentations (T-1, T0, T1, …) Outputs – Decision on gates : Go / No Go – Product Board minutes – TTM Roadmap up-date - 20/02/2018 XYZ Telecom - Thierry WACH – Quality & Process - Version 1 3

TTM key success factor 5 Focus on customer experience T0 gate : Proof of concept – validate opportunity with customers T3 gate : simplicity test, Friendly User Test (FUT) or pilot – validate quality with customers T4 gate : customer survey – check customer experience and satisfaction – KPIs - 20/02/2018 XYZ Telecom - Thierry WACH – Quality & Process - Version 1 4

TTM key success factor 6 Use a “Performance Management tool “ To share and approve deliverables To manage the project portfolio, and define priorities To manage the planning and resources - 20/02/2018 XYZ Telecom - Thierry WACH – Quality & Process - Version 1 5

- 20/02/2018 XYZ Telecom - Thierry WACH – Quality & Process - Version 1 6 TTM deliverables

TTM process delivrables Manage the project » : Project management plan « Work in a project team »: Weekly meeting – minutes of meeting « Use one simple process »: Deliverable for gates « Take decisions during one committee » : Commercial Committee – minutes of meeting « Manage one roadmap »: TTM Roadmap Use a « performance management tool »: TTM management tool « Focus on customer experience »: KPIs based on customer satisfaction - 20/02/2018 XYZ Telecom - Thierry WACH – Quality & Process - Version 1 7

TTM T-1 : Business opportunity study phase T-1 objectives – Justify and organize the opportunity study – Define the project boundary, its objectives and priority level in relation to strategy – Estimate the market potential – Propose the Product Board members and confirm the Project Manager – Establish time schedule till Opportunity review (T0) and identify responsibles for the deliverables – Define process: standard or Fast Track – Deliverable T-1 review check list – High level product/ service presentation and market potential assessment – Recommended TTM path (regular or fast track) – Implementation schedule agreed with main actors and proposed launch date - 20/02/2018 XYZ Telecom - Thierry WACH – Quality & Process - Version 1 8

TTM T0 : impacts analysis before project launch T0 objectives – Validate the main technical, IT, process and customer journey orientations – Take GO/ No GO decision for the product/ service design and market launch – Establish and commit on T3 objectives (Market Launch review) – Allocate resources and budget to realize project objectives and expected results until T3 T0 review check list – Specifications document, including: Marketing specifications Additional features required for Sales, Customer Care and Finance Revenue recognition rules – Business case validated – Network & IT feasibility assessment, solution architecture and test plan – Project decisions Revised implementation schedule agreed with main actors Confirmation of TTM path (regular or fast track) Decision to start pilot (if relevant) Proposed launch date confirmation - 20/02/2018 XYZ Telecom - Thierry WACH – Quality & Process - Version 1 9

TTM T1 : Detailed requirements T1 objectives – Validate the main technical, IT and process requirements – Take GO/ No GO decision following the product / service design – Establish and commit on T3 objectives (Market Launch review) – Allocate resources and budget to realize project objectives and expected results until T3 T1 review check list – Marketing Final product description, Final business model (with cannibalization) and pricing, Budget check (revenue & costs), accounting impact Final Regulatory assessment update – Network & IT Achitecture and design documentation IT and Network requirements for development Security assessment – Sourcing Sourcing recommendation, contracts with supplier – Processes Design documentation of impacts and draft operations management plan - 20/02/2018 XYZ Telecom - Thierry WACH – Quality & Process - Version 1 10

TTM T2 : Validation of developments T2 objectives – Take GO/ No GO decision for deployment phase on the basis of presentation of results of development phase – Confirm resources and budget to realize project objectives till T4 – Check integration into existing IT and processes, and optimization of used resources – Validate deployment plan T2 review check list – Customer journey : test results & corrective action plan – Network & IT : Tests results & acceptance (operating methods) – Processes : Order form or equivalent for online sale Invoice, Communication & marketing tools Operations management plan - 20/02/2018 XYZ Telecom - Thierry WACH – Quality & Process - Version 1 11

TTM T3 : Validate deployment before launch T3 objectives – Review finalized marketing tools – Take decision on commercial opening and confirm market launch date – Ensure all processes are operational – Confirm resources and budget to realize project objectives till T4 – Review and approve risk mitigation action plan T3 review check list – Marketing Legal documents acceptance and catalog registration – Customer journey acceptance : Friendly User Test (when done) and corrective actions results – Network & IT IT operational hand-over sign-off – Processes Processes and detailed procedures for “Order to Bill”, including operations – TTM Project KPIs measurement readiness – Revenue, sales objectives by distribution channels & sales incentives – Customer Survey : prices, value of products and services, process efficiency - 20/02/2018 XYZ Telecom - Thierry WACH – Quality & Process - Version 1 12

TTM T4 : Market launch assessment T4 objectives – Review results of the Market Launch Sales Revenue Customer satisfaction – Take corrective actions – Prepare feedback on the development of the subsequent versions of the product / service T4 review check list – Market & Customer Services feed-back analysis – KPIs values and analysis – recommendations for product / service improvement – Feed-back on TTM process for continuous improvement - 20/02/2018 XYZ Telecom - Thierry WACH – Quality & Process - Version 1 13

TTM T4 : KPIs & Customer’s values - 20/02/2018 XYZ Telecom - Thierry WACH – Quality & Process - Version 1 14 Services we want to sell Processes we can implement Technologies we can provide Target TTM process shall met the customer’s values on news services : it works ! (technic and processes) to get it quickly ! (Time To Market) for a good price ! KPI = Service launch target date (T3) KPI = Customer Satisfaction KPI = Revenue

- 20/02/2018 XYZ Telecom - Thierry WACH – Quality & Process - Version 1 15 Thank You