Corporate strategy: Business Plan 1. Business Plan Steps ◦ Strategic Analysis & Financial  SWOT  Competitive analysis  strategic direction  Analysis.


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corporate strategy: Business Plan 1

Business Plan Steps ◦ Strategic Analysis & Financial  SWOT  Competitive analysis  strategic direction  Analysis by activity of HVAC and margins ◦ Roadmap  The stages of formalization ◦ estimated budgets  DAS (net sales and margin) Step: Steps 2

Chinese proverb 3 "The value of a general lies in its strategy and roadmap and not only his courage and will "

Business Plan - some principles The project owner (leader or representative) must: * Being the project editor (The best way to get involved in all phases and to exhibit to funders and collaborators benefits to follow this project) * Involve employees or associates (From the project, share ideas, answer objections, launch additional analysis, convince, are assets to succeed in the implementation phase) * Integrate his accountant, consultant, lawyer (External advice without passion or interest allows to compare its information, strengthen convictions, obtain data that the company does not always have) Step: Introduction 4

Business Plan - Presentation Step: Introduction Business Plan Project description Strategy Financial plan Analysis Orientation Judicial aspects operating Plan 5

Business Plan - some principles Typically, a new project involves taking risks, which must be mastered, because it has consequences for: oneself his family his collaborators its financial Step: Introduction connaissance customers competitors suppliers Additional resources 6

Business Plan - some principles Step: Introduction connaissance customers Who sell? Be to Be communitie s direct indirect How to sell? internal business agents Where to sell? la France Europe World We are in a market economy where supply generally exceeds demand for twenty years, and new innovative product as it is, must meet a consumer need (except to create the necessary but this is an exceptional situation for SMEs). The benefit SMEsgenerally market trends to position their product or a new service. The weight of potential customers (number of consumers value the accepted product) will be one of the keys to success, but must still provide the distribution networks to reach those customers and product awareness, 7

Business Plan - some principles Step: Introduction connaissance competitors Who are they ? current new direct indirect How they sell? internal business agents Where are they ? la France Europe World Few products offered to the market without that other similar products already exist (direct competition) or not others can be proposed substitution (indirect competition). We must take into account what may be near, or meet the same uses to determine where to place the product or service to deal with such another, which will set the arguments and rates 8

Business Plan - some principles Step: Introduction connaissance suppliers Who are they ? current new direct indirect A sell it? internal business agents Where are they ? la France Europe World New products and new services involve new supplies, the known providers may or may not provide the conditions necessary to be competitive and / or reagent. A mapping is required to sign any confidentiality agreements or exclusivity with the leaders, to maintain a technological edge, if the company has initiated the concept. 9

Business Plan - some principles Step: Introduction connaissance Additional resources Technological? Internal External Human? Training Recruitment External? patents Studies New products and new services involve new supplies that known suppliers may or may not provide the conditions necessary to be competitive and / or reagent. A mapping is required to sign any confidentiality agreements or exclusivity with the leaders, to maintain a technological edge, if the company has initiated the concept. 10

Step: Introduction 11 definition: ◦ DAS = unitanalysis that is based on strategic thinking. ◦ A homogeneous set of goods or services intended to satisfy a demand, a market, and competitors identified a specific geographical area, is an area ofStrategic Activities. ◦ A strategic segment represents a specific competitive battle field, surrounded by barriers. ◦ Several DAS up the portfolio ofstrategic activities Segment current and future activities

Business Plan - The environment Step: Analysis 12


Business Plan - strategic diversification vs. specialization options Step: Analysis 14 Concentration of forces (strengths) Skills development through training or recruitment Redemption close competitors in expertise Strengthening a "quality" approach to flawless satisfaction of existing customers Market "growing" Diversification range SPECIALIZATION EXPANSION RIME with SPECIALIZATION

Step: Analysis 15 Technical : Use the know-how to produce or provide separate services Commercial : Seek independence markets to prevent the micro economy weighs on a product or service Growth ◦ by internal development by creating a new workshop or new service ◦ Through acquisitions to acquire a new skill faster MATURITY RIME with DIVERSIFICATION DIVERSIFICATION Business Plan - strategic diversification vs. specialization options

Business Plan - Positioning Step: Analysis 16

Step: Analysis 17 Navigating on an attractive market must take into account the current and future position of the company in terms of sales volume, but also in gross margin. In this example, we see that the margin SAR 1 is lower in value than the DAS 2, to figure lower case - it is an important data for the strategic choices and the means to implement. Positioning HVAC & Marge

Business Plan - Strategic Vision This is described in 3 years the ambitions for the project or the company: ◦ The chosen strategy (Specialization or diversification) ◦ The commercial targets (Typology of customers covered) ◦ Business objectives (Revenue, growth rate) ◦ The mesures that took place (Marketing mix) 18 Step: FORMALIZATION

Business Plan - Set guidelines Step: FORMALIZATION 19 Increase To reinforce To accompany Develop Satisfy (just need a) Keep (market share)... Increase To reinforce To accompany Develop Satisfy (just need a) Keep (market share)... Select an action verb that sets the direction of the project

Business Plan - Fix Lenses Step: FORMALIZATION 20 To be effective, a goal must be Thick headed with a date and a value (Example: develop timber business to € 3 million in 2015) Thick headed with a date and a value (Example: develop timber business to € 3 million in 2015) Accessible Therefore means must be estimated precisely for the implementation and constraints should be listed if necessary federator by involving all stakeholders and accepting criticism and thus compromise Constructive and must serve the interests of the business, this is what makes the tactical Measurable, we must choose him UNIT (duration, quantity, quality)

Step: FORMALIZATION 21 The steering of the Business Plan The strategic plan sets guidelines and establishes objectives, but it is necessary to achieve them, define: ◦ Internal stakeholders (pilots) ◦ Marketing, commercial, technical, HR (shares per process) ◦ Budgetary means (budgets) ◦ The calendar The business plan of the Roadmap

Step : financial concepts 23 The Business Plan FINANCIAL The objective of the Business Financial Plan is to CONFIRM the various possible strategic development of the NOW in Monetary Units

24 The Business Plan FINANCIAL Economic Review Net debt (D) WCR BALANCE SHEET (Global approach) CP Capital own im assets net AE (Active economic) = im + WCR THIS (Capital invested) CP + = + D FRHE AE (Active Economic) = IC (Invested Capital) Step Financial Concepts

25 The Business Plan FINANCIAL The table of Sales Management Intermediates (GIS) (=) EBE RES. EXP (+/-) Result Financial RN NET SALES (-) Shopping consumed (-) N / Aoutsourcing direct OVERALL MARGIN (-) Other purchases (-) Expenses external (-) taxes and taxes (-) Fresh staff (1) (+) Grant feat. (-) Depreciation (+) Reversal EBT (+/-) Result Exc. and IS CAF GTF Flow of Treasury operating (+/-) Change the WCR Step Financial Concepts

26 The Business Plan FINANCIAL Table of CASH FLOW signspostsamounts NET PROFIT (+)Depreciation and changes in provisions (+/-)More or losses on disposals of assets (-)Grants transferred to income statement (=)CASH FLOW (-)Variation Need of Working Capital AT =CASH FLOW FROM OPERATIONS (+)investments paid (-)Disposals of assets (sale price) (-)Investment grants B =INVESTMENT FLOWS C = CASH FLOW AND FINANCIAL EXPENSES IS AVAILABLE AFTER (AB) (+)Increase in capital (-)dividends paid (=)NET DEBT Step Financial Concepts

27 The Business Plan FINANCIAL Profitability : The vision of the lender and shareholder? The vision of the LENDERThe vision of SHAREHOLDER Measure and SOLVENCY LIQUIDITY Enterprise Estimate the ability to "Create of the value " Measuring capacitance to meet its commitments and to repay its debts on time The Financial BP will allow us to make an overall judgment on the financial situation CURRENT and FUTURE The Breadcrumb of the study is: "The generation of wealth requires investments to be funded and sufficiently profitable "(A) Step Financial Concepts

Step : financial methodology The Business Plan FINANCIAL Phase 1 : Build the repository Economic ReviewIncome Statement Data to be collected (exercise n-1) General balance (Accounts of classes 1 to 5) Tax return General balance (Accounts of classes 6 and 7) Tax return Tasks to perform Codifying accounts Restate certain accounts results different "Posts" Economic Balance The various items of the income statement different rate margins The different variable loads and levels

The Business Plan FINANCIAL Phase 2 : Valuing different assumptions Economic ReviewIncome Statement Data to be collected related existing commitments at end of period n-1 State capital Paintings amortization loans (Capital) Location of investment grants Specific provisions related to Current Accounts Associates contracts Leasing Leases Terms of staff remuneration and benefits, by employee category Paintings amortization of borrowing (interest) Tasks to perform related to the evolution of the existing structure Encrypt the natural evolution of balance sheet items Amortization and provisions Repayment of loans Changes in Current Accounts Associates Change in WCR To define : The change in turnover The evolution of rate of consumption higher fixed cost items The evolution of fixed personnel costs Tasks to perform related development projects as part of BP Encrypt, dating new intangible and tangible investment Define ways to finance medium and long terms Studying the possible investment subsidies To define : The amount of sales related to new products The rate of consumption higher fixed charges items Any new charges in terms of staff and costs (fixed and variables). Step : financial methodology

The Business Plan FINANCIAL The calculation tool tabsDescriptioncomments Balance n-1 Import the "General Balance" Codifying accounts Complete list of data from the last two tax returns and some information non- accounting This tab is the basis of the "Repository". It allows the integration of accounting data for the years n-1 and n-2 Data basic part A : Exploitation part B : The Economic Balance Part C : Data on balance sheet items Update n-1 standard (self) and forecast data entry Updating positions Economic Assessment n-1 (auto) Entering depreciation, provisions, deferrals (-) borrowings, C. Bail old. Entering acquisitionsImmos and new loans (N n + 2) COR + Tab Feed The table is automatically fed by the data tab "basic data". Data from four years are automatically updated (n-1 to n + 2) Economic Review The table is automatically fed by the data tab "basic data". Data from four years are automatically updated (n-1 to n + 2) calculations This table calculate the various loans (6 per year), from the data entered in part © of the "Basic Information" tab. Step : financial methodology

Step : financial presentation The Business Plan FINANCIAL Phase 3 : Analyze and present results Economic ReviewIncome Statement  The investment policy (2) Generation wealth (1)  The funding policy (3)  The company's profitability (4) The presentation of the business plan is the essential phase vis-à-vis third parties