Vendredi 31 août Français I


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Vendredi 31 août Français PreAP/AP Who was Brigitte Bardot? How old is she? What did she do in the early seventies? Where does she live? Who can you compare her to for the first half of her life? Voir les questions Discussion Scripte Gendarme se marie Alicia – Reading and lietening 7-10 – Listenings

Une robe moulante Un pantalon moulant (avec des boutons) (skin tight)

Comment ça va? 2 1 3 4 5 7 10 8 9 6

Mots nouveaux Mon ami s’appelle… Une fille / Une femme/Une dame 3e personne Mon ami s’appelle… Une fille / Une femme/Une dame Comment s’appelle ta copine? Un garçon/Un homme/ Un monsieur Comment s’appelle ton copain? Comment s’appelle ton PETIT copain Comment ELLE s’appelle Comment IL s’appelle Ta PETITE copine? ►IL/ELLE s’appelle… Ma copine Elle A quel âge ► Elle A Mon copain Il A quel âge ► Il A Mon amie*

Micro dialogue Hi ►Hi How are you? ►I am not good at all and you? Doing great! What is her name? ► Her name is Natalie What is his name? ► His name is Paul How old is she? ► She is 15 How old is he? ►He is 16 Thanks, bye ►See you in a bit Micro dialogue

Stressed pronouns MOI TOI ELLE LUI NOUS VOUS ELLES EUX At the end of a sentence and after words like “avec, pour, que, et, chez” … Examples: Je viens avec toi Je l’acheté pour lui Il est plus grand qu’elle Ils mangent chez nous Toi et moi, on s’amuse beaucoup Je vais chez eux demain

Comparison MORE …THAN ►PLUS…QUE ►She is more sociable than this guy► Elle est plus sociable que ce garcon. Same for the irregular English “er” ► She is taller than him ► Elle est plus grande que lui. LESS …THAN ► MOINS …QUE ►The book is less interesting than the movie► Le livre est moins intéressant que le film AS…AS ► AUSSI…QUE ►The cat is as small as the dog► Le chat est aussi petit que le chien

The red dress is larger than the green dress The black shoes are bigger than the brown shoes The white hat is cuter than the yellow one The purple socks are more comfortable than the white socks The blue pants are* smaller than the back pants* The black necklace is cheaper than the red one I am as tall as you (are) She is as funny as he is It is as beautiful as Arizona It is not as beautiful as Paris I am less prepared than you**