Les instructions en classe


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Transcription de la présentation:

Les instructions en classe Comment saluer The greetings and responses are revision from Y3 and should therefore take just a few minutes. The classroom instructions overlap with those learnt in Y3 but include additional instructions. They should be introduced with gestures to make recall much more straightforward – the instructions that overlap are: 1. Regardez 2. Ecrivez 3. Ecoutez 4. Sortez (les ardoises) (take out the mini whiteboards) The Y3 instructions that they already know are: Asseyez-vous Sortez vos affaires Regardez Écoutez Répetez Répondez Levez la main Dessinez Écrivez Rangez vos affaires Silence! Levez-vous Les instructions en classe

Aujourd’hui nous allons… é_ _ _ _er r_ _ _ _ _er Part of essential classroom language – introduce pupils early to infinitive verbs by miming and saying these 4 skills that pupils are going to use in their learning today (and in lots of future lessons). Ensure pupils know what they mean, and what ‘nous allons’ means. NB: Audio is activated on the TITLE and then on each PICTURE. p_ _ _er faire des gestes p_ _ _er

1 2 3 4 5 6 Revise the greetings, using the gestures - they are as follows 1. Salut 2. Bonjour 3. Ca va? 4. Oui 5. Non 6 Au revoir 7 Oui, ca va super / fantastique 8 Oui, ca va pas mal, merci 9 non, ca ne va pas! 7 8 9

Bonjour, salut, ça va, comment vas- tu. Comment ça va Bonjour, salut, ça va, comment vas- tu? Comment ça va? Ça va très bien très bien, très bien et bienvenue! Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to work we go… Audio plays me singing it through 4 x. Do with the gestures Bonjour, salut, ça va, comment vas- tu? G C A D Comment ça va? C G Ça va très bien C très bien, très bien G D et bienvenue! G

Très bien! Bien! Comme ci, comme ça ! Mal! Très mal! Emojis and text are both animated with sound files to present and practise these several times before moving on. Mal! Très mal!

T_ _ _ b _ _ _! B_ _ _ ! C_ _ _ _ c_ , c _ _ _ _ ç _ ! M_ _ ! T_ _ _ M _ _ !

T r è s b i e n ! Bi e n! C omme ci , c omme ça ! M a l ! T r è s M a l !

Une conversation Salut! Je m’appelle Nicolas. Comment t’appelles-tu? Bonjour, je m’appelle Lucie. Ça va, Lucie? Oui, ça va super, merci. Ça va, Nicolas? Non, non, ça ne va pas. Au revoir! This slide withdraws some of the support so that pupils try to work from memory. The full audio is still heard by clicking on each face. Pupils can try to vary what they say by using the different names at the bottom and thinking of a ‘mood’ that rhymes – e.g. Monique – fantastique. Eric / Monique – Fabien / Jocelyn – Thierry / Amélie – Pascal / Chantal – Nicolas / Zara

les instructions en classe

les instructions Bonjour la classe, sortez vos affaires Regardez, écoutez Alors, la classe, levez la main Écoutez, répondez Silence! la classe, rangez vos affaires Silence! la classe, silence, et au revoir! Song – to the tune of She’ll be coming round the mountain… Listen to the audio just to get the scansion … Bonjour la classe, sortez vos affaires Regardez, Écoutez Alors, la classe levez la main Écoutez, répondez Silence! la classe, rangez vos affaires Silence! la classe, silence, et au revoir!

Levez-vous! Écoutez! Regardez! Écrivez! Parlez! Dessinez! Asseyez-vous! Écoutez! Regardez! Écrivez! Parlez! Revision from Y3. Pupils suggested gestures for these, which they might still remember! AUDIO is heard automatically when you click and the text for each instruction appears. You may want to repeat this slide 2-3 times. Meanings as follows: Levez-vous – Stand up Asseyez-vous – Sit down Écoutez – Listen Regardez – Look Écrivez – Write Parlez – Speak Travaillez en paires – Work in pairs Sortez vos affaires – Get your things out Dessinez - Draw NB: I have put accents on the capital letters There is some dispute about this, mainly due to when people did their education! This is an interesting thread on the subject: https://forum.wordreference.com/threads/capital-letters-in-french-and-accented-characters.2733412/ Travaillez en paires! Sortez vos affaires! Dessinez!

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Asseyez- vous! Levez-vous! Écoutez! Regardez! Écrivez! Parlez! 2) Say numbers and they read the instruction aloud If desired, you can then click on the text to hear the audio again. 7 8 9 Travaillez en pairs! Sortez vos affaires! Dessinez!

Qu’est-ce qui manque?

les instructions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Asseyez-vous Sortez vos affaires Regardez Écoutez Répetez Répondez Levez la main Dessinez Écrivez Rangez vos affaires Silence! Levez-vous 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Revision from Y3. Click on each number to hear the audio. 9 10 11 12

1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Bonjour, salut, ça va bien? 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Oui, ça va très bien, merci. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 Ça ne va pas, ça va mal 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 Comme ci, comme ça, au revoir! To the tune - 1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive C Dm G The audio is quite pacey, but pupils will know this tune so will be able to sit it without music, more slowly. NB: The audio icon bottom right hand side plays me singing it through.