Vous vous intéressez aux animaux? Jour 11 MOT DE PASSE: s’interesser à - to be interested in Vous vous intéressez aux animaux? Oui, nous nous y intéressons beaucoup.
Je m’y intéresse Je ne m’y intéresse pas aux sports? à la gymnastique? Bonjour - Tu t'intéresses … aux sports? à la gymnastique? à l'école? au judo? aux filles? Je m’y intéresse Je ne m’y intéresse pas
Les petites annonces! We’ll be having à scavenger hunt in French Club! Be sure to stop at your locker first, you will not be allowed to go back after French Club. Sign up for the FrenchClub t-shirt!! Only $8.00!!! Traveler’s meeting on September 27 6:45 am - bring your family letter! French National Honor Society - not too late!! Talk with Madame about it.
Learning Intention: Students will learn to decode and understand essential vocabulary or concepts when approaching new and/or unfamiliar reading or topics and compare and contrast cultures. Success Criteria: Students will be able to decode and understand essential vocabulary or concepts when approaching new and/or unfamiliar reading or topics and compare and contrast cultures. ATL: Communication Skills
Les devoirs: Make a collage of pictures of yourself (you can make believe) and someone you were with when they were little. A minimum of 5 pictures doing 5 different things - they can all be with the same person