Réunion PH-DT-EM1 15 novembre 2011 Nouvelles du CERN / département / groupe, stockages matériel PH-DT [Antti] Tour de table [tous]
Nouvelles Retirement age. Idea of voluntary increase of retirement age (up to 67) for existing staff will not be implemented. As of 1/1/2012 newly recruited staff will need to work until 67 in order to have full pension. DT personnel: LD job for DT Mechanical Engineer ALICE. Contract awarded to Corrado Gargiulo, INFN Rome. LD job for DT Engineer, Irradiation Facility. Contract awarded to Federico Ravotti, PJAS TOTEM. Opening a new LD position (CP C) for a DT mechanical technician for early Will be in EM2 section (reinforcing of NA62 and Atlas nSQP projects).
Stockages matériel DT Vidange / rangement majeur au par R. Kristic, B. Cantin, D. Fraissard, T. Gys, C. David, P. Carrie, D. Piedigrossi, C. Joram. Liste de lieux de stockages disponible sur site PH-DT :
Bâtiment DT ? Ces images sont préliminaires, seulement pour illustration et discussions !!!
Bâtiment DT ?