AT / ACR / IN / P Gomes, p. 1 all instruments accessed through Profibus remote IO Profibus in tunnel will be later replaced by rad-tol WorldFip remote.


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Transcription de la présentation:

AT / ACR / IN / P Gomes, p. 1 all instruments accessed through Profibus remote IO Profibus in tunnel will be later replaced by rad-tol WorldFip remote IO Profibus in protected areas is definitive Profibus-Ethernet Gateway based on Siemens-S7 1 or 2 Schneider-Quantum PLCs

AT / ACR / IN / P Gomes, p. 2 45x ET200 stations in tunnel Profibus DP IO cards signal conditionners for TT 4x racks in protected area Profibus DP/PA couplers on/off valves DOs drawers with intelligent valve positionners rack front rack back TT280 CV180 PV/QV80 PT50 LT1 EH10 all600

AT / ACR / IN / P Gomes, p. 3 tunnel instruments accessed through WorldFip WFip-Ethernet gateway based on Linux PC 3 PLCs Schneider-Quantum TT1050 CV300 PV/QV85 PT100 LT50 EH300 all1900 TT280 CV180 PV/QV80 PT50 LT1 EH10 all600 QRL only full sector

AT / ACR / IN / P Gomes, p. 4 GuyS: remote reset: 2..8 par zone protegee LuitJ/StephaneC: etat des fibres + patches (Profibus & Ethernet) changer temporairement connection Profibus entre REs RM/QUI – rajouter 1 fibre Profi +1 fibre WFip par cote de point impair infrastructures dans RR77 pendant travaux dans UJ76 ? JJ Cloye: prises Ethernet dans tous nos racks? RaymondB:RM/QUI – rajouter 1 segment WFip par cote de point impair PierreC/ PalA: stations WiFi necessaires partout dans le secteur…