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Transcription de la présentation:

Écoute,écris et traduis. https://www.lightbulblanguages.co.uk/resources-sound-files.htm#fam

deux frères et une soeur Challenge: J’ai un frère. J’ai une soeur. Soeurs soeurs Frères deux frères et une soeur Challenge: J’ai un frère. J’ai une soeur. J’ai une soeur et un frère. J’ai un frères et deux soeurs. J’ai deux frères. Je n’ai pas de frères. Je n’ai pas de soeurs. J’ai deux frères et une soeur

Trois soeurs Pas de frères Frère Deuxs soeurs Frères soeurs J’ai trois soeurs. J’ai trois soeurs et je n’ai pas de frères. J’ai un frère et deux soeurs. Je n’ai pas de frères ou de soeurs. Ou= or Et = and

Video story Speaking frame. Bonjour! Je m’appelle________. Et toi? Dans ma famille, j’ai … Au revoir. Translation: Hello! I am called ______________. And you? In my family, I have… Goodbye.

Memorisation techniques Reading through information. Writing information down. Write, cover, check. Record it. Listen and repeat. Cue cards.

Year 7 Speaking B1 B2+ / B1- interact across three-four topics and in classroom talk, adapting and re-combining pre-learnt language to produce spontaneous exchanges, including forming some questions, with some pauses for thinking. I can: B2- / B2 ask and answer an increasing range of questions in topic-based and classroom interaction, adapting familiar questions, and can give information confidently from two-three recent topics. B3+ ask and answer simple questions on a few familiar topics and in classroom talk, giving opinions, using simple phrases and sentences independently, with good pronunciation, expressing opinions and responding to those of others. ask and answer simple questions on the current topic and for classroom talk, producing short phrases, including opinions, from memory, with good pronunciation.

Speaking test feedback Were you able to: B2+ / B1- interact across three-four topics and in classroom talk, adapting and re-combining pre-learnt language to produce spontaneous exchanges, including forming some questions, with some pauses for thinking. B2- / B2 ask and answer an increasing range of questions in topic-based and classroom interaction, adapting familiar questions, and can give information confidently from two-three recent topics. ask and answer simple questions on a few familiar topics and in classroom talk, giving opinions, using simple phrases and sentences independently, with good pronunciation, expressing opinions and responding to those of others. B3+ ask and answer simple questions on the current topic and for classroom talk, producing short phrases, including opinions, from memory, with good pronunciation.

GCSE grade 1 - 2 I can say a couple of simple sentences about familiar topics. My pronunciation is heavily influenced by my first language.