Hello again, I am still Angry Toaster- Brow, and now you know some big numbers lets take on the bigger ones. Youll find they arent so scary.
Soixante Sixty
Soixante-dix Seventy
Quatre-vingt Eighty
Quatre-vingt- dix Ninety
Cent One Hundred
Mille One Thousand
Dix mille Ten Thousand
Cent mille One Hundred Thousand
Un million One Million
Un milliard One Billion
Now try this!
Six cent vingt-trois 623
Deux mille cinq cent soixante- dix-huit 2,578
Sept cent cinquante-six mille deux cent quatre- vingt-dix-huit 756,298
Cent neuf milliards quatre cent millions trois cent cinquante-six mille deux cent quatre-vingt-sept 109,400,356,287
There you go, that wasnt difficult at all! Now youre a master, try handy numbers practice.