The Water Test Network.


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Transcription de la présentation:

The Water Test Network

Project highlights Goal: Speed up market uptake of innovative water technology Tool: Transnational network of testing facilities Technology providers can demonstrate and finetune technology in a real setting

Transnational Network A network of 14 testing facilities in 5 countries: James Hutton Limited laboratory in Aberdeen (1) Scottish Water’s demosites in Bo’ness & Inverness (2) CEW’s demosites in Frysland (6) WVV’s demosite in Apeldoorn (1) VITO partnering with demosite of Ghent University in Kortrijk (1) & demosite of De Watergroep in Diksmuide (1) TZW’s laboratory in Karlsruhe (1) PRIME’s demosite in Orléans (1) Scotland Netherlands Belgium Germany France

TRL 5 - 8 Water types Groundwater Surface water Drinking water Sea water Vegetable processing water Condensate water Municipal wastewater Industrial wastewater Hospital wastewater Sludge TRL 5 - 8

For whom SME’s in North West European region Ireland, UK, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland Parts (big !) of France, Germany and the Netherlands

The Application Process

Timing Launch innovation vouchers call: 11 December 2018 Continuously open until 1 August 2021 Monthly evaluation To be submitted by last Friday of month 1 for evaluation in month 2

Finances Costs associated with testing (operator, analysis, materials) 60% Interreg 40% WTN partners Costs associated with transport and accommodation 100% SME Estimated test cost between € 5 000 - € 40 000

Access to test facility Fully funded support Investigative report Access to test facility Verification report Up to €50 000 of total support

Problem-solution challenges Problems defined by water users ‘Problem looks for solution’ 5 challenges

The Project Targets By 6th December 2021 90 new technologies tested At least 120 SMEs supported 90 new technologies tested By 6th December 2021 30 new technologies brought to market by the SMEs Network forms a sustainable business after the project lifetime

Aspects positifs pour le Brgm et au-delà Ancrage de la plateforme régionale PRIME du BRGM dans un réseau européen de plateformes de démonstration au service des PMEs Subventionnement des PMEs de l’Europe du Nord-Ouest voulant tester leurs technologies sur la plateforme PRIME à Orléans. Possibilité pour les PMEs de la Région CVdL d’accéder à des plateformes de démonstration en ENO complémentaires à celles disponibles dans la Région (coûts d’accès couverts par Water Test Network) Extension du réseau de partenaires académiques et privés en vue d’autres projets européens

Aspects négatifs pour le Brgm Diversité des règles d’éligibilité entre programmes InterReg Règles d’éligibilité des frais de personnel peu adaptées aux établissements scientifiques autres que fonctionnaires, et mal adaptées aux partenaires privés Lourdeur administrative des justificatifs financiers Eligibilité partielle des coûts de personnel


Step 1 - Application Process Contact innovation chaser in your country

Step 2 - Application Process Admissibility check SME de minimis (< € 200 000/3 past years) Suitability of innovation

Step 3 - Application Process Full application What is your innovative technology/concept? Which tests are required? Which test site is envisioned? What is the economic impact? What is the environmental impact? Which markets?

Step 4 - Application Process Innovation vouchers granted Test plan Cost calculation

ETV verification ETV = EU Environmental Technology Verification Validation and verification offered by James Hutton Limited