Dec. 2-6 th week 2013 Lundi le 2Mardi le 3Mercredi le 4Jeudi le 5Vendredi le 6 F 1 Review of unit 3 words Oral practice in text and with song Book work.


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in French and in English
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Transcription de la présentation:

Dec. 2-6 th week 2013 Lundi le 2Mardi le 3Mercredi le 4Jeudi le 5Vendredi le 6 F 1 Review of unit 3 words Oral practice in text and with song Book work and bor words F 1 O Canada oral grade Book work due for 100% Borrowed words-work on B sentences & C definitions as we sing. F 1 Finish O Canada song book due for 50% Bor. Words B sentences due. C defs due. APT tonight F 1 Bor. Words B sent for 70 Review of ER verbs Teach subjects orally Study! F 1 Bor. Words C for 50 QUIZ unit 3 part 1- Monday Work on Tour de France project-due 12/9 Test is 12/13 F 2 R Speaking pkt-on LMS Vocabulary review 5 Frenchies Presentations all week F 2 R Speaking packet Vocabulary Review Finish presentations Book work F2 Speaking pkt practice Finish presentations, APT tonight F 2 Speaking pkt practice Finish presntations APT in for 100 F 2 APT grade-due 50 QUIZ on Monday Due Monday: project 5 famous Frenchmen Test: next Fri. then oral grade F 2 PreAP Speaking pkt-on LMS 5 Frenchies Presentations =do all week. H/W: projects F 2 PreAP Speaking packet Vocabulary review Finish presentationss borrowed words I F 2 PreAP Borr. Words s I due Finish presentations Speaking pkt, APT tonight F 2 Bor wrds I due for 50 Finish presentions and speaking packet APT for 100 F 2 APT for 50. QUIZ on Monday Due Monday: project 5 famous Frenchmen Test: Next Fri., then oral F 3 write 5 things All finish presentations Translate: 63 No early projects F 3 Review speaking pkt Translate 64 Project: ART due F 3 Speaking pkt oral grade* moved to next week. Project for 90 Translate 65 in class Past tense packet as H/W F 3 Speaking pkt oral grade*-next week Translate 69 Project for 80 Past tense packet as H/W F 3 QUIZ: ART Project for 70 Test on unit 2,3 words and past tenses next Fri. 12/13

F 3 1. Les artistes-80% dans LMS 2. Page 65 & P/C-frog---dû 3. En classe: Page 69

F 3-Reprise Ex. 1. Le mouvement limpressionisme est né. a b c Laquelle est une des femmes impressionnistes? a. Madame Curie b. Marie-Antoinette c. Camille Claudel d. Berthe Morisot 3. Quel peintre préferait peindre Les danseuses? a.Picasso b.Degas c.Renoir 4. Qui a peint les bals? a.Picasso b.Degas c.Renoir 5. Qui est le chef du mouvement Impressioniste? a.Van Gogh b.Manet c.Matisse

F 3 Reprise 6. Quel peintre avait un jardin-Giverney a. Monet b. Morisot c. Matisse 7. Qui est lassistante du sculpteur Auguste Rodin? a. Claudel b. Matisse c. Morisot 8. Les peintres impressionnistes préferaient travailler a. Dans un bureau b. Dans la cuisine c. En plein air Quel(le) artiste aimez-vous le mieux et pourquoi?

F 2 PreAP 1. Bor wrds I due for 50%, speaking packet-50% 2. APT (5-10 min. to finish) 3. Finish presentations! 4. Dont forget: QUIZ Monday on vocabulary! Study all yellow boxes pg ALSO: 5 Famous Frenchies project for +5!

F 2 R 1. Speaking packet in for 50%, unless absent 2. APT (pgs )-finish up 5-10 min. and get in today!!! 3. Finish prezi presentations! QUIZ Monday over vocabulary (yellow boxes) and PROJECT is due Monday for +5! (in by 7:30 a.m.) (Tues-100, Wed-90, Thurs-80, Fri-70!)

F 1 1. Bor. Words B sentences for 70%, C def. for 70% tomorrow for 50% & APT for 100% 2. Notes: subject pronouns*** 3. Oral practice in text: pg Tomorrow--Work on Tour de France project online & today or by Sunday night!!!

F 1 Je veux-I want Tu veux? Je peux-I can / I am able Tu peux? Je dois- I have to/ I must Tu dois?