Travail de cloche Translate into French: The cows who give the most milk are those which eat the best grass.


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French is spoken by approximately 120 million people in Africa.
Les pronoms démonstratifs
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The nation now known as The Democratic Republic of Congo was at one time the personal property of the King of Belgium.
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French is spoken by approximately 120 million people in Africa.
mercredi, le onze octobre
Djibouti is the only francophone country on the eastern coast of Africa. The capital of Djibouti is Djibouti.
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Bienvenue! Welcome to Westside
Les Bourgeois de Calais is a work art by Auguste Rodin which commemorates an incident during the Hundred Years War.
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Next weekend 1617frey9wk15nearfuture
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Quelle est la date aujourd’hui?
Révision – Phrases Importantes
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sortir avec mes copains faire les magasins jouer à des vidéo
Lundi 3 décembre Français I
Question formation In English, you can change a statement into a question by adding a helping verb (auxiliary): does he sing? do we sing? did they sing.
Lesson 3.
Travail de cloche Translate into French: Although he was king, Louis XVI was lazy.
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The Overseas Collectivity of French Polynesia has local autonomy over all government functions other than foreign relations and defence.
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Dans ma Salle de classe
Travail de cloche mercredi, le seize mai
The Overseas Collectivity of French Polynesia has local autonomy over all government functions other than foreign relations and defence.
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Point de départ In D’accord! Level 1, you learned how to use demonstrative adjectives. Demonstrative pronouns refer to a person or thing that has already.
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Vouloir, Pouvoir, Être.
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Travail de cloche Translate into French: Hermoine’s magic wand is more powerful than mine, but my glass shoe is more elegant than hers.
Travail de cloche lundi, le vingt trois avril
Travail de cloche Translate into French: The plays which are the best known are those about which the teachers speak.
Travail de cloche Translate into French: Max is vegan (végétalien). He never eats chicken. He eats neither cheese nor butter. He eats only rice.
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Travail de cloche Translate into French: That is the box in which Schroedinger kept his cat.
The French Caribbean island of Saint-Barthelemy is famous as a winter vacation destination for very rich people.
Travail de cloche Write a sentence of at least five words which uses the verb aller in le conditionnel.
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Moi Tituba, sorcière, written by Maryse Condé of Guadaloupe, is a novel imagining the life of a slave who was executed as a witch in Salem in 1692.
Travail de cloche lundi, le vingt trois avril
Les Jours de la Semaine ©  Copyright Kapow! 2017.
Transcription de la présentation:

Travail de cloche Translate into French: The cows who give the most milk are those which eat the best grass.

Bonjour! lundi, le quatre mars

New policy regarding homework effective Tuesday, March 5 Homework must be turned in at the start of the class period of the day it is due. Homework not handed in at that time is late and cannot receive full credit. Late homework which is turned-in before the end of ninth period of the day on which it is due will be eligible to receive a grade of no higher than 32 / 40. Late homework turned in by the end of ninth period the day after it is due will receive a grade of no higher than 30 / 40. Homework not turned in by the end of ninth period the day after it is due will receive a grade of zero.

If you have an incomplete for HBT Week 8 you will have until the end of ninth period, Friday, March 8 to make up incomplete work for that week. Any student who does not turn in homework more than once during a week will have mandatory ninth hour the following week during which the homework due the next day must be completed. If you have an excused absence, you are given the number of days you were absent plus one to make up the work due on those days. e.g. If you had an excused absence on Tuesday and returned to school on Wednesday, the work due on Tuesday will be due on Friday. The work due on Friday includes the Bellwork and Ticket Out the Door for Tuesday.

Les Bourgeois de Calais is a work art by Auguste Rodin which commemorates an incident during the Hundred Years War.

Les pronoms démonstratifs celui celle ceux celles Les pronoms démonstratifs tous veulent dire « the one » or « those » Un pronom démonstratif doit être suivi par: une proposition prépositionnelle. un pronom relatif ci, là

Un pronom démonstratif doit être suivi par: une proposition prépositionnelle. Duquel président parlez-vous? Celui sans une barbe? Ceux avec une barbe?

Un pronom démonstratif doit être suivi par: un pronom relatif Quelle voiture voulez-vous? Celle qui est noire. Celles qui sont rouges.

Un pronom démonstratif doit être suivi par: ci, là Quelle boisson est empoisonné? Celle-ci? Celle-là

La règle dorée. Celui qui possède de l’or, fait des règles.

L’indicatif Ceux qui est réel. M. Gerson porte un nœud papillon L’indicatif Ceux qui est réel. M. Gerson porte un nœud papillon. Jack est assis dans la salle de classe. Nous sommes au Colorado.

Le subjonctif On peut le disputer.

Il faut manger des légumes. Il est nécessaire de faire les devoirs Il faut manger des légumes. Il est nécessaire de faire les devoirs. Il est essential d’être poli.

Il faut que Sarah _(subjonctif) ses légumes.

Comment fait-on le subjonctif Comment fait-on le subjonctif? Commencez avec la forme ils /elles du présent Manger  mangent Laissez tomber le « ent » Mangent  mang

Ajoutez la terminaison du subjonctif Je mange Tu manges Il /elle mange Nous mangions Vous mangiez Elles / ils mangent

venir viennent  vienn je vienne tu viennes elle / il vienne nous venions vous veniez ils / elles viennent

Il faut que Sarah mange ses légumes Il faut que Sarah mange ses légumes. Il faut que nous mangions nos légumes. Il est nécessaire que Justin vienne à la réunion ce soir. Il est essential que Justin et vous veniez à la réunion ce soir.

Pensez à quelque chose que vous devez faire Pensez à quelque chose que vous devez faire. Écrivez une phrase qui commence: Il faut que je _______________________________.


Billet de sortie Completez la phrase en utilisant un pronom démonstratif: Les castors qui construient les meilleurs barrages…