Jour 13 MOT DE PASSE:Prendre son parti de quelque chose – to make up one’s mind about something J’ai pris mon parti des devoirs Nous avons fait notre parti.


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Year 7 French Homework Mme Janickyj
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Je vais te mettre au courant.
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BI 2 ATL: Communication skills Learning intention:
Jour 3 MOT DE PASSE: à l’heure – on time Tu es arrivé à l’heure
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Jour 7 MOT DE PASSE:Jouir de - to enjoy
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Jour 21 MOT DE PASSE: Déranger - to disturb, bother
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lundi 2 septembre Learning intentions:
Transcription de la présentation:

Jour 13 MOT DE PASSE:Prendre son parti de quelque chose – to make up one’s mind about something J’ai pris mon parti des devoirs Nous avons fait notre parti aussi

Learning Intention:Students will learn to ask questions about themselves and others, effectively decoding and understanding essential vocabulary or concepts. Success Criteria: Students will be able to effectively decode information and construct meaning as well as ask and respond to questions ATL: Communication Skills

prendre - to take je prends nous prenons tu prends vous prenez il/elle/on prend ils prennent J’ai pris

De quoi as-tu pris ton parti? J’ai pris mon parti de…. Bonjour - Question 1: De quoi as-tu pris ton parti? J’ai pris mon parti de….

Learning Intention:Students will learn to ask questions about themselves and others, effectively decoding and understanding essential vocabulary or concepts. Success Criteria: Students will be able to effectively decode information and construct meaning as well as ask and respond to questions ATL: Communication Skills

Les devoirs: La lecture - Discovering French Blanc, pages 80-84 1. read the story “Le Concert des Diplodocus” 2. in your cahier bleu, answer questions: “Avez-vous compris” at the bottom of pages 81,82,83, 84, read page 85 in your cahier bleu, write “Exercices de lecture” with 10 cognates

Learning Intention:Students will learn to ask questions about themselves and others, effectively decoding and understanding essential vocabulary or concepts. Success Criteria: Students will be able to effectively decode information and construct meaning as well as ask and respond to questions ATL: Communication Skills