Travail de cloche Êtes-vous ému(e) par le poème “Demain dès l’aube”?.


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Theme Two Speaking Questions
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Travail de cloche lundi, le vingt trois avril
Transcription de la présentation:

Travail de cloche Êtes-vous ému(e) par le poème “Demain dès l’aube”?.

Minuit Chrétiens, du compositeur français Adolphe Adam (1803 – 1856), est connu en l’anglophonie comme O, Holy Night

mercredi, le douze décembre Bonjour mercredi, le douze décembre

The end is near! There will be a unit exam on Friday, December 14. The final exam, which will be comprehensive will be on Wednesday, December 19 from 11:19 – 12:59. All work which is shown as incomplete in Power School as of TODAY, Monday, December 3, 2018, must be turned in by the end of ninth period on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14. Any work which has not been completed at that time will become a zero in PowerSchool.

Please be aware the HBT for a given week is considered to be incomplete if there is a single Bellwork / Ticket-out-the-door form or a single homework which is missing. Thus a 250 point HBT could become a zero if that one BT is not made up.

I dream of a world where a chicken would be able cross the road without anyone questioning her motives. .

Lisons! Jean de Florette Bonbons Demain dès l’aube

Qu’est-ce que c’est

L’houx la bruyère


Billet de sortie Complétez la phrase suivante: Demain j’aurai réussi à mon examen, puis, je ___________________________________________________.