"Man Machine Interaction" MEMODULES as tangible shortcuts to multimedia information Omar ABOU KHALED, Rolf INGOLD, Denis LALANNE
Lost in the InfoSpace effect: Information overload in our daily life
Memodules = tangible shortcuts / reminders to multimedia information memodule association device action association device action Electronic send +
State-of-the-art Academic: –Tangible Media MIT, tangible visualization group, etc –Information visualization & mining –Context-aware computing –Ambient Intelligence –Multimodal interfaces Industrial: –Windows XP Media Center –Logitech Harmony® Advanced Universal Remote
Own work and competence relative to the project: EIFR –CUI –SMAC –Multimedia Information representation, electronic commerce, distance learning, authoring system, structured dynamic documents, HCI, web based training systems. Uni. Fribourg –IM2 –SMAC –document analysis, multimodal alignment, Cross-modal analysis, usability, HCI.
Structure of the project Planning MEMODULES 1st year2nd year3rd year Use cases 2Technology survey Development 3User needs User assessment 4Industrial partner finding 5Reporting and publication HES Uni Both
Future Importance of the proposed project –New concept –Economic importance –Réalité économique (~ 5 ans) –Intérêt direct de léconomie locale –Plus spécialement le tourisme, le transport, et la santé –Rationaliser la distribution –Minimiser les coûts du transport –Political importance –Action complémentaire au Fond National Suisse pour la recherche –Une synergie formidable entre la recherche fondamentale et la recherche appliquée. Outlook –Human at the center of technology Provide more freedom and autonomy to people Transform communication and contact interaction with our environment, using physical metaphors. Build technology around users, using natural sensors –Constitute a Swiss media Network for similar projects Contact academic et industrial partners
1) Nous avons déjà 3 projets: –IM2, SMAC et visual audio 2) Synergie geographique - Les gens partagent les memes locaux -epart info 3) Montage de cours commun –competence MMi cours UNIFR et EIA-FR