Travail de cloche lundi, le vingt trois avril


Présentations similaires
Connaître to know, be acquainted or familiar with. Used for People and places. Je connais Tu connais Il/elle/on connaît P.p. - connu Nous connaissons Vous.

Savoir and connaître both mean to know. They are both irregular verbs. Je ne sais pas!
Notes les novembre SAVOIR et CONNAÎTRE The verbs savoir and connaître both mean to know, but they are not interchangeable.
1 Savoir et Connaître La norme: Communication 1.2 Comparisons 4.1 La question essentielle: - What are the two French verbs which mean « to know »? - What.
1. Est-ce que Est-ce que, literally translated "is it that," can be placed at the beginning of any affirmative sentence to turn it into a question: Je.
Les verbes savoir et connaître
Les Verbes Savoir et Connaître au Présent
Français I Leçon 8B - Structures
French is spoken by approximately 120 million people in Africa.
Djibouti is the only francophone country on the eastern coast of Africa. The capital of Djibouti is Djibouti.
The country now known as Democratic Republic of Congo was formerly the personal property of the King of Belgium.
The nation now known as The Democratic Republic of Congo was at one time the personal property of the King of Belgium.
Mon enfance Quand tu étais petit, tu étais comment?
mardi, le douze septembre
mercredi, le treize septembre
French is spoken by approximately 120 million people in Africa.
mercredi, le onze octobre
Djibouti is the only francophone country on the eastern coast of Africa. The capital of Djibouti is Djibouti.
Salim Bachi is a writer who was born in Algeria and who now lives in France and who writes in French.
Couscous, a dish which has become extremely popular throughout France, is historically a favorite meal of people from the Maghreb.
The film “Casablanca” is set in Morroco when it was a part of France.
mardi, le douze septembre
Acarajé, peeled black-eyed peas formed into a ball and then deep-fried, is a traditional dish in the francophone nation Benin.
The northern-most point of mainland Africa is in the francophone nation of Tunisia.
The film “Casablanca” is set in Morroco when it was a part of France.
Jacques Brel, who was born in Belgium but whose musical career was based in France, wrote and performed songs about the joy, heartbreak, and folly of love.
Approximately 41% of the population of Belgium is francophone.
Arthur Honneger (1892 – 1955) was a Swiss composer whose compositions made use of both classical and modern elements.
A banh-mi sandwich combines French and Vietnamese culinary forms by having pickled vegetables on a baguette.
Je sais Tu sais Il/Elle/On sait Nous savons Vous savez
Djimon Hounsou, who has twice been nominated for Academy Awards® for best supporting actor, was born in Benin.
Djimon Hounsou, who has twice been nominated for Academy Awards® for best supporting actor, was born in Benin.
In the francophone nation of Côte d’Ivoire, it is illegal to use any language other than French when giving the name of the country.
Les Bourgeois de Calais is a work art by Auguste Rodin which commemorates an incident during the Hundred Years War.
A Note the forms of the irregular verb connaître (to know). connaître
Question formation In English, you can change a statement into a question by adding a helping verb (auxiliary): does he sing? do we sing? did they sing.
Travail de cloche Translate into French: Although he was king, Louis XVI was lazy.
Travail de cloche Write three sentences: the first must use the verb prendre and a type of sandwich as the direct object. the second must use the verb.
The Overseas Collectivity of French Polynesia has local autonomy over all government functions other than foreign relations and defence.
Travail de cloche Que buvez vous avec votre dÎner?
Travail de cloche mercredi, le seize mai
Travail de cloche mercredi, le seize mai
The Overseas Collectivity of French Polynesia has local autonomy over all government functions other than foreign relations and defence.
Travail de cloche Où cachez-vous vos bonbons?.
Travail de cloche Pensez à un personnage du livre que vous venez de finir. Quel cadeau, que vous pouvez acheter à, voulez-vous lui donner?
Travail de cloche Êtes-vous ému(e) par le poème “Demain dès l’aube”?.
The Marrons are decendants of slaves who escaped from their masters in French Guiana and founded their own communities in the interior of the country.
travail de cloche vendredi, le dix neuf janvier
Le bagne de la Guyane française, qui a inclus l’Île du Diable, était notoire pour le traitement brutale de ses prisonniers.
Savoir et Connaître La norme: Communication 1.2 Comparisons 4.1
mardi, le dix neuf décembre.
Travail de cloche Pensez à l’intrigue de deux livres que vous avez lu pendant ce semestre. Comment sont-ils similaires et comment sont-ils différents?
Travail de cloche Vous avez reçu le permis de l’administration pour établir un nouveau code vestimentaire à LCHS. Quel sont quatre règles de votre code?
The French Caribbean island of Saint-Barthelemy is famous as a winter vacation destination for very rich people.
Travail de cloche Translate into French: We were ten years old when Justin was born.
Travail de cloche Write a sentence of at least five words which uses the verb aller in le conditionnel.
Travail de cloche mercredi, le vingt huit février
Travail de cloche Translate into French: We play chess frequently. We play tennis occasionally. We rarely play cards. We never read graphic novels.
Moi Tituba, sorcière, written by Maryse Condé of Guadaloupe, is a novel imagining the life of a slave who was executed as a witch in Salem in 1692.
Moi Tituba, sorcière, written by Maryse Condé of Guadaloupe, is a novel imagining the life of a slave who was executed as a witch in Salem in 1692.
Travail de cloche lundi, le vingt trois avril
Travail de cloche Translate into French: They buy Mr. Clean and we clean the bathroom.
Travail de cloche Translate into French: I am looking for a house with three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a dining room, and a swimming pool.
Travail de cloche Translate into French: I was buying green pants when Charles arrived and ate a purple pie.
Transcription de la présentation:

The film Blade Runner 2049 was directed by the Quebecois film-maker Denis Villeneuve

Travail de cloche lundi, le vingt trois avril Pour quelle(s) taches ménagère avez-vous besoin d’une éponge?

Bonjour! lundi, le vingt trois avril The end is near! Any assignment which is shown as incomplete as of Monday May 21 will become a zero. It is your responsibility to determine if you have any incomplete assignments and to make-up that work. If you have any questions about make-up work, speak to M. Gerson. There will be a unit exam on Friday May 4. The final exam, which will be comprehensive, will be on May 22.

Pourquoi tombons-nous? Nous tombons pour apprendre comment se lever.

Sommes-nous prêt? Nous sommes prêts !

The film Blade Runner 2049 was directed by the Quebecois film-maker Denis Villeneuve

Révision Tom and Marie lived together for thirty years. He always did the laundry and she often did the dishes.

to know connaitre: used when referring to being acquainted with people or when speaking about familiarity with general subjects. savoir: used when speaking about specific facts.

connaitre = to know je connais nous connaissons je connaissais nous connaissions tu connais vous connaissez tu connaissais vous connaissiez connait elles connaissent elle connaissait ils connaissaient Le participle passé = connu

Nous connaissons Robert LeBlanc: il est notre voisin. M Nous connaissons Robert LeBlanc: il est notre voisin. M. Tullius connait bien la literature britannique. Quand tu avais cinq ans tu connaissais Mme Aumont, ta nourrice. Le jour quand j’ai passé mon examen de latin j’ai connu beaucoup de grammaire, mais je ne me le souviens plus.

savoir = to know je sais nous savons je savais nous savions tu sais vous savez tu savais vous savies elle sait ils savent il savait elles savaient le participe passé = su

Nous savons qu’il y a trois soeurs dans la famille LeBlanc Nous savons qu’il y a trois soeurs dans la famille LeBlanc. Tu sais les mots de l’hymne national de France. Madeleine sait comment cuire une tarte aux pommes. Pendant la deuxième guerre mondiale, il a su des secrets millitaires. Quand j’étais jeune, je savais les chiffres de tous les Yankees.

Never use savoir when speaking about being acquainted with someone Never use savoir when speaking about being acquainted with someone. Connaitre is always used in these cases. Tout le monde connait M. Spock. Savoir is used when mentioning specific facts about a person. Nous savons que M. Spock est membre de l’Académie Vulcane des Sciences.

Connaissez-vous LeBron James Connaissez-vous LeBron James? Je ne le connais pas, mais je sais qui c’est. Connaissez-vous les symphonies de Beethoven? Je ne les connais pas, mais je sais qu’ils sont les chefs d’oeuvres.

Billet de sortie Translate into French: I do not know Sponge Bob, but I know he vacuums the carpet in his pineapple (ananas).