Travail de cloche Write a sentence about Napoléon Bonaparte which uses a demonstrative pronoun and the subjunctive.


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Les pronoms relatifs Objective: Learn to use more interesting and more complex sentences in French.

::MARCHE ET COURT:: Copyright © 2013 Martina Bex ● ● The Comprehensible Classroom Image CC-BY 2010 JD Hancock
French is spoken by approximately 120 million people in Africa.
In memory of September 11, 2001 The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.
Les pronoms démonstratifs
Djibouti is the only francophone country on the eastern coast of Africa. The capital of Djibouti is Djibouti.
vendredi, le vingt neuf septembre
Une si longue lettre (A Very Long Letter) is a novel by Mariama Bâ of Senegal which discusses the problems of modern women living in traditional African.
The country now known as Democratic Republic of Congo was formerly the personal property of the King of Belgium.
The nation now known as The Democratic Republic of Congo was at one time the personal property of the King of Belgium.
le lundi 25 avril Bonjour, classe
mardi, le douze septembre
French is spoken by approximately 120 million people in Africa.
mercredi, le onze octobre
The Rogers and Hammerstein musical “South Pacific” is set on a francophone island. Thus, the first words heard in the show are a song in French. Dites-moi,
Djibouti is the only francophone country on the eastern coast of Africa. The capital of Djibouti is Djibouti.
Salim Bachi is a writer who was born in Algeria and who now lives in France and who writes in French.
Le cap le plus nord de l’Afrique est situé au pays francophone la Tunisie.
Salim Bachi is a writer who was born in Algeria and who now lives in France and who writes in French.
The formerly French countries of Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, and Mauretania are amongst the countries known as The Maghreb.
Loango Park in the francophone country Gabon is home to such diverse animals as gorillas, hippopotamuses, and whales.
Year 7 French Homework Mme Janickyj Autumn term 2
Jacques Brel, who was born in Belgium but whose musical career was based in France, wrote and performed songs about the joy, heartbreak, and folly of love.
Relation Pythagore #2 (Trouver la longueur de l’hypothénuse)
A banh-mi sandwich combines French and Vietnamese culinary forms by having pickled vegetables on a baguette.
Je sais Tu sais Il/Elle/On sait Nous savons Vous savez
Djimon Hounsou, who has twice been nominated for Academy Awards® for best supporting actor, was born in Benin.
Djimon Hounsou, who has twice been nominated for Academy Awards® for best supporting actor, was born in Benin.
Metropolitan France is often referred to as “The Hexagon”
Charles DeGaulle ( ) was the leader of the Free French forces during World War II and the president of France upon the establishment of the Fifth.
Les Bourgeois de Calais is a work art by Auguste Rodin which commemorates an incident during the Hundred Years War.
Domaine: Mesure R.A.: Je démontre ma compréhension du théorème de Pythagore. J’utilise le théorème de Pythagore pour déterminer si un triangle est rectangle.
Year 7 French Homework Mr Mwamba Autumn term 2
Relation Pythagore #2 (Trouver la longueur de l’hypothénuse)
Meilleur/mieux The adjective bon(ne)(s) has irregular forms in the comparative and superlative—meilleur(e)(s) and le (la, les) meilleur(e)(s). Charles.
Travail de cloche Translate into French: Although he was king, Louis XVI was lazy.
L’école La maîtresse La cour En classe En rangs Le surveillant Le directeur Le chouchou Les camarades L’élève Les cahiers Le bureau Sage Embêté Meilleur.
Travail de cloche Translate into French. I am cold. I am hungry. I am ashamed of my pencil. My history test is difficult. I hate Thursday.
Travail de cloche Write a sentence about swimming.
Travail de cloche Translate into French: The cows who give the most milk are those which eat the best grass.
Travail de cloche Translate into French: It is essential that Snow White eats the poisoned apple.
Travail de cloche mercredi, le seize mai
The Marrons are decendants of slaves who escaped from their masters in French Guiana and founded their own communities in the interior of the country.
Travail de cloche Translate into French replacing the direct object with an appropriate pronoun. They gave three bananas to Justin and me.
travail de cloche vendredi, le dix neuf janvier
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Travail de cloche lundi, le vingt trois avril
Travail de cloche Translate into French: The plays which are the best known are those about which the teachers speak.
Travail de cloche Translate into French: I do not think that Justin, who is rich, can sing the school song.
Travail de cloche Translate into French: If I decide to become a fireman, I will study chemistry at a university in Pennsylvania.
Travail de cloche jeudi, le premier mars
Travail de cloche Translate into French: Max is vegan (végétalien). He never eats chicken. He eats neither cheese nor butter. He eats only rice.
Les Questions d’Information
Travail de cloche Dites quelque chose sur un sujet que vous pensez est important.
Travail de cloche Translate into French: That is the box in which Schroedinger kept his cat.
The French Caribbean island of Saint-Barthelemy is famous as a winter vacation destination for very rich people.
Travail de cloche Write a single sentence which uses qui and que.
Travail de cloche Translate into French: We were ten years old when Justin was born.
Le Musée d’Orsay in Paris is primarily dedicated to impressionist art.
Travail de cloche mercredi, le vingt huit février
Travail de cloche Translate into French: We play chess frequently. We play tennis occasionally. We rarely play cards. We never read graphic novels.
Moi Tituba, sorcière, written by Maryse Condé of Guadaloupe, is a novel imagining the life of a slave who was executed as a witch in Salem in 1692.
Travail de cloche lundi, le vingt trois avril
Travail de cloche Translate into French: It is necessary that Lebron James drinks green Gatorade.
Travail de cloche Translate into French: They buy Mr. Clean and we clean the bathroom.
Travail de cloche Translate into French: That week, Jacques and Claude were visiting France, and on Wednesday we visited Alain.
Travail de cloche Translate into French: Bertand is happy that we who fly the fastest planes are all beavers.
Travail de cloche Translate into French: Louis-Phillipe was the best king that the French could find in 1830.
Travail de cloche Translate into French: I was buying green pants when Charles arrived and ate a purple pie.
Travail de cloche Translate into French: It is good that Sidney Crosby is his favorite player and that Evgeni Malkin is hers.
Transcription de la présentation:

Travail de cloche Write a sentence about Napoléon Bonaparte which uses a demonstrative pronoun and the subjunctive.

Bonjour! lundi, le quinze avril

A fire has caused extensive damage to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris

M. Gerson est le seul prof dans la salle de classe. M M. Gerson est le seul prof dans la salle de classe. M. Gerson est le seul prof qui puisse nouer un nœud-papillon. Le 95% que Mme Orford a reçu est la meilleure note sur l’examen de géographie. Obadiah Greshnik soit le meilleur candidat pour capitaine de l’école. Personne ne sait que Clark Kent est Superman. Je ne connais personne qui sache que Clark Kent est Superman. Y a-t-il quelqu’un qui sache que Clark Kent est Superman?

Je ne sais rien du gouvernement de Mali Je ne sais rien du gouvernement de Mali. Bob L’Éponge ne sait rien qu’il puisse faire pour garder son ananas au sec. Ed Shearan est le meilleur chanteur qui ait joué le rôle d’un troubadour à Jeu de Trônes avant le début de la huitième saison. Elle est la plus belle hippopotame qui sache le théorème de Pythagore. Le carré de l'hypoténuse d'un triangle rectangle est égal à la somme des carrés des deux côtés adjacents.

Napoléon Bonaparte Napoleon Dynamite

Billet de sortie Translate into French: Bob is the best musician who sings the school song.