Travail de cloche Qui est un nouveau personnage de votre livre? Pensez-vous qu’il soit héros ou malfaiteur?


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Travail de cloche Translate into French: Although he was king, Louis XVI was lazy.
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Travail de cloche Translate into French replacing the direct object with an appropriate pronoun. They gave three bananas to Justin and me.
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Travail de cloche Translate into French: If I decide to become a fireman, I will study chemistry at a university in Pennsylvania.
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Travail de cloche Dites quelque chose sur un sujet que vous pensez est important.
Travail de cloche Translate into French: That is the box in which Schroedinger kept his cat.
Travail de cloche Write a single sentence which uses qui and que.
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Travail de cloche Translate into French: I will eat lunch tomorrow at Chez Pierre and they will serve Anne and me so quickly that we will return here.
Moi Tituba, sorcière, written by Maryse Condé of Guadaloupe, is a novel imagining the life of a slave who was executed as a witch in Salem in 1692.
Moi Tituba, sorcière, written by Maryse Condé of Guadaloupe, is a novel imagining the life of a slave who was executed as a witch in Salem in 1692.
Jean Moulin (1899 – 1943) était un héros de la résistance française pendant la deuxième guerre mondiale. Il a été capturé, torturé et tué par les Nazis.
Double Vision the art of seeing more than one thing
Travail de cloche Translate into French: It is necessary that Lebron James drinks green Gatorade.
Travail de cloche Translate into French: That week, Jacques and Claude were visiting France, and on Wednesday we visited Alain.
Travail de cloche Translate into French: Bertand is happy that we who fly the fastest planes are all beavers.
Travail de cloche Translate into French: I was buying green pants when Charles arrived and ate a purple pie.
Transcription de la présentation:

Travail de cloche Qui est un nouveau personnage de votre livre? Pensez-vous qu’il soit héros ou malfaiteur?

vendredi, le onze janvier Bonjour! vendredi, le onze janvier

Vendredi, vendredi Rah, rah, rah! On-y va

À Paris, l’arc du carrousel, l’arc du triomphe de Bonaparte, la grande arche de La Défense sont en ligne

L’évêque actuel de Digne René Levesque

If I were the innkeeper who met Jean Valjean, I would give him chicken soup. If someone steals bread, he goes to the Toulon prison colony. If Sponge Bob goes to Digne, he will dance the polka with Mme Magloire After having welcomed him at the inn, the policeman will chase him out. If I would have known he had stolen the bread for his starving nephew, I would have paid for the bread and the window. After having received the silverware from the bishop he became an honest man. After having received the silverware from the bishop, I doubt that Jean Valjean will still be a criminal.


Billet de sortie Si l’évêque Myriel rencontrait Tholomyès, que dirait le prêtre au jeune homme ?