S1 descriptions You are going to create a comic in French with others in your class. You will use what you have learned to describe a comic character of.


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Transcription de la présentation:

S1 descriptions You are going to create a comic in French with others in your class. You will use what you have learned to describe a comic character of your choice. Today – to learn about Comics in France 1

Les Bandes Dessinées

Les Bandes Dessinées 1. Comic strips are very popular in France. 2. French people call them BD for short. 3. There are many popular BD characters.

Do you know any famous French cartoon characters?

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Personnages des histoires Tintin Tintin - video Le Professeur Tournesol Tintin Milou Les Dupont Le capitaine Haddock

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Qui est-ce? Tintin Gaston Astérix Idéfix Obélix 1 2 3 4 6 5 Boule et Bill Tintin Gaston Astérix Idéfix Obélix 1 2 3 Maybe get class to draw and label in jotters 4 6 5

Les adjectifs Gros Courageux Actif Paresseux Petit Grand Intelligent Bavard Rusé Marrant Maladroit fat brave active lazy small big intelligent chatty cunning funny clumsy

Les adjectifs Astérix est Tintin est Obélix est