Travail de cloche Write a single sentence which uses qui and que.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Travail de cloche Write a single sentence which uses qui and que.

mercredi, le vingt sept février Bonjour! mercredi, le vingt sept février

examen, unité 5 vendredi, le premier mars AVERTISSEMENT examen, unité 5 vendredi, le premier mars

Le Marquis de Lafayette s’est battu à quelques batailles importantes de la Révolution Américaine, y compris Yorktown.

If I write a good CV, I will find a good job If I write a good CV, I will find a good job. ______________________________________________________________ When my dog finishes dinner Jacques will play the piano. As soon as they arrive at school they do their history homework. If we finish before 7 PM we will eat at the Olive Garden. If Pierre was a fruit he would be a pineapple

If they live in Colorado, they attend baseball games at Coors Field If they live in Colorado, they attend baseball games at Coors Field. (le stade Coors) ___________________________________________________________________ If you (familiar) go to the movies, you will see The French Connection. As soon as you and your mother finish singing we will watch the television. He is the farmer who sings Madeleine at our school. Madeleine is the song that the three firemen sang in class. _______________________________________________________________

The doctor died the day when the nurse was born The doctor died the day when the nurse was born. __________________________________________________________ The electrician and you sleep in the room where there is a bed. He is the taxi driver that Margaret Mitchell is scared of.


Billet de sortie Écrivez une phrase qui utilise “dès que” qui parle d’une profession ou un métier.