En classeLe 5 novembre Intérrogation écrite 1.I have 2.He has 3.We have 4.They have 5.You have (s) 1.Elles ont (f) 2.Vous avez (pl) 3.On a 4.Elle a 5.Jai.


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Verbes en -er Monsieur Clark. Infinitive The form of the verb we find in the dictionary is called the infinitive.

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Title of topic © 2011 wheresjenny.com 1 Grammar Point Duration of time: For, since, and ago. lexpression de la durée.
The passé composé of –er verbs with avoir
Le présent et le passé composé Present tense and perfect tense.
Conception: Martin Pierre Trottier, Past ( affirmative ) Jai eu ou javais Tu as eu ou tu avais Il a eu ou il avait Elle a eu ou elle avait Il.
Le Passé Composé J'ai fini Elle a dansé Il a voyagé
Passé composé Perfect tense =v6hKSl8FgBU&feature=youtu.be.
Expressions which use the verb avoir. Avoir in the present tense j ai (I have) tu as tu as (you have) SG. il a (he has) elle a (she has) nous avons (we.
RAPPEL! Le Passé Composé Le passé composé is used to express actions that are completed in the past. An idea expressed in the passé composé can be translated.
Passé Composé ou Imparfait?
Le présent Present tense The present tense describes what is happening now.
Le passé composé. The passé composé is used for: 1.An action completed in the past 2.An action repeated a number of times in the past 3.A series of actions.
Le Passé Composé avec Avoir Français 1441 Ch. 5 leçon 2.1.
The Present Tense avoir (to have) Learn the Present Tense of avoir jainous avons tu asvous avez Il,elle aIls,elles ont.
To use this resource, make sure you view the slideshow, not just open the file. You can learn a slide off by heart, then test yourself on the next slide.
Un petit test de… …géographie!. 1 (city) 2 (mountains) 3 (city) 4 (country) 5 (country) 6 (river)
Y 12 Irregulars - avoir, être, faire, aller
Jeudi, le 10 octobre Objectif de la leçon: To be able to form and detect the Imperfect Tense in French. e.g. I used to buy/ I was buying Olympics values.
Virtual Flash Cards Use the arrow keys to advance through this review sheet.
Limparfait ou le passé composé? Interro diagnostic.
How to use the verb avoir Revise subject pronouns
Jai joué Il a parlé Jai écouté Jai travaillé Nous avons mangé Il a trouvé
Handy Time Vocab 1 - Calendar With Miss Digitally Angry Clock-Face.
________________________ Tu vas retourner en…? L/O: To use the future tense to talk about whether you will return to your holiday destination or not STARTER:
The Perfect Tense (verbs with avoir).
My baby steps to technology 2012 PowerPoint with voice-over Y8 French Grammar preparation for written test.
I went to my friend’s house I have eaten my breakfast
To conjugate most verbs in the past tense, you use the verb avoir conjugated in the present tense plus a past participle. Example: Present tense I am.
Trouvez le trésor! mardi le 19 novembre À la télé Lobjectif: to understand how to talk about things we watch on tv in the past tense.
Les questions au passé composé By: Mark Wilson For: Madame Browers 3 e classe période.
The verbs AVOIR and ETRE. AVOIR = to have Jai = I have Tu as = You have Il/elle a = he/she has Nous avons = we have Vous avez = you (polite) have Ils/elles.
Le verbe « avoir » The verb avoir means to have. It has irregular forms. jai tu as il a elle a on a nous avons vous avez ils ont elles ont I have you have.
1. How many ingredients do you need to form the past tense? 2. Can you name them? 3. What is the correct form of avoir with je? 4. What is the correct.
Mardi, quatorze novembre Pronouns Objective: To learn the pronouns in French Key words: Il = he Elle = she.
Welcome to a French lesson Bonjour classe Can you tell me using a verb what have you done yesterday, this morning or before you came to this class?
Le Passé Composé Past Tense (Past Perfect). The passé composé The passé composé expresses what happened in the past (sometimes called the past perfect.
Notes le 3 octobre Le passé composé des verbes réguliers (The Past Tense of Regular Verbs) Mes copains et moi, nous avons joué au foot samedi dernier.
Le passé composé. jouer j tu il elle on nous vous ils elles ai joué as joué a joué avons joué avez joué ont joué
The PASSÉ COMPOSÉ is one of the most common French past tenses.
Conjugation  Changing the form of the verb to fit the subject pronoun.  (to have) I have, you have, he (she) has, we have, y’all have, they have.  (to.
Les verbes essentiels. avoiravoir – to have j ai tu as il a elle a nous avons vous avez ils ont elles ont.
Qu’est-ce que c’est? La Formation… Verbes en –er
Conjugation Changing the form of the verb to fit the subject pronoun. (to have) I have, you have, he (she) has, we have, yall have, they have. (to be)
Passé Composé I.An action completed in the past II.An action repeated a number of times in the past III.A series of actions completed in the past.
Saying what you have been doing
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La semaine dernière Revisit the perfect tense to say what you have done. By the end of the session, each of you will be able to say and write at least.
What tense is this?... What are the rules? J’ai mangé un hamburger.
The Passé Composé Objective: to talk about things we have done on a visit to explain what events happened to speak and write about events in the past.
Start with verb ? in the ? tense Start with verb ? in the ? tense Change the ? of my –ER verb with ? Change the ? of my –ER verb with.
Le passé composé LO: use the perfect tense accurately for regular verbs with “avoir” Vendredi 17 septembre.
Le passé composé Review en short.
Être to be.
J’ai Tu as Il a Elle a On a I have You have He ha She has One has Nous avons Vous avez Ils ont Elles ont We have You have They have.
Review of le passé composé (irrégulier). 2 steps to putting a verb in the past tense.
Mercredi, le 11 décembre 2012.
Le Passé Hier, j’ai mangé un sandwich et des pommes frites. Et toi? Moi, hier j’ai mangé un hamburger et j’ai bu un coca.
Many verbs that are irregular in the present also have irregular past participles. Therefore, no rule for formation, you need to memorize them. Each time.
Les objectifs: - to learn pronouns - To learn the verb ‘avoir’ (to have)
Le passé composé: Describing past actions Les normes: 1.2; 4.1 Questions essentielles: What is a compound tense? What is the formula for the passé composé?
The future tense. Expressions you will need to talk about the future 1.Demain 2.Le week-end prochain 3.Samedi prochain 4.L’ été prochain 5.La semaine.
The perfect tense With avoir verbs An Gulinck. The perfect tense or passé composé is a past tense. We use this tense to mention what you have done in.
Avoir– To have We have I have You have You have One has They have
Le passé composé régulier
Chapter 7.2 Un Peu plus à la page 242
Les pronoms-Pronouns.
Write your own sentence for your friend to translate
Transcription de la présentation:

En classeLe 5 novembre Intérrogation écrite 1.I have 2.He has 3.We have 4.They have 5.You have (s) 1.Elles ont (f) 2.Vous avez (pl) 3.On a 4.Elle a 5.Jai

En classeLe 5 novembre Intérrogation écrite 1.Jai 2.Il a 3.Nous avons 4.Ils ont 5.Tu as 1.They have (f) 2.You have (pl) 3.One has 4.She has 5.I have

Time phrases for Past Tense Hier (ee-air) Le weekend dernier Le samedi dernier Le mois dernier En décembre La semaine dernière Lannée dernière Cétait Il y avait Yesterday Last weekend Last Saturday Last month In December Last week Last year It was There was / were

Par exemple Last weekend I ate at a restaurant Le weekend dernier, Jai mangé au restaurant