My favourite subject is You can use this sheet but nothing else in your assessment. Hand it in with your assessment. Name: Le collège– Written Assessment Autumn Term Write a paragraph about school talking about you favourite subjects and give Reasons why you like or dislike them. Also talk about your morning routine and What you do after school. 1) Get your vocabulary ready: I knew this I had to look this up in my exercise book/ toolkit. Normally Then And afterwards I get up I wake up I brush my teeth I have a shower I have a wash I get dressed I have breakfast I go to school I love I like I don’t like I hate My favourite subject is English French Geography History Science
ICT PE Art Maths Music Technology It is / he is/ She is Really Quite I knew this I had to look this up in my exercise book/ toolkit. ICT PE Art Maths Music Technology It is / he is/ She is Really Quite Very Difficult/ Easy Boring/ Interesting The teacher Because Kind/ Strict In the evening I go to sleep I do my homework I go cycling I watch TV I do the washing up 2) Decide how you are going to organise you paragraphs. Choose at least 3 paragraphs: Before School, Subjects and Opinions, After School 3) Now decide on everything you are going to include in paragraph 1 highlight it and then write your paragraph. Then do the same for paragraphs 2 and 3. Add connectives, opinions and extra vocabulary.
Quality assured by the ALL Connect project (2015) Exemple Le matin je me lève à sept heures. Je me douche et puis je me brosse les dents. Je m’habille et après je prends mon petit-déjeuner. À huit heures je vais au collège en bus. Au collège j’apprends huit matières - l’anglais, les sciences, le français, l’allemand, la géographie, l’histoire, les maths et le sport. J’adore le français parce que c’est très intéressant mais je n’aime pas les maths parce que c’est trop ennuyeux. Ma matière préférée c’est les sciences parce que c’est assez facile. Le soir je fais mes devoirs puis je mange et je fais la vaisselle. Je fais du vélo et à dix heures et demie je vais au lit. Quality assured by the ALL Connect project (2015)