Dematerialization and use of social networks in public administrations: Emergence of Citizen Relationship Management (CiRM) in Morocco EL YACHIOUI Maryam.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Dematerialization and use of social networks in public administrations: Emergence of Citizen Relationship Management (CiRM) in Morocco EL YACHIOUI Maryam &AOMARI Amina Mohammed V University of Rabat, Morocco

How the Moroccan government can benefit from the dematerialization and social networks in their citizen relationship management, their internal management, their relationships with suppliers and other administrations? 2

Plan General context Evaluation of the Moroccan e-government experience Moroccan government presence on social networks Methods Results Discussion, conclusion and research paths 3

General context CiRM=New concept, Emergence of the e-government, First publications on CiRM in 2000: -Sharpe, 2000; -Souder, 2001; -Trostmann,

5 E VALUATION OF THE M OROCCAN E - GOVERNMENT « Morocco Numeric 2013 » program, 78th at the World Economic Forum ranking on ICT, Net increase of 38 seats was recorded by Morocco in the World ranking e-governement, 17th place worldwide and first African on the index of the e- Participation.

6 Moroccan governement presence on social networks Distribution of the Moroccan governement:  299 administrative units: -Ministerial departments, -Large public institutions, -Other public institutions.

7 The ministerial departments’ online presence Figure1: The ministerial departments’ online presence

8 Large public institutions’ online presence Figure 2: Large public institutions’ online presence

9 Others public institutions’ online presence Figure 3: Others public institutions’ online presence

10 Methods General design Elaboration of the questionnaire Choice of collection method Sample Data processing and analysis

R ESULTS 17-Juin

12 Our sample Figure 5: ProfessionFigure 4: Gender Figure 6: Location Figure 7: Age

13 Patterns of ICT use by Moroccan citizens Figure 8: Places and supports of internet access Figure 9: Connection type

14 Evaluation of Moroccan public services quality AverageStandard devation Quality of services provided 1,880,91 Confidence level1,760,85 Quality of reception1,710,68 Level of transparency1,670,76 Guidance Quality1,660,73 Quality listening1,610,65 Total1,710,77 (Valuation of levels: 1 (Poor) to 5 (excellent)) Table 1: Evaluation of public services Figure 10: Waiting time

O BTAINING INFORMATION Figure 11: Way of obtaining information

16 Information Quality AverageStandard deviation The clarity of the information transmitted 1,980,92 Quality of the transmitted volume 1,960,94 Quality consistency1,910,92 Transparency of information 1,900,85 Speed of obtaining information 1,830,78 Quality of exchanges1,690,77 Total1,880,87 Valuation of levels: 1 (Not satisfied at all) to 4 (Very satisfied). Table 2: Evaluation of the information quality Figure 12: Evaluation of communication quality

17 Best solution to improve Moroccan government communication Figure 13: Best solution to improve Moroccan government communication

18 Claims Management Figures 14: Evaluation of the claims management

D ISCUSSION, CONCLUSION AND RESEARCH PATHS User=driving force in the CiRM, Importance of dematerialization and social networks, Importance of the communication, Importance of claims, Importance of the collaborative relationship, Importance of the personalization of the relation, DECENTRALIZATION.

20 Thank You for your attention For any questions please contact me on the address below: