Direct Object Pronouns Indirect Pronouns Pronouns Y et En


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Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns in French

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Transcription de la présentation:

Direct Object Pronouns Indirect Pronouns Pronouns Y et En

Direct Object Pronouns A direct object is the person or thing that receives the action of a verb To avoid repetition, direct object nouns are replaced by a direct object pronoun. Direct objects can be identified by the absence of a preposition before the noun in question.

Forms of the direct objects Subject Pronouns Direct Object Pronoun Je me Tu te Il le Elle la Nous nous Vous vous Ils les Elles les

Example Direct object pronouns comes before the noun. Est-ce que tu achetes ce livre? Non. Je le regarde tout simplement.

Example Direct object pronouns come before auxiliary verbs. As-tu vu Daniel? Je l’ai cherché, mais je ne l’ai pas trouvé.

Example Direct object comes before the infinitive, When there are two verbs in a sentence. Vous pouvez nous deposer en ville? Je regrette, mais je ne peux pas vous prendre.

Example Direct object follows the “ne” in a negative sentence. Vous ne me reconnaissez pas? Non, je regrette, mais je ne vous reconnais pas du tout.

Example Direct object comes after the verb attached by a hypen in for an affirmative command. Téléphone-moi.(in a command the me becomes moi) Direct object comes before the verb in a negative command. Ne me téléphone pas après onze heures.

Example of verbs that take an object pronoun Attendre qqn/qqch – to wait for someone/something Chercher qqn/qqch – to look for someone/something Demander qqch – to ask for something Ecouter qqn/qqch – to listen to someone/something Payer qqch – to pay for something Regarder qqn/qqch – to look at someone/something


Indirect object pronouns Replaces a indirect object. This is often shown by using the word ‘to’ in English, and with infinitives which are followed by ‘à’ in French. to speak to = parler à Je lui parle = I am speaking to him to phone = téléphoner à Je lui téléphone = I am phoning her to give to = donner à Je leur donne le cadeau = I am giving them the present Note that we sometimes miss out the word ‘to’ in English; this must be translated by the indirect object pronoun in French. Indirect and direct object pronouns are the same, apart from the ‘il/elle’ and ‘ils/elles’ forms.


Pronoun Y The equivalent of “there” in English. Use to replace thing or places. Use to replace names of places introduced by prepositions of place such as à, en, dans, chez, sous, sur, etc. May also replace à + noun; designating a thing. Like other pronouns, y is placed before the verb, except in affirmative commands.

Example of the Pronoun “Y” 1. Tu vas souvent à la plage? - Oui, j’y vais souvent en été. 2. Tu es allé en France? - Oui, J’y suis allé. 3. Ils vont en ville. - Ils y vont.

Example of the Pronoun “Y” 4. Il a répondu au message éléctronique. - Il y a répondu. 5. Tu vas participer au championnat? - Oui, je vais y participer. 6. Est-elle devant la maison? - Oui, elle y est. 7. Est-ce qu’ils doivent aller chez le medécin? - Ils doivent y aller

Expressions with “Y” 1. Vas-y! – Go on! Go ahead! Keep going! 2.On y va – Let’s go! Should we go? Are we going? 3. Allons-y – Let’s go! 4. Ça y est – That’s it/There you are/Finish? 5. Je n’y tiens plus. – I can’t stand it any longer. 6. Vous y êtes? – Are you ready? 7. Je n’y peux rien. – I can’t help it.

EXPRESSIONS WITH “Y” 8. Je n’y suis pour rien. – I can’t help it. 9. Vas-y. – let’s go/you go 10. Il y a deux heures – two hours ago 11. Il y a des gens qui- there are people who… 12. Il y a des pommes? – Are there any apples?

EN En replaces a previously mentioned noun followed by de (du, des, de la, de l’) Ex. Il arrive de Paris./Il en arrive. If de + noun represents a thing, then that part of the sentence can be replaced by en. Ex. Je doute de votre sincérité./J’en doute.

When not to use EN If de + noun represents a person, do not use en. Instead, retain the “de” and add the appropriate disjunctive pronoun, except if the partitive is used. Disjunctive pronoun – (moi, toi, lui, elle, soi, nous, vous, eux, elles) Ex. Paul s’approche de l’agent./Paul s’approache de lui. Ex. Je parle de mon amie./Je parle d’elle. Except: Je cherche des clients./J’en cherche.(This is an exception, because this sentence represent a quantity; some clients)

EXPRESSIONS WITH “EN” 1. J’en ai pour une seconde – I’ll be right back. 2. Où en étions-nous restés? – Where did we stop/leave off? 3. J’en ai eu pour mille euros?- It cost me 1000 euros. 4. J’en ai assez – That’s enough/I’ve had enough 5. Ne vous en faites pas – Don’t worry about it. 6. Je n’en peux plus. – I can’t keep on.

PLACEMENT OF PRONOUNS IN A SENTENCE Placement of the pronouns is strictly regulated in French. Je me le lui y en Verb Tu te la leur Il se les Elle nous On vous Nous Vous Ils Elles

EXAMPLE OF MORE THAN ONE PRONOUNS IN A SENTENCE Tu connais Yves? Non, je ne le connais pas. La semaine dernière, je lui ai preté ma BMW mais il ne me l’a pas rendue. Tu veux dire que tu la lui pretée sans sécurite?