Le pronom en
What does it do? En is a french object pronoun that is used to replace many expressions dependent on quantity En mostly refers to things but may occasionally refer to people Simply speaking, en roughly translates to the english some or it
En replaces a noun introduced by les partatifs: de, de la, du, de l, des En replaces a noun followed by a number. A scentence in french should NEVER end in a number, unless en has been used
Like other object pronouns en comes before the first verb in the sentence & after the subject Subject/en/verb If there are other object pronouns in the sentence, place them before the verb in this order: How do I use en? Me Te Se Vous Nous Se Le La Les L Lui Leur y enverb
Now lets try a few examples... Vous faites du ski? Oui, nous en faisons! Prenez-vous beaucoup de vacances? Non, nous nen prenons pas fréquemment.
Est-ce que tu veux des bonnes notes dans cette classe? Oui, jen veux beaucoup! Combien de chiens as-tu? Jen ai trois.