Présentation de l’Offre de Service MRI Net work YOUR Unique Operating


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Transcription de la présentation: Présentation de l’Offre de Service MRI Net work YOUR Unique Operating Identity Logo Lock-Up Qui sommes-nous Le Focus de MRI Network Notre approche RH Services Répondre à vos besoins Moyens et outils Questions Insert your Unique Operating Identity logo lock-up in the space above. If you do not have one in the new brand, you can order one free of charge by contacting Helen Taylor (Marketing Manager) via 1

MRINETWORK - Le groupe MRINetwork est une filiale à 100% de CDI Corp (NYSE: CDI) CDI Corp est une Compagnie US qui a plus de 50 ans d’expérience dans l’activité du recrutement Nos bureaux en France font partie du réseau MRINetwork qui compte plus de 900 bureaux présents dans 37 pays rassemblant plus de 3000 spécialistes du recrutement et de la chasse de têtes experts des principaux secteurs d’activité Présents en France depuis 1997, nous disposons de 3 cabinets, 2 à Lyon et 1 à Paris, spécialisés dans les secteurs suivants : Assurances vie et non vie Industrie lourde : automobile, chimie, matériaux Services Financiers Un réseau international Every day, we leverage our global recruitment network of independently owned offices to build the heart of businesses across town or across the globe. Your local MRINetwork Office provides you with a single point of contact to over 1,000 offices in more than 35 countries allowing you access to the right talent as quickly as possible. Explain the Map Legend: Orange - countries where we have offices Grey - countries where we do business Green - no business or offices. 2

Expertise métier Services Financiers Notre bureau services financiers FINANCEMENT DES ENTREPRISES : Banque de l’entreprise / commerciale Moyen terme : leasing matériel et immobilier, fleet management-LLD Court terme : Affacturage, Dailly, caution FINANCEMENT DES MÉNAGES : Moyen terme :l’immobilier des particuliers, Banques et sociétés de financement spécialisées en crédit immobilier Court terme :la consommation des ménages, Crédit adossé et renouvelables : filiales spécialisées de banques, de constructeurs automobiles, de la grande distribution et d’assureurs.  MRINetwork™ brings together industry experts from all major (and some highly specialised) business sectors. Our recruiters typically have real-world experience in the industries in which they recruit; they know who you need to hire and how to reach them. Provide an overview of your unparalleled knowledge/experience in locating and placing “Impact Players” in your industry niche. You can also talk about the ability to leverage other MRINetwork offices on a project basis. Provide a brief overview of your industry knowledge and experience that is particular to the audience you are speaking to. 3 © 2012 Management Recruiters International, Inc. An Equal Opportunity Employer. Each office is independently owned and operated. 3

Expertise métier Assurances vie et non vie Notre bureau Assurances vie et non vie CŒUR DE MÉTIER ASSURANTIEL: Actuariat et conception technique, Gestion des contrats, Distribution et développement commercial, Marketing, Gestion des actifs, Contrôle technique et prévention PILOTAGE DE L’ENTREPRISE ET DE SES RESSOURCES : Gestion et maîtrise des risques, Pilotage économique financier et comptable, Organisation et qualité, Ressources humaines SUPPORT ET SOUTIEN: Systèmes d’information, Administratif, logistique, Communication MRINetwork™ brings together industry experts from all major (and some highly specialised) business sectors. Our recruiters typically have real-world experience in the industries in which they recruit; they know who you need to hire and how to reach them. Provide an overview of your unparalleled knowledge/experience in locating and placing “Impact Players” in your industry niche. You can also talk about the ability to leverage other MRINetwork offices on a project basis. Provide a brief overview of your industry knowledge and experience that is particular to the audience you are speaking to. 4 © 2012 Management Recruiters International, Inc. An Equal Opportunity Employer. Each office is independently owned and operated. 4

Expertise métier Industrie Lourde: automobile, chimie, matériaux Notre bureau industrie lourde INDUSTRIE LOURDE:  Pétrole, Raffinage, Chimie, Métallurgie, Ciment, Verre, Sucre, Papier...   CONSTRUCTION :  Gros œuvre, Second œuvre, Travaux publics, Mortiers, Béton, Plâtre, Tuiles, Briques, Plastiques... MECANIQUE : Micromécanique, horlogerie, optique... Automobile, Engins de chantier...  SERVICES AUX INDUSTRIES : Métiers du commerce et du négoce professionnel, Ingénierie, Contrôle technique, Qualité, Logistique, Transport MRINetwork™ brings together industry experts from all major (and some highly specialised) business sectors. Our recruiters typically have real-world experience in the industries in which they recruit; they know who you need to hire and how to reach them. Provide an overview of your unparalleled knowledge/experience in locating and placing “Impact Players” in your industry niche. You can also talk about the ability to leverage other MRINetwork offices on a project basis. Provide a brief overview of your industry knowledge and experience that is particular to the audience you are speaking to. 5 © 2012 Management Recruiters International, Inc. An Equal Opportunity Employer. Each office is independently owned and operated. 5

Utiliser notre expertise TRANSITION PROFESSIONNELLE L’offre HR Services RECRUTEMENT Executive Search Intérim management Engineering Services Utiliser notre expertise TRANSITION PROFESSIONNELLE Mentoring / Outplacement 1 Sourcing 2 Appréciation 3 Connaissance marché EVALUATION Assesment Services

Nos Prestations en Recrutement Notre offre en recrutement Executive Search: Recrutement de cadres par approche directe, chasse spécialisée Intérim management /staffing : délégation de personnel Engineering Services: Optimisation du process de recrutement : Audit – Formation – Supports opérationnels 7 7

Notre business modèle est conçu pour cibler les 20% de la pyramide – Le recrutement : identifier et attirer les hauts potentiels qui font la différence Notre approche “20% des salariés délivrent 80% des résultats de l’entité” Principe de Pareto 5% Potentiels rares 15% Bons professionnels 55% Essaient de survivre dans leur job 25% Dans la fonction Notre business modèle est conçu pour cibler les 20% de la pyramide – les Impact players We recruit and place Impact Players, those employees that reside in the top of this pyramid - the Top Strivers and the Peak Performers. They are the ones that make a difference in a company’s productivity, morale and creativity. When these employees are missing from a company, the gap is felt by the entire organisation. They are Impact Players. They are the Heart of your Business. That is the MRINetwork™ focus, to use our newly defined methodology to identify these individuals and place them in the right position as seamlessly as possible. They are the foundation, the constant that supports the organisation with reliability, loyalty, teamwork and leadership. Discuss with your client the importance of Impact Players in their company and staff. Ask them how having these employees recruited and pre-screened would make their operation more efficient. 8

Le recrutement : la chasse de têtes Notre approche Partie visible des candidats : sites d’emplois, annonces et réseaux sociaux Recrutement classique Notre business modèle est conçu pour cibler les 20% de la pyramide – les Impact Players – Adresser l’intégralité du marché pour identifier les ImpactPlayers pour le poste Technique d’approche directe We recruit and place Impact Players, those employees that reside in the top of this pyramid - the Top Strivers and the Peak Performers. They are the ones that make a difference in a company’s productivity, morale and creativity. When these employees are missing from a company, the gap is felt by the entire organisation. They are Impact Players. They are the Heart of your Business. That is the MRINetwork™ focus, to use our newly defined methodology to identify these individuals and place them in the right position as seamlessly as possible. They are the foundation, the constant that supports the organisation with reliability, loyalty, teamwork and leadership. Discuss with your client the importance of Impact Players in their company and staff. Ask them how having these employees recruited and pre-screened would make their operation more efficient. 9

Comment ? La méthode MRINetwork Way™ 1 Préparer un plan d’appels Client 2 Dialogue ouvert avec le client 3 Evaluer les possibilités 4 Compléter et analyser les besoins du profil du candidat (NAP) 5 Evaluer le projet (SA/JO) Non = Décliner Continuer? Non = Décliner Continuer? Une méthodologie éprouvée 6 Mise en valeur de l’intérêt de la mission 7 Co-Créer Project Plan 8 Confirmation des honoraires/ Signature du contrat 9 Identifier les candidats 10 Préparer un plan d’appels candidats 11 Dialogue ouvert avec les candidats 12 Evaluer Motivation/ Qualifications des candidats Non = Décliner Continuer? 13 Compléter les dossiers d’informations candidat 14 Faire correspondre les intérêts des 2 parties 15 Comparaison des données candidats et présenter la Short-List 16 Vérifier les références des candidats 17 Préparer le client pour les entretiens 18 Préparer les candidats pour les entretiens Non = Décliner Continuer? The sequence you see here is for our permanent placement process and is only one of dozens of sequences utilised in our network. This particular sequence defines the 24 steps of our permanent placement business, from preparing a client call plan through to providing ongoing client support. There is a tendency to get caught up with the exact number in this sequence. With more detail or less, we might come up with the 22 steps of our business, or the 32 steps of our business. The actual number of steps is less important than our agreement on a thorough, efficient progression of steps to a successful outcome. The key take-away is when every step is followed in sequence for every placement; we can better ensure a consistent, quality experience for clients and candidates. Likewise, when steps are omitted, you decrease your chance of a successful outcome for all parties. This shows a client our entire methodology broken into steps; you should focus on those steps that might be of interest to the client and their situation. 19 Débriefer les candidats 20 Débriefer le client 21 Faire une offre au candidat 22 Assister le client et le candidat pour la transition 23 Envoyer une enquête de satisfaction client 24 Suivre le client et le candidat après son intégration Non = Décliner Continuer? 10

Nos éléments différenciants – Executive Search Pourquoi travailler avec MRI ? Adresser l’ensemble de la cible pour recruter le meilleur candidat Méthodologie éprouvée, basée sur une approche systématique Connaissance sectorielle approfondie Image employeur avec un cabinet structuré diffusant des valeurs de transparence et d’écoute active The value of using an MRINetwork™ Office and what makes us unique in the entire recruiting industry are these 3 main points of difference. With such a large network of specialised offices, all practising the same recruitment methods, no independent office can deliver all of these advantages. For a big client company, or small, each of these assets can help them get exactly the right employee at the right time. Each of these pillars is explained in the following slides. Accompagnement des candidats placés pendant 1 an – possibilité d’assurer le placement Réseau mondial pour adresser l’ensemble des besoins depuis un seul point de contact 11 © 2012 Management Recruiters International, Inc. An Equal Opportunity Employer. Each office is independently owned and operated.

Les rendus : Tableau de comparaison candidats Des outils adaptés 12

Questions Questions ? Assurances : Industrie : Banque-Finance :