Gendarmerie royale du Canada Serg


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Transcription de la présentation:

Gendarmerie royale du Canada Serg Gendarmerie royale du Canada Serg. Michael McCrory Groupe intégré de la criminalité technologique La sécurité dans un monde hyperconnecté

Table des matières L’historique de la section du Groupe intégré des crimes technologiques Notre mandat Lois Piratage « Hacking » Réseaux sociaux OCIPEP / PSEPC Keeping Canada and Our Communities Safe and Secure The RCMP is everywhere in Canada. We have a presence in all Canada’s provinces and territories from coast to coast. It is Canada’s only national police force operating in neighbourhoods across the country, and countries around the world. Today, thanks to our proud history and reputation for integrity and excellence in policing, the RCMP is known and respected around the world. For many in other countries, the RCMP, its Musical Ride and the scarlet uniform worn by our members have become symbols of Canada. We have added significantly to our profile, both domestically and internationally, by building and strengthening partnerships with other organizations.

Groupe intégré de la criminalité technologique de la GRC Un bref historique (bureau, équipement, membres, etc.) Keeping Canada and Our Communities Safe and Secure The RCMP is everywhere in Canada. We have a presence in all Canada’s provinces and territories from coast to coast. It is Canada’s only national police force operating in neighbourhoods across the country, and countries around the world. Today, thanks to our proud history and reputation for integrity and excellence in policing, the RCMP is known and respected around the world. For many in other countries, the RCMP, its Musical Ride and the scarlet uniform worn by our members have become symbols of Canada. We have added significantly to our profile, both domestically and internationally, by building and strengthening partnerships with other organizations.

Notre mandat Soutien technique aux enquêtes Crime technologique PSEPC - SPPCC (Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada Sécurité publique et Protection civile Canada Keeping Canada and Our Communities Safe and Secure The RCMP is everywhere in Canada. We have a presence in all Canada’s provinces and territories from coast to coast. It is Canada’s only national police force operating in neighbourhoods across the country, and countries around the world. Today, thanks to our proud history and reputation for integrity and excellence in policing, the RCMP is known and respected around the world. For many in other countries, the RCMP, its Musical Ride and the scarlet uniform worn by our members have become symbols of Canada. We have added significantly to our profile, both domestically and internationally, by building and strengthening partnerships with other organizations.

Crimes technologiques Crimes contre les données (méfaits aux données) Piratage (accès non autorisé) Keeping Canada and Our Communities Safe and Secure The RCMP is everywhere in Canada. We have a presence in all Canada’s provinces and territories from coast to coast. It is Canada’s only national police force operating in neighbourhoods across the country, and countries around the world. Today, thanks to our proud history and reputation for integrity and excellence in policing, the RCMP is known and respected around the world. For many in other countries, the RCMP, its Musical Ride and the scarlet uniform worn by our members have become symbols of Canada. We have added significantly to our profile, both domestically and internationally, by building and strengthening partnerships with other organizations.

Les Lois Section 326 du Code criminel du Canada Keeping Canada and Our Communities Safe and Secure The RCMP is everywhere in Canada. We have a presence in all Canada’s provinces and territories from coast to coast. It is Canada’s only national police force operating in neighbourhoods across the country, and countries around the world. Today, thanks to our proud history and reputation for integrity and excellence in policing, the RCMP is known and respected around the world. For many in other countries, the RCMP, its Musical Ride and the scarlet uniform worn by our members have become symbols of Canada. We have added significantly to our profile, both domestically and internationally, by building and strengthening partnerships with other organizations.

Ordinateurs Accès illégal à un ordinateur Distribution de virus Possession de mots de passe 342.1(1d) Keeping Canada and Our Communities Safe and Secure The RCMP is everywhere in Canada. We have a presence in all Canada’s provinces and territories from coast to coast. It is Canada’s only national police force operating in neighbourhoods across the country, and countries around the world. Today, thanks to our proud history and reputation for integrity and excellence in policing, the RCMP is known and respected around the world. For many in other countries, the RCMP, its Musical Ride and the scarlet uniform worn by our members have become symbols of Canada. We have added significantly to our profile, both domestically and internationally, by building and strengthening partnerships with other organizations.

Accès illégal d’un ordinateur art. 342.1 C.C.C. a) directement ou indirectement, obtient des services d’ordinateur; (1) Quiconque, frauduleusement et sans apparence de droit : b) au moyen d’un dispositif électromagnétique, acoustique, mécanique ou autre, directement ou indirectement, intercepte ou fait intercepter toute fonction d’un ordinateur; c) directement ou indirectement, utilise ou fait utiliser un ordinateur dans l’intention de commettre une infraction prévue à l’alinéa a) ou b) ou une infraction prévue à l’article 430 concernant des données ou un ordinateur; d) a en sa possession ou utilise un mot de passe d’ordinateur qui permettrait la perpétration des infractions prévues aux alinéas a), b), ou c) ou en fait le trafic ou permet à une autre personne de l’utiliser, est coupable d’un acte criminel et passible d’un emprisonnement maximal de dix ans ou d’une infraction punissable sur déclaration de culpabilité par procédure sommaire. Keeping Canada and Our Communities Safe and Secure The RCMP is everywhere in Canada. We have a presence in all Canada’s provinces and territories from coast to coast. It is Canada’s only national police force operating in neighbourhoods across the country, and countries around the world. Today, thanks to our proud history and reputation for integrity and excellence in policing, the RCMP is known and respected around the world. For many in other countries, the RCMP, its Musical Ride and the scarlet uniform worn by our members have become symbols of Canada. We have added significantly to our profile, both domestically and internationally, by building and strengthening partnerships with other organizations.

Méfaits aux données art. 430 (1.1) C.C.C. 1.1) Quiconque commet un méfait volontairement selon le cas : a) détruit ou modifie des données; b) dépouille des données de leur sens, les rend inutiles ou inopérantes; c) empêche, interrompt ou gêne l’emploi légitime des données; d) empêche, interrompt ou gêne une personne dans l’emploi légitime des données ou refuse l’accès aux données à une personne qui y a droit, est coupable d’un acte criminel et passible d’un emprisonnement maximal de dix ans ou d’une infraction punissable sur déclaration de culpabilité par procédure sommaire. Keeping Canada and Our Communities Safe and Secure The RCMP is everywhere in Canada. We have a presence in all Canada’s provinces and territories from coast to coast. It is Canada’s only national police force operating in neighbourhoods across the country, and countries around the world. Today, thanks to our proud history and reputation for integrity and excellence in policing, the RCMP is known and respected around the world. For many in other countries, the RCMP, its Musical Ride and the scarlet uniform worn by our members have become symbols of Canada. We have added significantly to our profile, both domestically and internationally, by building and strengthening partnerships with other organizations.

Crimes contre les données Destruction de base de données Modification de données Empêcher l’accès légitime des usagers (Denial of Service – DOS) Keeping Canada and Our Communities Safe and Secure The RCMP is everywhere in Canada. We have a presence in all Canada’s provinces and territories from coast to coast. It is Canada’s only national police force operating in neighbourhoods across the country, and countries around the world. Today, thanks to our proud history and reputation for integrity and excellence in policing, the RCMP is known and respected around the world. For many in other countries, the RCMP, its Musical Ride and the scarlet uniform worn by our members have become symbols of Canada. We have added significantly to our profile, both domestically and internationally, by building and strengthening partnerships with other organizations.

Nouveaux enjeux APT Crimes sans frontières Les coûts ? Botnets Keeping Canada and Our Communities Safe and Secure The RCMP is everywhere in Canada. We have a presence in all Canada’s provinces and territories from coast to coast. It is Canada’s only national police force operating in neighbourhoods across the country, and countries around the world. Today, thanks to our proud history and reputation for integrity and excellence in policing, the RCMP is known and respected around the world. For many in other countries, the RCMP, its Musical Ride and the scarlet uniform worn by our members have become symbols of Canada. We have added significantly to our profile, both domestically and internationally, by building and strengthening partnerships with other organizations.

Notre juridiction Interprovinciale Internationale Le gouvernement canadien est-il victime? Keeping Canada and Our Communities Safe and Secure The RCMP is everywhere in Canada. We have a presence in all Canada’s provinces and territories from coast to coast. It is Canada’s only national police force operating in neighbourhoods across the country, and countries around the world. Today, thanks to our proud history and reputation for integrity and excellence in policing, the RCMP is known and respected around the world. For many in other countries, the RCMP, its Musical Ride and the scarlet uniform worn by our members have become symbols of Canada. We have added significantly to our profile, both domestically and internationally, by building and strengthening partnerships with other organizations.

Nos problèmes La preuve volatile Les ISP ne sont pas coopératifs pour nos demandes urgentes (Hotmail, etc.) Informatique en nuage (Cloud Computing) L’effet CSI Keeping Canada and Our Communities Safe and Secure The RCMP is everywhere in Canada. We have a presence in all Canada’s provinces and territories from coast to coast. It is Canada’s only national police force operating in neighbourhoods across the country, and countries around the world. Today, thanks to our proud history and reputation for integrity and excellence in policing, the RCMP is known and respected around the world. For many in other countries, the RCMP, its Musical Ride and the scarlet uniform worn by our members have become symbols of Canada. We have added significantly to our profile, both domestically and internationally, by building and strengthening partnerships with other organizations.

Problème international Les frontières Le G8 sur le cybercrime Keeping Canada and Our Communities Safe and Secure The RCMP is everywhere in Canada. We have a presence in all Canada’s provinces and territories from coast to coast. It is Canada’s only national police force operating in neighbourhoods across the country, and countries around the world. Today, thanks to our proud history and reputation for integrity and excellence in policing, the RCMP is known and respected around the world. For many in other countries, the RCMP, its Musical Ride and the scarlet uniform worn by our members have become symbols of Canada. We have added significantly to our profile, both domestically and internationally, by building and strengthening partnerships with other organizations.

Les pertes possibles ? Le manque à gagner $ Keeping Canada and Our Communities Safe and Secure The RCMP is everywhere in Canada. We have a presence in all Canada’s provinces and territories from coast to coast. It is Canada’s only national police force operating in neighbourhoods across the country, and countries around the world. Today, thanks to our proud history and reputation for integrity and excellence in policing, the RCMP is known and respected around the world. For many in other countries, the RCMP, its Musical Ride and the scarlet uniform worn by our members have become symbols of Canada. We have added significantly to our profile, both domestically and internationally, by building and strengthening partnerships with other organizations.

Crimes sur l’Internet Les articles mentionnés Pornographie infantile Crimes conventionnels Espionnage industriel Renseignements confidentiels Télémarketing Keeping Canada and Our Communities Safe and Secure The RCMP is everywhere in Canada. We have a presence in all Canada’s provinces and territories from coast to coast. It is Canada’s only national police force operating in neighbourhoods across the country, and countries around the world. Today, thanks to our proud history and reputation for integrity and excellence in policing, the RCMP is known and respected around the world. For many in other countries, the RCMP, its Musical Ride and the scarlet uniform worn by our members have become symbols of Canada. We have added significantly to our profile, both domestically and internationally, by building and strengthening partnerships with other organizations.

Piratage Crime sans frontières Les suspects peuvent être au Canada ou n’importe où dans le monde ! Keeping Canada and Our Communities Safe and Secure The RCMP is everywhere in Canada. We have a presence in all Canada’s provinces and territories from coast to coast. It is Canada’s only national police force operating in neighbourhoods across the country, and countries around the world. Today, thanks to our proud history and reputation for integrity and excellence in policing, the RCMP is known and respected around the world. For many in other countries, the RCMP, its Musical Ride and the scarlet uniform worn by our members have become symbols of Canada. We have added significantly to our profile, both domestically and internationally, by building and strengthening partnerships with other organizations.

Piratage Définition de crime informatique Dommages / Pertes causés par des crimes informatiques Qui commet ces crimes ?

Piratage Définition et description d’un pirate informatique

Piratage Des jeunes Des employés

Piratage Pour le défi Par vengeance Pour du profit

Piratage Des employés ? 80% des crimes cybernétiques proviennent de l’intérieur de l’organisation !

Prévention Comment une organisation peut-elle faire le choix entre profiter des possibilités de la connectivité, tout en étant sécuritaire ?

Coût des crimes cybernétiques Quelle est la perte (monétaire ou matérielle) ? Marketing avant sécurité Est-il possible de se protéger ? Keeping Canada and Our Communities Safe and Secure The RCMP is everywhere in Canada. We have a presence in all Canada’s provinces and territories from coast to coast. It is Canada’s only national police force operating in neighbourhoods across the country, and countries around the world. Today, thanks to our proud history and reputation for integrity and excellence in policing, the RCMP is known and respected around the world. For many in other countries, the RCMP, its Musical Ride and the scarlet uniform worn by our members have become symbols of Canada. We have added significantly to our profile, both domestically and internationally, by building and strengthening partnerships with other organizations.

Méthodes de piratage Vols de mots de passe Ingénierie sociale (Social Engineering) Logiciels spécialisés Vols d’identité

Vols de mot de passe Il y a plusieurs façons de voler l’identité de quelqu’un.

Social Engineering « Shoulder surfing » Personne non autorisée qui regarde par-dessus notre épaule afin d’obtenir de l’information personnelle.

Social Engineering Fouille de poubelle : « Dumpster diving » Fouiller dans votre poubelle dans le but d’obtenir de l’information personnelle qui peut être utile telle que vieilles factures, relevé de compte, etc., afin de pouvoir recréer votre identité.

Logiciel spécialisé Composeur (War dialing) Logiciel de piratage (Hacking software) Scannage de numéros de téléphone (War driving)

Ingénierie sociale (Social Engineering) Pourriel (spam) Hameçonnage (Phishing) Dévoiement (Pharming)

Ingénierie sociale (Social Engineering) Persuasion «Reverse Social Engineering» «Engineering Telemarketing»

Ingénierie sociale (Social Engineering) Téléphones mains libres Téléphones sans fil Les pauses-café? Conversations publiques

Réseaux sociaux Historique des réseaux sociaux

Réseaux sociaux ICQ MSN Myspace Facebook Autres sites suggestifs Certaines expériences d’enquête

Médias numériques Appareils photo numériques Aujourd’hui, toutes les actions peuvent être filmées Rodney King Voitures de police équipées de caméras vidéo Sommet de la Francophonie “briefings” Colleriez-vous ces photos sur le réfrigérateur?

Botnets Botnets Mariposa Zeus Stuxnet

Histoire de l’Internet 1995 16 millions 1996 39 millions 1998 148 millions 1999 201 millions 2010 ??? milliards 85% des Canadiens utilisent Internet ! Keeping Canada and Our Communities Safe and Secure The RCMP is everywhere in Canada. We have a presence in all Canada’s provinces and territories from coast to coast. It is Canada’s only national police force operating in neighbourhoods across the country, and countries around the world. Today, thanks to our proud history and reputation for integrity and excellence in policing, the RCMP is known and respected around the world. For many in other countries, the RCMP, its Musical Ride and the scarlet uniform worn by our members have become symbols of Canada. We have added significantly to our profile, both domestically and internationally, by building and strengthening partnerships with other organizations.

Prévention Triage sécuritaire Politiques de recrutement de personnel Employees should arrive on jobs with a notion of security This will help change our security culture. When Transport Canada had to start dealing with aviation traffic, it had to adjust.

Prévention Administration & Sécurité Une bonne administration = une bonne sécurité Cyber stratégies ? APT Employees should arrive on jobs with a notion of security This will help change our security culture. When Transport Canada had to start dealing with aviation traffic, it had to adjust.

Les victimes Réputation de la victime Crainte des investisseurs Poursuites civiles

Projet Choc Les Botnets Employees should arrive on jobs with a notion of security This will help change our security culture. When Transport Canada had to start dealing with aviation traffic, it had to adjust.


Sgt. Michael McCrory Gendarmerie royale du Canada 4225, Dorchester Westmount (Québec) H3Z 1V5 Téléphone : 514 939-8321 Télécopieur : 514 939-8698 Couriel :