MANAGEMENT D’ÉCOSYSTÈMES Dynamiques Collaboratives innovation ouverture mutations écosystèmes MANAGEMENT D’ÉCOSYSTÈMES Comment de grandes sociétés ont ouvert leurs données et sont devenues riches ! collaboration mobilisation animation transformation transversalité accompagnement mise en situation d’opportunité SITRA Grenoble - 29 Septembre 2011 Olivier Réaud © In Principo - Conseil en Management Collaboratif - 2011
Plus de complexité, plus collaboration ! Economie créative Rapide, complexe, immatérielle, l’économie d’aujourd’hui nécessite de nouvelles approches … Economie productive Processus Rigidité Hiérarchie Autorité Bureaucratie Secret Statut Formalisme Uniformité innovation agilité projets Dynamiques collaboratives créativité ouverture Chaine de valeur efficience © In Principo – Dynamiques collaboratives - 2011
… et davantage d’ouverture … ! Entreprises Ecoles Universités Collaboration et ouverture Partenaires Entreprise Institutions Partenaires économie = dynamique d’écosystèmes © In Principo – Dynamiques collaboratives - 2011
© In Principo - Conseil en Management Collaboratif - 2011 Dynamiques Collaboratives Dans le partage d’informations chacun est gagnant © In Principo - Conseil en Management Collaboratif - 2011
Red Lake, Canada Early 2000, the very beginning of contemporary collaborative innovation. We are going first to Red Lake, in Ontario. We are at the beginning of this century, the very beginning of contemporary collaborative innovation ….
A GoldMine seemed destined for closure Red Lake, Canada Rob McEwen March 2000, Rob McEwen (CEO) launched The Goldcorp Challenge with US$ 575,000 in prize money. A GoldMine seemed destined for closure The Red Lake Mine, an historic goldmine, was about to fail. Gold was more and more difficult to find. Without evidence of substantial new gold deposits, the mine seemed destined for closure. Rob McEwen, the CEO of Goldcorp impressed by the open source phenomenon, imagine a different approach at the opposite of the tradition and the values of Mining. In March 2000, the "Goldcorp Challenge" was launched with a total of $575,000 in prize money available to participants with the best methods and estimates.
Red Lake, Canada The company posted its proprietary mining data on a website and asked the world to help it find its next six million ounces of gold at its Red Lake Mine. Rob McEwen Scientists Engineers Geologists Graduate students Experts Customers Mathematicians Partners Professionals Specialists Every scrap of information (some four hundred megabytes worth) about the 55,000-acre property was revealed on Goldcorp's Web site. News of the contest spread quickly around the Internet, as more than one thousand virtual prospectors from fifty countries got busy crunching the data. Within weeks, submissions from around the world came flooding in to Goldcorp headquarters. As expected, geologists got involved. But entries came from surprising sources, including graduate students, consultants, mathematicians, and military officers, all seeking a piece of the action. "We had applied math, advanced physics, intelligent systems, computer graphics, and organic solutions to inorganic problems.
$ 300 m $ 100 m 2000 2009 $ 9 billion "When I saw the computer graphics I almost fell out of my chair." The contestants had identified 110 targets on the Red Lake property, 50 percent of which had not been previously identified by the company. Over 80 percent of the new targets yielded substantial quantities of gold. Rob McEwen “There were capabilities I had never seen before in the industry," says McEwen. "When I saw the computer graphics I almost fell out of my chair." The contestants had identified 110 targets on the Red Lake property, 50 percent of which had not been previously identified by the company. Over 80 percent of the new targets yielded substantial quantities of gold. In fact, since the challenge was initiated an astounding eight million ounces of gold have been found. McEwen estimates the collaborative process shaved two to three years off their exploration time. Rob McEwen led Goldcorp from $100 million to $9 billion in revenue in just a short time. People from around the world discovered drilling targets that Goldcorp had never thought existed.
© In Principo - Conseil en Management Collaboratif - 2011 Dynamiques Collaboratives Open Innovation : Le partage d’idées comme modèle économique © In Principo - Conseil en Management Collaboratif - 2011
© In Principo – Dynamiques collaboratives - 2011 L’open innovation … Cincinnati USA Another small company was in a similar case : P&G alias Procter and Gamble ! Siège social OR © In Principo – Dynamiques collaboratives - 2011
© In Principo – Dynamiques collaboratives - 2011 L’open innovation … Avant 2000 : la productivité de la R&D chute By 2000, the company was facing a crisis, their internally focused innovation model was producing flat product success rates of 35%, resulting in a pipeline too weak to sustain its expected 4% annual growth rate. P&G saw their sales growth rate flatten over a four-year span beginning in 1999 and their stock price dropped by more than 50% in 2000 alone. NME = New Molecular Entities OR © In Principo – Dynamiques collaboratives - 2011
© In Principo – Dynamiques collaboratives - 2011 L’open innovation … 2001 : Alvin Laffley lance … Facing this situation, newly appointed CEO A.G. Lafley placed P&G under new direction called “Job One”, to return P&G to historical dominance in product development and improve sales growth rates above the industry average. The new leadership immediately launched “Connect and Develop” innovation model. The “Connect and Develop” model enabled P&G to become more connected internally by enabling technologies and ideas to move more easily across existing business units, more unique and invaluable was P&G’s new found ability to gain an intimate understanding of consumer needs and access to innovators outside the company through a much larger network of both proprietary and non-proprietary relationships. Alain Lafley, CEO OR © In Principo – Dynamiques collaboratives - 2011
© In Principo – Dynamiques collaboratives - 2011 L’open innovation … L’idée : mobiliser tout l’écosystème de P&G Scientists Engineers Partners Suppliers Experts Customers Consumers Professionals Specialists The model effectively increased P&G’s R&D staff from 7,500 internal members to include an estimated 1.5 million external staff members. OR © In Principo – Dynamiques collaboratives - 2011
Résultats … L’open innovation … As a result, R&D productivity has since risen 60% and over 50% of all new products commercialized have been developed externally for a part. As a result, R&D productivity has since risen 60% and over 50% of all new products commercialized have been developed externally for a part.
50% of new products results for a part of an external cooperation. L’open innovation Résultats … Internal innovation success rates have doubled, total sales have grown 90% from 2002 to 2007, R&D Budget 3,5% 4,5% 50% of new products results for a part of an external cooperation. 3,5% R&D budget / Turn Over 2007 15% of new products results for a part of an external cooperation. 4,5% R&D budget / Turn Over 2000 Internal innovation success rates have doubled, total sales has grown 90% from 2002 to 2007, and their stock price has doubled since 2000. The part of R&D in the turn over reduce in percentage from 4.5% to 3.5% !
© In Principo - Conseil en Management Collaboratif - 2011 Etude de cas Cadburry OR © In Principo - Conseil en Management Collaboratif - 2011
© In Principo - Conseil en Management Collaboratif - 2011 Etude de cas Cadburry OR © In Principo - Conseil en Management Collaboratif - 2011
© In Principo - Conseil en Management Collaboratif - 2011 Dynamiques Collaboratives Social Innovation : Impliquer les clients par le dialogue de co-innovation © In Principo - Conseil en Management Collaboratif - 2011
© In Principo - Conseil en Management Collaboratif - 2011 Etude de cas Starbucks LAG © In Principo - Conseil en Management Collaboratif - 2011
© In Principo - Conseil en Management Collaboratif - 2009 Etude de cas starbucks © In Principo - Conseil en Management Collaboratif - 2009
L’Open Innovation comme business model Mobilisez l’intelligence de vos écosystèmes ! Institutions Associations Leaders d’opinion Laboratoires Universités Organismes de contrôle Sous-traitants Prescripteurs Innovation Collaborative Utilisateurs Sous-traitants Innovation ouverte amont Innovation ouverte aval Fournisseurs Entreprise Distributeurs Entreprise Communautés scientifiques Ecosystème d’entreprises innovantes Services Partenaires PME innovantes OR © In Principo – Dynamiques collaboratives - 2011
Au coeur de la performance créative Les dynamiques collaboratives Dynamique des acteurs Dynamique des idées Co-Action Co-Implication Co-Responsabilisation Open Innovation © In Principo – Dynamiques collaboratives - 2011
L’Open Innovation, solution stratégique à la complexité Innovation ouverte (dynamique d’initiatives) Intelligence sociale Innovation classique (chaine de services) Innovation complexe (chaine de contrats) Complexité © In Principo – Dynamiques collaboratives - 2011
© In Principo - Conseil en Management Collaboratif - 2011 Dynamiques Collaboratives Ecosystemes : Une stratégie … © In Principo - Conseil en Management Collaboratif - 2011
Stratégie d’écosystème Créer les conditions par le sens La singularité du projet de Marque motive, mobilise les acteurs à entrer en intelligence collaborative Marque Entreprise Associations Leaders d’opinion Laboratoires Universités Institutions Organismes de contrôle Singularité Sous-traitants Prescripteurs Utilisateurs Sous-traitants Sous-traitants + persos Collaboration Fournisseurs Entreprise Distributeurs Entreprise Communautés scientifiques Services Partenaires PME innovantes
© In Principo - Conseil en Management Collaboratif - 2011 Dynamiques Collaboratives Ecosystemes : Une stratégie Un dispositif … © In Principo - Conseil en Management Collaboratif - 2011
Un dispositif pour créer un dialogue 106 villages, 60.000 clients par an Une initiative stratégique OpenVillages Réseaux sociaux Twitter Blogs
Un dispositif pour créer un dialogue 48 villages actifs 20.000 membres
© In Principo - Conseil en Management Collaboratif - 2011 Dynamiques Collaboratives Ecosystemes : Une stratégie Un dispositif Une dynamique d’animation… © In Principo - Conseil en Management Collaboratif - 2011
Une dynamique d’animation Polariser les énergies sur le sens Contexte collaboratif Créer les conditions de la dynamique collaborative Projection Animer la dynamique Intelligence métier Intelligence marché Clients Marchés Concurrents Nouvelles opportunités Technologies Business modèles Idées de services Solutions Communauté Maitriser les repères fédérateurs Nourrir l‘intelligence des acteurs Ancrage OR © In Principo – Dynamiques collaboratives - 2011
Une dynamique d’animation Animation Collaborative : La méthode des 9 leviers Comité Open Innovation Support Opérationnel Equipe Animation 9 leviers Animation directe Challenge et opérations Réseau des Relais Newsletters Propagation Actions de Terrain Valorisation des idées Reconnaissance Concours & Prix Communauté OR © In Principo – Dynamiques collaboratives - 2011
© In Principo - Conseil en Management Collaboratif - 2011 Dynamiques Collaboratives Transversalités et projets collaboratifs Innovation ouverte et collaborative Stratégie Créative et CoLeadership Transformation des organisations Dynamiques d’écosystèmes IN PRINCIPO PARIS 109, boulevard Haussmann 75008 PARIS +33 1 53 05 99 75 IN PRINCIPO SAN FRANCISCO 1 Fernhoff Court 94619 OAKLAND +1 510 530-5500 IN PRINCIPO LYON 3, cours Charlemagne 69002 LYON +33 4 78 03 40 12 © In Principo - Conseil en Management Collaboratif - 2011
Lancement en septembre 2011 Le management collaboratif par les pratiques collaboratives Le catalogue complet (70 pages) +33 1 53 05 99 75 10 programmes 13 praticiens 48 sessions de formation In Principo est un organisme de formation reconnu par l’Etat, déclaré auprès de la préfecture de la région Ile de France sous le N°11 75 42824 75. L’Université Collaborative est une marque déposée de la société In Principo L’innovation ouverte levier de différenciation stratégique Penser ensemble… …pour agir et réussir ensemble. IN PRINCIPO PARIS 109, boulevard Haussmann 75008 PARIS +33 1 53 05 99 75 IN PRINCIPO LYON 3, cours Charlemagne 69002 LYON +33 4 78 03 40 12 IN PRINCIPO SAN FRANCISCO 1 Fernhoff Court 94619 OAKLAND +1 510 530-5500 © In Principo - Conseil en Management Collaboratif - 2011