1 Debut de l’analyse… Status: Utilisation du package de Marco (D0ChunkAnalyze) sur les TMB Implementation de EMcandidate pour faire les corrections aux.


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Transcription de la présentation:

1 Debut de l’analyse… Status: Utilisation du package de Marco (D0ChunkAnalyze) sur les TMB Implementation de EMcandidate pour faire les corrections aux niveaux des TMB Streaming : Comparaison des differents streaming existant pour W+Jets

2 Zee Sample: diem TMB from Marco in p13.01 Run on events: Cuts : Em Id =10 ou 11 EmFraction>0.9 Isolation<0.15 HM8<20 FloorZ(EM3)<110 (central calo) pT>25 GeV Back-to-Back : DeltaPhi<0.7 Cut on EMcandidate Cut on EMparticle Id Cut Em Fraction Isolation HM8 Central pT Back-to-Back

3 Zee

4 Missing E T in Zee events

5 Streaming W+Jets Higgs: inclusive electron (iem) one or more electrons with Et > 18 GeV electron (8x8 chi2 0.9 && abs(id)=10 or 11) OR Et > 100 GeV Data en p11.11, p11.12, p11.13  TMB NB: EM15_2JT15 Lumi:11.69pb -1 Top: EMTrack 12 GeV em object & 10 GeV track & a track em object matching requirement: deltaphi<0.4 electron isolation 0.95 && abs(id)=10 or 11 && 8x8 chi2 < 25 Data en p11.11, p11.12, p11.13

6 The following are the selection cuts defined as "W_Selection_1" Trigger Cuts Single EM trigger {EM_HI, CEM20, CEM15} Kinematic Selection Cuts emf>0.9, iso 25.0 GeV Event is kept if it passes: Trigger and kinematic selection cuts and has at least one EM object with |etaD| 20 GeV The following are the selection cuts defined as "W_Selection_2" Trigger Cuts Single EM trigger {EM_HI_EMFR8, EM_HI, EM_HI_SH, EM_HI_SH_TR, EM_HI_TR, EM_HI_L2, EM_MX} Kinematic Selection Cuts emf>0.9, iso 25.0 GeV Event is kept if it passes: Trigger and kinematic selection cuts and has at least one EM object with |etaD| 20 GeV The following are the selection cuts defined as "W_Selection_3" Trigger Cuts Single EM trigger {EM_HI_EMFR8, EM_HI, EM_HI_SH, EM_HI_SH_TR, EM_HI_TR, EM_HI_L2, EM_MX, EM_MX_EMFR8, EM_MX_SH, EM_MX_TR} Kinematic Selection Cuts emf>0.9, iso 25.0 GeV Event is kept if it passes: Trigger and kinematic selection cuts and has at least one EM object with |etaD| 20 GeV New Phenomena Data p11.11

7 Conclusions sur le streaming… Partir du skeaming du Higgs: couper plus en HM8 (<50 ?), rajouter un cut sur l’isolation (iso<0.15 ?) un cut sur le missing E T (>20 ou 25 GeV) Puis regarder le nombre de jets???