Un rendez-vous en ville
Faire un tour
Prendre un pot
Sortir (avec)
Voir (quelqu’un ou quelque chose)
Avoir un rendez-vous (to have a date)
Rencontrer (meet by chance; run into) Fancy meetin’ you here Ducky!
Donner rendez-vous à quelqu’un (to make a date) Tu veux sortir avec moi ce soir? Volontiers! A quelle heure?
Faire la connaissance de (meet for the first time) Bonjour. Je m’appelle Voltaire. Salut. Je m’appelle Hugo.
Se donner rendez-vous (agree to meet) Au café Monsieur Éléphant?? Oui… au café!
Se rencontrer/Se retrouver (to meet)
Les Directions
À côté de
En face de
À droite de
À gauche de
Près de (Loin de)
White Board Exercises In a moment, you’ll be put into groups of 3 and assigned a group number. Each person will get a white board and a marker. Each group will get an eraser.
Les Objets Directs
Step #1 Each member of the group will be assigned either the subject, the verb, or the noun. Subject Verb Noun
Step #2 The teacher will give each group a simple sentence to translate into French Je mange la pomme
Step #3 Groups will be asked to go to the front of the room to present their sentence. (on your worksheet, write the original sentence in English and then the French translation)
Step #4 I will ask a volunteer to replace the noun with a direct object (use an eraser) You may move people around or the white boards. FINALLY. Everyone will write the new sentence with the direct object.