Day 1: Tuesday 11 th November, 2014 ‘Unpacking the new KS2 Programme of Study’ Willow Dene.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Day 1: Tuesday 11 th November, 2014 ‘Unpacking the new KS2 Programme of Study’ Willow Dene

To look in detail at the KS2 PoS To consider ways to develop using the target language through stories and short routines To plan for assessment and progress To consider ways to support colleagues in teaching languages To reflect on the role of coordinating primary languages: reviewing PL policies, planning and monitoring

To look in detail at the oracy and literacy objectives in the KS2 PoS To draw parallels with the KS2 Framework for Languages To illustrate how these objectives might translate into teaching activities in different year groups

* Every child over the age of 7 must have the chance to learn a second language in curriculum time. * The language taught can be any language, ancient or modern. * Pupils are required to show substantial progress in the chosen language.

Learning another language… * Opens our minds to other cultures * Enables us to communicate ideas and respond to the ideas of others * Exposes us to great literature * Provides a foundation for further language learning

Opens our minds to other cultures Exposes us to great literature Enables us to communicate and respond to the ideas of others I can have conversations with my friends Provides a foundation for further language learning Gives me confidence to try new words I understand how other people live I enjoy simple poetry & picture books

* Authentic texts * Spontaneity * Pronunciation * Grammatical structures * Range of writing

* Substantial progress in one language * Balance of spoken and written language * Focus on practical communication * Some knowledge of phonology * Some knowledge of grammatical structures * Some known vocabulary

* In pairs, look at the NC PoS for KS2 and the KS2 Framework overview. * Discuss and note down the similiarities and differences between the two documents.

* A look at the bullets from the Programme of Study * A comparison with the KS2 Framework objectives * Examples of teaching activities for each year group

* Listen attentively to spoken language and show understanding by joining in. * Explore the patterns and sounds of language through songs and rhymes and link the spelling, sound and meaning of the words. * Engage in conversations; ask and answer questions; express opinions and respond to those of others; seek clarification and help. * Speak in sentences, using familiar vocabulary, phrases and basic language structures. * Develop accurate pronunciation and intonation so that others understand when they are reading aloud or using familiar words and phrases. * Present ideas and information orally to a range of audiences.

Copyright and acknowledgment KS2 framework for Languages DFES 2005

O3.2 Recognise and respond to sound patterns and words Quand je mets mon chapeau gris, C'est pour aller sous la pluie. Quand je mets mon chapeau vert, C'est que je suis en colère. Quand je mets mon chapeau bleu, C'est que ça va déjà mieux. Quand je mets mon chapeau blanc, C'est que je suis très content.

How does teacher encourage pupils to respond? How can he assess pupils’ understanding of the story?

La Ocupada Arañita La ocupada arañita tejió su telaraña vino la lluvia y se la llevó Salió el sol Se secó la lluvia Y la ocupada arañita otra vez tejió

LLS3 Remember rhyming words For more songs, see:

* O3.3 Respond to the register using a word or phrase It is good to stick to favourite activities but challenge and variety need to be maintained. So, how could this activity work differently in year 4?

Copyright and acknowledgment KS2 framework for Languages DFES 2005

Little Princess story Little Princess How is learning being developed in this clip? What oral activity could the pupils do following this activity?

VerbeNomAdjectif Je vois….une singerouge Il y a……un oiseaubleu J’entends……une arbrevert une fleurjaune marron orange noir

* Using the speaking frame, describe something you see in the painting.

Copyright and acknowledgment KS2 framework for Languages DFES 2005

* O5.1 Make up simple sentences using nouns, verbs and adjectives eg: film clip “Days and Transport”“Days and Transport” * What strategies does the teacher use to facilitate progress in listening and speaking skills?

* It is World War 2 - Pupils in year 5 are disguised as French natives, with a false identity card, including false French name, age, job and place of birth. They want to get through to France to help support the Resistance. * Pupils in year 4 are the border police. Their job is to ask simple questions and listen for the correct answers, while they check the identity card. If they detect a poor French accent, they might suspect the person of being an “espion”, in which case they must go to the back of the queue and try again!

July 2014 * O5.4 Memorise and recite a selection of short, spoken texts, for example a short poem, a set of instructions, a song, a shopping list, a description 3D ART TASK HERE How does the following text give a stimulus for the above? Could it be used to teach some of the year 5 literacy objectives as well?

Weather Song (to the tune of “Ere we go..” Il fait chaud Il fait mauvais Il fait froid (clap,clap) Il y a du vent Il pleut Il y a du soleil Il neige Il y a des nuages Et un orage Il y a du brouillard Encore! Weather Rap Il neige à Liege Il fait beau à St.Malo Il pleut à Périgeux Il fait froid à Blois Il gèle à Selles Il fait mauvais à Beauvais Il fait chaud à Pau Il y a du vent à Gent Il y a du soleil à St Gervais Il y a des nuages à Montrichard Il y a de l’orage à Paris plage Et moi, je vais à Paris

Il neige Il fait beau Il pleut Il fait froid Il gèle Il fait mauvais Il fait chaud Il y a du vent Il y a du soleil Il y a des nuages Il y a de l’orage St.Gervais Selles Montrichard Liege Périgeux Paris plage Blois Pau Beauvais St.Malo Gent Pupils match the symbol to the correct weather, then match the weather to the rhyming town, join them with “à” (in)

Copyright and acknowledgment KS2 Framework for Languages DFES 2005

* O6.4 Give a short prepared talk on a chosen topic, expressing simple opinions and answering questions about it How would you try to set up this type of activity? Could the speaking frame be used here? Or displayed in the classroom?

verbenomconnectifverberaison J’aimele chocolatmaisc’estbien pour la santé Je n’aime pasle fromageetmauvais pour la santé J’adorele jus d’orange Je détèstela glace


Questions Afternoon session