Strategy 1 Let them draw. Example from a French lesson Lesson objectives To show I can skim scan and close read a text Seal Objectives To listen carefully.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Strategy 1 Let them draw. Example from a French lesson Lesson objectives To show I can skim scan and close read a text Seal Objectives To listen carefully to others To share equipment sensibly

Je m'appelle Bernard Laporte. J'ai douze ans. J'ai les cheveux courts raides et bruns. J'ai aussi les yeux bleus. Je suis sportif et généreux. Je suis petit et mince. J'ai deux frères qui s'appellent Frédérique et Fabien. Fabien est grand et gros. Il a les cheveux mi- longs et raides. Frédérique est gentil avec les cheveux très courts. Mon père est professeur de maths, il travaille dans un collège. Ma mère est secretaire, elle travaille dans un bureau. J'ai un chat qui s'appelle Laurent. J'aime le sport surtout le rugby. J'habite dans un appartement à Paris dans le nord de la France

Read the text for 90 seconds and be ready for my question Would you like Bernard to sit next to you in class? (This is better than “What is the text about?” because it personalizes the task Why? / Why not? Now draw Bernard Now read the text for 5 minutes Now draw the whole family like a family photo

1.How old is Bernard ? 2.Say 3 things about his hair. 3.What colour are his eyes? 4.What sort of personality does he have? 5.Is he tall or short, fat or thin? 6.Who are Fabien and Fréderique? 7.Say 4 things about Fabien 8.Say 2 things about Fréderique 9.What does Bernard’s Dad do? 10.What does Bernard’s Mum do? 11.Does Bernard have a pet? 12.Where does Bernard live (3 marks) _ The alternative

Mark scheme Bernard brown hair short hair blue eyes sporty short thin(6) 5 people in family (1) Two brothers Frederique Fabien (1) Fabien short fat medium length hair straight colour not known (5) Frederique has short hair colour not known he is kind (3) Dad is a maths teacher (1) Mum is a secretary (1) They have a cat (1) They live in the North of France (1)

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