24 Novembre 2009 Maziar Zolghadr Directeur Hosting – Software+Services


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Transcription de la présentation:

24 Novembre 2009 Maziar Zolghadr Directeur Hosting – Software+Services Microsoft France maziarz@microsoft.com

Agenda Autres points à aborder 1.. Pourquoi?

Agenda Microsoft confidential |

Approches d'Hébergement avec le Cloud Computing & la Virtualisation Les grands enjeux– France 2009 France, 2009 (liste suggérée – 18 items – en % d’organisations – multi-réponses) Diminution des coûts grâce au recours à la virtualisation Offrir un meilleur niveau de service aux clients (internes/externe) Simplifier l'administration des serveurs et environnements IT Diminuer les coûts d'exploitation informatique 63% 59% 59% 53% Améliorer le plan de reprise d'activité (PRA) et/ou de continuité d'activité (PCA) Améliorer la performance des environnements informatiques Faire face à la croissance des volumes de données à stocker et sauvegarder Adapter les ressources informatiques à l'évolution de l’activité Rappel de la question : Parmi les éléments suivants, quels sont ceux caractérisant votre organisation ? 47% 45% 43% 43%

Parmis les enseignements de cette étude Hébergement Externe: Principaux Domaines Applicatifs Concernés Principales formes d’hébergement externe privilégiées

L’hébergement répond à : des contraintes de coûts, simplification de l’administration des infrastructures et applications, d’amélioration des performances, de PCA/PRA de stockage de données… et représente une part croissante dans l’ensemble du budget informatique Approches hybrides (mixe d’internalisation et d’externalisation) avec néanmoins un recours plus fort à l’hébergement « dédié » Dynamique réelle pour la virtualisation avec des projets déjà enclenchés et opérationnels dans +50% des cas +50% a engagé une réflexion sur les services de cloud computing avec une préférence pour des services de cloud privés Les Freins : Confidentialité des données, de la continuité et qualité de service, et des réseaux Le marché de l’hébergement reste dynamique et est porté par un glissement vers de nouveaux modèles tels que le SaaS, le PaaS et l’IaaS. Les hébergeurs, ces tendances représentent un challenge avec l’arrivée de nouveaux acteurs, une obligation de réviser les modèles tarifaires et de facturation ainsi que de gestion de leurs coûts ; Microsoft confidential |

Vision de Microsoft CLOUD Créer une expérience étendue qui combine la magie du Logiciel avec la puissance d’Internet à travers différents écrans CLOUD 3 Screens and a Cloud sums up Microsoft’s vision for how we as a company will add value to our partners and ultimately end customers within the communications industry.  3 screens: PC, mobile device and TV. And the cloud is the mesh that allows the integration   We should think of the cloud not just a point of delivery for individual applications but really it is a new scalable, manageable platform. Technologies will continue to advance and communication industries are evolving at a staggering pace, however, our goal is to help these organizations – whether telecommunications, hosting or media & entertainment – increase business efficiencies as well as rapidly create and deliver compelling services to their customers. MS and our partners are uniquely positioned to deliver on the technologies that enable the creation and distribution of content to each screen as well as to create new customer experiences. We are driving to both enable and support our partners in: Developing new revenue models and new service offerings while driving greater customer satisfaction, retention and loyalty. This is our goal; this is our vision : We will have competition in this space. With that goal in mind, let’s take a quick look at the industry shifts that informed our vision and then a detailed look at how we are going to deliver on our promise.

Les débats de l’industrie Sécurité & Confidentialité Personnalisation Visibilité & Contrôle Accessibilité aux données Accès global/Mondialisation Flexibilité d’abonnement/désabonnement Time to market Montée en charge (déploiement et admin) For some, services mark the culmination of the evolution of software. Indeed some – Salesforce.com’s CEO Marc Benioff – even go so far as to say that we’ve reached the end of software. In reality, the deployment choice of deploying software on-premises or handing software to a 3rd party hosting provider to run as services should be based on business’ – not vendors’ technologies’ – requirements, on the unique advantages and limitations of each approach and in the knowledge that the decision will likely change at some point. For security or privacy reasons, for business differentiating purposes that require exquisitely detailed customization or even for the purposes of the peace of mind of knowing where applications and data reside, software will always have unique benefits over a services model. However, for the ability to deliver solutions readily planet wide, for the flexibility in being able to subscribe to and unsubscribe from services without having to deploy people and hardware within an organization and for the ability to offload – or outsource – non-differentiating technologies, services provide many benefits. The debate is not whether enterprises will run software or services but how they may combine the best of both.

+ Software + Services Le meilleur des 2 mondes Utilisateur au centre Libre choix du type de déploiement + It is more appropriate, realistic, effective and better serves customers’ and partners’ needs to consider the marriage of the best of software with the best of services. This combination enables the following 5, key attributes and avoids what Steve Ballmer has rather colorfully called “The Tyranny of the ‘OR””. Key attributes of apps in this “cloud era” include: Consistent, seamless experiences across multiple PCs and devices so that may users benefit from an integrated experience that spans the devices they use Choice of on-premise, partner-hosted or Microsoft-hosted delivery – and the ability to change between deployment choices as business needs change Federation between enterprises and cloud services such that the value in my existing identity systems (e.g. active directory) extend and are preserved to the cloud Composition of multiple applications and services – no business is an island and no business runs a single application and so it is critical to preserve an integrated and coherent infrastructure Enablement of multiple business models such that I choose whatever combinations of licensing, subscriptions and even ad-funding best serve my business’ needs. This approach is called software-plus-services and is an industry-wide trend… Expérience utilisateur homogène quelque soit le périphérique utilisé Prolongation des outils et plateforme vers le Cloud Niveau de service garanti

Software plus Services « Pouvoir du choix » Implémentation rapide Accès Anywhere Solutions packagées Microsoft Online Services Control and confidentialité Inventaires stratégiques Intégration avancée Chez le client Hébergé chez un partenaire SI infogéré Configuration par Industrie ou Vertical Fléxibilité de la Solution Power of choice for the end customers Microsoft software + services is designed to deliver the best of both software and services so customers can choose what makes the most sense for their business needs. A consistent user experience across delivery models allows companies to focus on user and business productivity rather than the deployment technology. A common architecture and data model across deployment methods enables companies to leverage their investment in skills, tools and solutions once, regardless of the deployment choices … rather than reinvesting in multiple tools and systems to support multiple deployment models. The flexibility of being able to mix and match deployment models enables companies to support their unique and specific business requirements, such as serving headquarters’ users through an on-premise deployment while using a hosted model for remote divisions or distributed operations. More importantly, the adaptability of being able to change deployment models at any time ensures that the system can meet the company’s changing business needs … as divisions are added, moved off-shore, acquisitions happen, etc.. This ability not only offers the benefits of both software and service, but it helps to mitigate the risks of getting locked into any single delivery method. Microsoft Dynamics CRM represents a prime example of how enterprises can leverage software plus services today: On premises - for ultimate control over application customization and data security Online - for “instant on” deployment speed Hybrid – Mix on-premise and hosted deployments, i.e. headquarters uses on-premise while remote offices use on-demand; or start with one and move to the other. Rich Clients – Microsoft understands the need to offer end-user experiences that span the user’s devices and modes of work.

Software plus Services « Pouvoir du choix » Hébergé chez un partenaire Hébergé chez MS Chez le client ² Applications CHOIX DU CLIENT Infrastructure

Hosting : Portefeuille de solutions de Microsoft pour les partenaires Dynamic Data Center Plateforme Web Hosted Exchange et OCS Hosted CRM Solution Plateforme WHA: Support for PHP, .Net, generic web applications like Wiki’s, Blogs, etc. (‘tigerduck’) Examples of partners that have used; WHA : to accelerate their business DDC : deployed, SI’s trained to support the deployment, pipeline of partners ready to deploy (get every S+S IC and managed partner) HMC : OCS : Hosted CRM : Describe DDC as a journey Expérience riche à travers différents appareils

Windows Web App Gallery Plateforme Web Microsoft Un ensemble optimisé d’outils, serveurs et technologies permettant de construire et héberger la prochaine génération d’applications Web Téléchargez Web Platform Installer pour installer et configurer toute la plate-forme Web Microsoft en un clic. Outils Serveurs Technologies Avec les extensions Windows Web App Gallery Applications Open Source pré-packagées et optimisées pour la plate-forme Web Microsoft :

Web Platform Installer 2.0 Léger Gratuit Multi-langues Toujours à jour Elastique Un outil permettant d’installer et de personnaliser : Un serveur Web IIS Des Frameworks et des runtimes (.NET / PHP) Des bases de données (SQL Server, MySQL) Des outils (Visual Web Developper 2008, Silverlight 3 Tools for VS) Et des applications Web (disponibles sur le Windows Web App Gallery): Blogs (BlogEngine, Word Press, DasBlog, …) Wikis, Galleries et des outils (RessourceBlender.NET) CMS (DotNetNuke, Drupal, SilverStripe, ...) http://www.microsoft.com/web

Plateforme Windows Azure WEB & CLOUDS Application Web Autres cloud Expérience Développeur Utiliser les outils et compétences existants With that let’s take a closer look at what Windows Azure has to offer so you have some basic knowledge of Windows Azure. There is lot more detailed information available in our training kit which you can access through partner learning center , www.azure.com or channel 9 or the for those of you who want to dive deeper. The Windows Azure platform is an internet-scale cloud computing services platform hosted in Microsoft data centers. With the Windows Azure platform, you can build applications that run in a multi-datacenter multi-machine environment. Those applications can be composite applications, they can be net new development, they can be a movement of an on-premise application to the cloud, but they can also be an extension of an on-premise application into the cloud, where you are adding a set of services to an existing line of business application. Windows Azure: Windows Azure consists of a compute layer, a storage layer and an automated service management layer. On top of that then is the developer experience and the ability to use existing skills and tools. So for the compute layer these are Microsoft datacenters where we are making a significant investment in terms of building out the infrastructure, the machines, the network, the hardware, the virtualization etc. to run a highly scalable, elastic infrastructure. The storage layer consists of blobs, tables, and streams and allows you to run akin to a file system in an on-premise environment. SQL Azure: In the middle you see Microsoft SQL Azure. This is a fully relational, transactional SQL database that is multi-tenant in nature with automated management running in a cloud environment. You can think of this a SQL Server running in a cloud environment with a few restrictions. Difference between this to the storage in Windows Azure: Windows Azure storage is really meant as the corollary to the file system, whereas SQL Azure is meant as the corollary to the relationship database. NET Services: Microsoft .Net Services are all about connectivity and access control. So connectivity – you can think about this as the PLUS in Software plus Services. It is an internet service bus that is firewall friendly and allows you to connect from an application in the cloud on windows azure to an on-premise application. Allows you to connect from windows azure to another cloud environment. Even allows you to connect from 2 on-premise environments through a cloud based service bus. It supports multiple protocols. Compute Storage Management Relational data Management Connectivity Access control Applications composites Extension d’application Nouvelles applications

Outils et accompagment pour nos partenaires Sessions ADS – Architecture & Design Session (le prochain sur DDC – 12 jan) Sessions BDS – Business Development Session Outils et formation de ventes: Email prêt à envoi, brochure, argumentaires de vente, script d’appels, présentations type, démo site web Hosting Deployment Accelerator Web Hosters toolkit Dynamic Data center toolkit Web Hoster’s toolkit: What is it? A set of easily customizable collateral Why? Provides knowledge from a business perspective and a technical perspective Helps Sales people articulate Windows based hosting solutions Helps Marketing people build better materials and campaigns Plus d’info→ http://www. microsoft.com/hosting

Microsoft Communications Services Des outils de comarketing pour aider les services providers et leurs revendeurs à ‘marketer’ les solutions de communication et collaboration aux PME (en anglais) Quoi? Comment? Branding (logo) Outils vente et marketing Charte Graphique Data sheet Guide Démo Silverlight personnalisable Template Web templates et bannières Présentation ppt Script d’appel White paper… Etre certifié “Hosting Solutions Competency” Offres basées sur Microsoft Exchange Server et Windows Sharepoint Services enhanced communication and collaboration services built on Microsoft software. You can use Microsoft Communication Services resources to promote your offerings directly to your customers through the Web, e-mail, telesales, and other marketing channels. These dynamic materials enable you to deliver a unified marketing message and to convince your small- and midsize-business customers of the value of your offerings. By leveraging the Microsoft brand, you can offer a consistent name and message for your offering, even as the underlying products evolve. The strength of the Microsoft name can help you improve the likelihood that customers will purchase your services—enabling you to build on the trust customers have in you and your partnership with Microsoft. Plus d’info→ http://partner.microsoft.com/communicationservices

Programme Partenaire: la compétence Hosting Trois pré requis simples 1 2 3 Pré requis SPLA 75 Processor Licenses or 3000 SAL’s dans les 12 derniers mois Employer Deux “Microsoft Certified Professionals” Employer au moins deux personnes Microsoft Certified Professionals (MCPs) dans une liste définie Trois Références Clients Au moins trois références clients qui mettent en avant le design et la mise en oeuvre d’une solution hébergee. La référénce restera valide pour 2 ans à partir de sa date d’approbation * Annual fee for MSPP Certified Level is approximately $1500 USD – please check for regional variation

Les programmes “Spark” Helping Hosters drive value in the Mass Market Mise en place des sereurs Dédiés Virtuels Dynamic Data Center toolkit Push and Pull Marketing Support Programme d’offres spécifiques : “’Sparks’ et Promotions” Pour tous “60 jours gratuit” Pour les Startups BizSpark™ Pour l’éducation DreamSpark™ Pour les WebAgencies WebsiteSpark New this year Combines adoption support for Server 2008 and Hyper-V for private cloud offers, with comprehensive marketing and targeted programs. The 60 Days Free offer bundles Microsoft discounts with hoster-supplied discounts, aims directly at SMB customers The Sparks aim at different types of channel partners who give Microsoft and hosters leveraged access to end customers, such as ISVs, web design partners, system integrators, etc. The key to the Sparks is the model: engaged with key enabling partners, provide an unbeatable offer to spur fast adoption, and deliver that value to market through hosters. DreamSpark is an academic program with free li Programmes avec les conditions spécifiques avec: Des droits d’usage de logiciels Microsoft Contenus & Formations

S+S Incubation Centers – Accompagner les ISVs vers les applications S+S Europe Mais également d’autres sociétés comme Orange Buisness Services, Aspaway, etc.

Le Licensing SPLA Nouveauté (juin 09) Nouveauté (déc 09) Modèle indirect Contacter les revendeurs agréés en France: Aucun investissement de départ (Opex vs Capex) Aucun engagement de volume Paiement à l’usage Flexibilité de mise en œuvre : licensing par processeur ou par utilisateur Accès à une vaste gamme de produits Software Assurance incluse Location possible de PC sous licence SPLA Un engagement : déclaration d’usage entre le 1er et le 10 de chaque mois Nouveauté (juin 09) Engagement sur 3 ans + paiement annuel = 12% d’économie + Prix fixe Nouveauté (déc 09) Prix pour les clients du secteur public

Vos contacts clés… Maziar Zolghadr Raja Hessi: Eric Vallet: Directeur Hosting France maziarz@microsoft.com 01 57 75 30 41 Raja Hessi: Hosting Sales Specialist rajah@microsoft.com 01 57 75 34 91 Eric Vallet: Hosting Sales Specialist evallet@microsoft.com 01 57 75 29 66 Nicolas Peix-Lavallée: PAM Hosting nicop@microsoft.com 01 57 75 31 57 Ronan Le Guen: Avant Vente Hosting rleguen@microsoft.com 01 57 75 30 06 Valérie Frelat: Responsable Licensing Splars v-valfre@microsoft.com 01 55 75 44 39 Valérie Rossi: Chef de Marché Telecoms: valro@microsoft.com 01 57 75 26 34 Microsoft confidential |

Votre avis nous intéresse Remplissez le Formulaire d’evaluation … Et Vous recevrez UN TEE-SHIRT en cadeau Et par tirage au sort une camera HD Microsoft confidential |

Les liens http://www.microsoft.com/hosting http://www.asp.net Windows Hosting Platform http://www.microsoft.com/hosting http://www.asp.net http://www.iis.net A propos du SPLA A propos de Software-plus-Services https://partner.microsoft.com/US/program/pmcommsector Update this slide with the follwing: In summary; The MS vision and how we see the 3 screens and a cloud Partner hosted vs Microsoft hosted How Partners can leverage the microsoft hosted services Licensing programs that define the commericial terms underlying

Le cloud-computing pèse aujourd’hui près de 2,3 milliards d’euros… une goutte d’eau dans le marché hexagonal de l’IT estimé à plus de 49 milliards d’euros, selon une étude du cabinet Forrester parue en août dernier. Avec la crise économique (62% des entreprises interrogées accusent un budget en baisse), la tendance à l’hébergement externalisé devrait s’accélérer. « C’est même l’opportunité de réduire les coûts, tout en accroissant l’efficacité des systèmes d’information », Microsoft confidential |

Engagement de Microsoft vers le marché Hosting Solutions Hosting Hosting Deployment Accelerator (Dynamic Data Center toolkit…) Microsoft Solution for Hosted Messaging and Collaboration (HMC) Microsoft Solution for Hosted CRM Extentions de nos solutions via l’écosystème d’integrateurs et éditeurs de solutions complémentaires Support commercial et Marketing Equipe commercial et technique dédiée au Hosting chez Microsoft France Programme de partenaires « Microsoft Network Program » - Compétence Hosting Solutions Mode de licence adapté à travers le SPLA (Services Provider Licensing Agreement ) et soutien par les revendeurs SPLA (ETC, HP, Insight) Outils marketing « Microsoft Communication Services » Programmes Spark (WebsiteSpark, BizSpark…) le centre « Software + Services Incubation Centers » par YouSAAS en France les sessions Business Development Session (BDS) Technical Enablement ASP.NET Hosting Windows Hosting Forums les sessions ADS (Architectural Design Session) - mise en place de POC (Proof of Concept) Microsoft confidential |

note +34% de croissance agreement en un an pour être autour de 200 à ce jour Row Labels June, 2009 France 190 Germany 411 UK 667 Netherlands 534 Norway 170 Voilà reportings agreements potential Microsoft confidential |

liens http://www.itrmanager.com/articles/97535/pdc-2009-premiere-journee-br-azure-microsoft-espere-attirer-entreprises-son-nuage.html?key=160a95482f18d6f3 http://www.itrmanager.com/articles/97429/logiciel-mode-saas-poursuit-progression-rapide.html?key=160a95482f18d6f3 Microsoft confidential |

Retombée Markess Voici une liste des retombées presse que nous avons pu identifier à ce jour et associées à notre projet "Hébergement : Opportunités avec la Virtualisation & le Cloud Computing". Cette liste n'est bien entendu pas exhaustive : Comment ça marche - Cloud : ceux qui l’aiment prendront le train Toolinux - Approches d’hébergement avec le cloud computing et la virtualisation Communiqués de presse Informatique - L’étude Approches d’hébergement avec le cloud computing et la virtualisation Journal du Net - Cloud computing : un marché français de 1,5 milliard d'euros en 2009 Category.net - L’étude Approches d’hébergement avec le cloud computing et la virtualisation Indexel - Le cloud computing promis à un bel avenir ITR Manager - Etudes Markess & Avanade : L’évolution du cloud computing accélère le pas Blog - Choisir sa solution de gestion de la paie et des RH - L'état du marché français du cloud computing selon Markess Comment ça marche - La virtualisation et le Cloud bouleversent le monde d’hébergement Silicon .fr - L'hébergement, un marché porteur poussé par la virtualisation et le cloud computing Ditributique - Markess évalue la place du cloud computing sur le marché français Le Monde Informatique - Markess évalue l'état du marché français du cloud computing CIO Online - Etude Markess : l'hébergement bousculé par le cloud et la virtualisation Global Security Mag - Cloud computing & virtualisation : nouvelle donne sur le marché de l’hébergement La Lettre du SaaS et des ASP - Analyses & Tendances : L'hébérgement avec le Cloud Computing et la Virtualisation Publinews - Cloud computing & virtualisation : nouvelle donne sur le marché de l'hébergement Pour connaître l'ensemble de nos retombées presse : http://www.markess.fr/pressbook.php Restant à votre disposition, Microsoft confidential |

Combining Private and Public Cloud for Customers Managed Hosting Offer integrated management of solutions across your private cloud and Azure Provide managed services on top of your own private cloud Application Hosting Integrate with Azure-hosted services and solutions that extend your platform Offer shared and virtual application platforms Power of choice for the partners In addition hosters get the benefit of being able to mix and match where a particular workload is run. In some cases it may be best run in a public cloud, in other cases in a private cloud. Microsoft makes it easy for managed hosters to combine public and private cloud services into a seamless business experience for customers, because Azure is being deployed with a partner-centric pricing and channel model in mind from the get-go. Mass Market Hosting Offer access to shared and dedicated services through your control panel Integrate your control panel with Windows Azure and resell access to Azure-hosted applications

Les objectifs de cette journée Quelle est la proposition de valeur de Microsoft pour S+S/Hosting et les éditeurs de logiciels Comment les Solutions de Hosting Microsoft vont augmenter vos opportunités business Le mode de licensing hébergé SPLA Comment être Partenaire Microsoft Today, you will learn aboulowing: Des sessions spécifiques pour les éditeurs de logiciel du monde SaaS Des stands Mobilité, partenaires et revendeurs … Microsoft confidential |

Microsoft Exchange 2010 Hosting Roadmap Talal Al Qinawy Industry Director– Communications Sector

Agenda Presentation Audience- Presentation Objective - Outline how Microsoft is going to enable and support Hosting with Exchange 2010 servers HMC High-Level Migration Roadmap HMC support Presentation Audience- Microsoft Internal Presented to Service providers Under NDA

Accompagner la croissance du marché Notre engagement vis à vis des partenaires hébergeurs Exchange Evolution de l’offre mutualisée : de HMC vers le support natif dans Exchange 2010 Hosting Deployment Accelerator (HDA) Ecosystème autour des partenaires (ISV, SSII, fournisseurs en marque blanche) Intégrer MS Online Aujourd’hui avec le modèle Advisor (MOSPA) Syndication possible mais avec un nombre de partenaires limités au niveau mondial (capacité d’engagement de volume ~100k)

Hosting 2010 en environnement Hosting (mutualisé) Exchange 2010 Server sera nativement en mode mutualisé Inclut des fondations de Provisioning et des outils de délégation Portal/Control Panel/ Dashboard etc Portal/Control Panel/ Dashboard etc HMC /MPS Exchange 2007 Exchange 2010 Hosting Deployment Accelerators: Guide d’architecture, recommandations de provisioning et orchestration ainsi que les meilleurs pratiques de déploiement en mode hosting Less complex deployment Products are multi-tenant natively Most commands are multi-tenant aware Wider set of supported features and scenarios for hosted deployments Scale testing by product engineering team. Complété par les solutions ISV, SSII, ou hébergeurs en marque blanche: Control panel Orchestration multi-services, workflow Intégration avec les produits MS et non-MS Planning et assistance de déploiement et migration

Bénéfices de la version Hosted Exchange 2010 +50% de réduction en coûts de Stockage Offer New/improved features that were only supported for On-prem deployments (e.g. Transport Rules, Archiving, RBAC) Simplifie la haute-disponibilité à travers DAG (DB level failover) Déplacement à chaud des Boîtes aux lettres Backup-less org, with new enhancements in E14 storage and availability. If Backup is required, you can backup from any copy of the DB Optimisé pour les Boîtes aux lettres +10Go Service Provider Conversation View Faster more responsive to end users Faster Search Voice Mail preview Mail Tips End User

Hosting Future Architecture view Out-of-box Solution by 3rd Party ISV Developed by Service Provider Control Panel UI User Admin Service Admin Reseller Admin Service Logic Workflow Service Plans Resource Management Billing/Reporting User Profile Provisioning Native Multi-tenant Products Service provisioning APIs Service configuration APIs

Hosting Deployment Accelerator (HDA) Le “Hosting Deployment Accelerator” regroupe en un seul endroit un Guide d’hébergement qui inclut de la documentation, guide de licences et outils pour Créer: Planifier, Déployer et Gérer la plateforme d’hébergement Vendre: Positionnement, outils Marketing et vente Plannifier Architecture Déploiement Gestion Rester à jour Contenu avant-vente technique Outils de projet de planification Architecture de référence Sizing & Guide de montée en charge Provisioning Meilleurs pratiques de déploiement Installation et Configuration Migration Securité Gestion de Système Configuration Monitoring & Reporting Haute-Dispo Disaster Recovery Addresser les tendances technologique et demandes spécifiques des clients HDA Contenu Marketing Vente Licensing Positionnement Démos Sites Web d’exemple Etudes de cas Kit de vente Guide de formation Guide de télévente Scénarios de Licence Livres blancs & Présentations

Hosting Support in Exchange 2010 Exchange Server RTM (on-prem build) Can be used for single-tenant hosted scenarios. (Available on SPLA) No support for multi-tenant Hosting. Control Panel Hosting solutions are not supported by Microsoft. Exchange Online Build Cannot be used for partner hosted scenarios. Dependencies on LiveID Dependencies on MS Online provisioning and billing tools/portal Exchange Server Partner Hosted Build Natively Support Multi-tenant hosted scenarios. Offer New/improved features that were only supported for On-prem deployments (e.g. Transport Rules, Archiving, RBAC) Support for Control Panel Hosting solutions.

Updated Roadmap Exchange 2010 for Hosters Late CY 2010

Migration Planning

Migration Planning Exchange 2007 Exchange 2010 Exchange 2007 Current Migration Activity Future Exchange 2007 Migrate User Mailboxes Exchange 2010 Active Directory Identity & Authentication Migrate User IDs Active Directory Identity & Authentication Hosting Scenario 1 Exchange 2007 3rd Party Control Panel Exchange 2010 Upgrade Control Panel 3rd Party Control Panel HMC /MPS Hosting Scenario 2 Custom Control Panel Option 1: Migrate to 3rd party CP Option 2: Update your control panel: New AD tenant structure Use new Exchange cmdlets 3rd Party Control Panel Or Custom Control Panel HMC /MPS

HMC Migration – Exchange view Exchange 2010 Plan User Identities Active Directory Enable & Configure Multi-tenant logic, orgs MPS Configure with MPS Stored in AD/SQL DB Exchange Server 2010 Configure with PowerShell Stored in AD Service Provisioning & Config Delegation & Roles Exchange Server 2010+RBAC Multi-service orchestration 3rd party or Hoster Solution Service Plans management Resource Management Monitoring , reporting & health HMC+ System Center + SQL reporting + 3rd party solution System Center + Control Panel 3rd party or hoster Deployment documentation HMC documentation Product Documentation + HDA

Migration Assistance Control Panel Vendors System Integrators HDA high level guidance from Microsoft

HMC Support HMC 4.5 will be the last version of the HMC solution line. HMC 4.5 will be supported until June 2013 MPS will remain in SPLA until further notice

Summary Hosted Exchange 2010 Contacts: Roadmap and commitment to hosting business Focus : Grow Exchange 2007 seats Exchange 2010 hosting program Another Update in Q3 FY10 TAP Q3 FY10 Migration and deployment guidance Contacts: