3 semaines jusqu’à une autre vancances! lundimardimercredijeudivendredi Vocab., make a carte de la ville Vocab., talk about giving directions, activity Vocab., talk about shopping in France, Winter in France Père Noel and letter writing activity. Review game for vocab., quiz, talk about final lundimardimercredijeudivendredi Work on final lundimardimercredijeudivendredi Last day of finals practice! Finals Minimum day- fête?
Bonjour! Please take out a piece of papier and cut it in half to share with a neighbor. Please write your nom, prénom, et période Number 1-7
La ville de CAMICATON G- A restaurantH- Hospital I- Post Office J- Grocery Store K- A restaurant L- A store M- MallN- A pharmacy Please answer the following: What is the French translation for places : 1.H 2.J 3.L 4.M Using prepositions to describe the location of: 5. The Post Office to the Grocery store? (Buildings I and J) 6. The Mall to the Pharmacy? (Buildings M and N) Can you tell me, in French, how to get from: 7. Restaurant G to Restaurant K?
La ville de CAMICATON G- A restaurantH- Hospital I- Post Office J- Grocery Store K- A restaurant L- A store M- MallN- A pharmacy Please answer the following: What is the French translation for places : 1.H- l’hôpital 2.J- épicerie 3.L- magasin 4.M- le grand magasin Using prepositions to describe the location of: 5. Buildings I and J- à gauche de / à côté de 6. Buildings M and N- devant / à côté de Can you tell me, in French, how to get from: 7. Restaurant G to Restaurant K? Allez tout droite Ave. de Meow, tournez à gauche Ave. de Pur. K est au coin de Rue de Souris et Rue de Pur Allez tout droite sur Rue de Fluff, tournez à droite sur Rue de Souris. K est au coin de Rue de Souris et Rue de Pur
Autour la ville – Around the town
La ville- the town La cité- the city
Le trottoir- the sidewalk La rue- the street
Une autoroute- a freeway
Le lampadaire- The street light La plaque de la rue- The street sign
Un édifice- a building
Un hôtel / l’hôtel – a hotel
Le parc- the park
Le restaurant Le café
Le magasin- the store Le grand-magasin- the mall
Un hôtel de ville – a city hall Le palais de justice- the court house
Le commissariat- the police station la prison -the prison
Les pompiers - the fire department une bouche d’incendie - a fire hydrant
Un hôpital- the hospital La pharmacie - the pharmacy
Une épicerie- a grocery store La boulangerie- the bakery
Le bureau de poste- the post office
La station essence- The gas station Le garage / Le mécanicien- The mechanic’s garage
Le voisinage -the neighborhood La maison - the home
Chauffe-tête In your cahier, write down what your favorite places are as a complete sentence. Be prepared to share! 1.Mon magasin favori est ________. 2.Mon épicerie favori est ________. 3.Mon restaurant favori est ________.
La ville de ______ Imaginez that you could create your own cité…what would be it’s nom? What about for les rues? What kinds of magasins and édifices would there be? Aujourd’hui, you get to create your own cité! We will be making les cartes, complete with labels, of your own ideal ville. We will be using these for an activity tomorrow as well so let’s work soigneusement!
Les règles: 1.You must draw neatly and label the buildings in French. Please include as much of the vocabulary as possible! 2.You need to use a ruler to create at least 5 streets and 1 freeway. Name them and label them. 3.Be creative! You can model Azusa or any exisiting city if you’d like, and you can also use real names of businesses so long as you label what the business is in French.
La ville de CAMICATON A- École B- Hôtel de Ville C- Commissariat / prison D- La banc E- parc F- un café Starbucks G- un restaurant H- Hôpital I- Bureau de poste J- Épicerie K- Pharmacie L- magasin M- grand magasin N- restaurant O- Starbucks P- Hôtel Q- pompiers R- station essence et garage
Bonjour! Please take out your Autour la Ville vocabulary cards. Partner up and practice quizing each other! Have your personal Carte de la ville out on your desk for me to see. 5 minutes.
Cette Semaine lundimardimercredijeudivendredi Vocab., make a carte de la ville Vocab., talk about giving directions, activity Vocab., talk about shopping in France, Winter in France Père Noel and letter writing activity. Review game for vocab., quiz, talk about final
Les prepositions et les directions
Les directions pour conduire When you give someone directions on how to drive to a specific location, there are a few words you would use: Turn to the ____: Tournez à ___ Go straight ahead: Allez tout droite At the corner of: Au coin de Of course, use street names or prepositions in relation to other buildings to help guide people.
Practice! PICK A BUILDING- ANY BUILDING- ON YOUR MAP! Using your carte de la ville and the list of prepositions tell me what buildings correspond with the following questions: 1.Quel édifice est à côté de l’édifice tu as choisi? 2.Quel édifice est à gauche de l’édifice tu as choisi? 3.Quel édifice est devant l’édifice tu as choisi? 4.Quel édifice est derrière l’édifice tu as choisi?
La ville de CAMICATON A- École B- Hôtel de Ville C- Commissariat / prison D- La banc E- parc F- un café Starbucks G- un restaurant H- Hôpital I- Bureau de poste J- Épicerie K- Pharmacie L- magasin M- grand magasin N- restaurant O- Starbucks P- Hôtel Q- pompiers R- station essence et garage
Pick a partner! With a partner, ask each other the following and write down the directions on how to get there from the autoroute: 1.Où est l’école? 2.Où est l’épicerie? 3.Où est le bureau de poste? 4.Où est les pompiers?
New partner! With a partner, ask each other the following and write down the directions on how to get there from the voisinage: 1.Où est la station essence? 2.Où est pharmacie/hôpital? 3.Où est le grand magasin? 4.Où est le restaurant?